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Posts posted by Ichibu

  1. so i was thinking... it could be a lot of fun to make a mod, where skyrim is just completely insane and without reason, with the only limit our imaginations

    envision it... a place where things explode into the sky for no reason... where chairs sit on people... where giant bunnies are out for blood... where town guards are tyrannical lunatics and bandits are actually laughing purple bears.. and so on until its too insane for the hatter himself!

    i dont expect anyone will be interested but if u are, pm or reply :)

  2. shameless self advertising:



    but seriously, nothing else really lets you tweak that many game settings as much as you want.

    i also want to be a little shameless. i just have this 1 mod i expected many more users

    Shortcuts - secret entrances for all cities, so needed for criminals imo. as users have said, this is one those mods that brings the game up to par, like it shouldve been there already :)

    (also fixes riftens unused gate, adds highdive outside solitude and makes use of markarth stream tunnel)


    now then

    Bigger Trees - just fills the game out so well.bored of knowing the map back to front? now u can get lost again sometimes

    Pure Waters - the best water mod in my opinion

    City Forests - towns go from boring, empty vaccous spaces to lovely natural settlements

    UFO - brings follower system up to par

    dD enhanced blood and ragdolls (reduced version) - 2 excellent mods, again, bringing game up how it should be

    L.I.A.T - make taverns how they should have been

    Populated cities - same deal

    Craftable arrows - same deal, necessary as anything

    No Sneak Attack sound - youre 10ft away, how did u not hear that "silent" kill?

    Nord Needs - unintrusive needs mod

    Eagle Eye 3x - my own yes, but necessary as all others, if u play archer with FOV over ~80 as i do :)

    Open face guard helmets - they have faces, why waste em


    thats all for me really, not remembering tex mods


    yes, ive seen this text before. but the people ive seen kicked, were asking nicely, and sometimes i was even helping them when they ask one too many questions and bam, kicked

    dont worry about it, theres no next time for me anyway))


    Arh the guy who was arguing with EVERY rule from language to spamming, moaning about pirates getting kicked, annoying lots of regulars with creepy stuff then ends it with this little gem which resulted in your chat ban after a few kicks and warnings that you ignored:



    ah screw it, this place is run by epic nazis,

    you mean like "kicked for annoying me"?

    and considering how many rules there apparently are, im quite sure i didnt find the time to argue with EVERY rule. as it happens i remember saying that this is not my website and rules are rules.... i only recall commenting that its strange i get kicked for talking about my mod that is hosted here on this same website.

    hardly surprising u twist truth to make ur point.. and if u didnt figure it out, i was very much expecting a ban. i dont want to return. you are a terrible, terrible moderator, it stuns me that u have this authority to begin with.


    but ive said my piece on this. and the chat numbers speak volumes. always 20/~1,000,000, lol



    I got banned from the chatroom because I sweared and then tried to make a point that people could just act more friendly there instead of kicking otherwise well-behaving users off.


    Makes me really sad to try and be part of a community that I feel could be very interesting and then just getting beaten down for no other reason than: "I said so! Stop talking! Stop talking! Stop talking! Cos I said so! Shut up! You're BANNED!"





    im afraid i have to concur with this. the few times ive hovered in the chatroom, i saw so many people kicked for the silliest reasons. asking for "too much" help is the one that really bothered me.

    and then they like to kick people they just dont like. maybe its a way to keep the thousands of users from using the chat and clogging it. i dunno

    whatever anyway, still great website, just dont use the chat if u dont like all the rules and dissolute moderation i guess. tis a little sad though given the good spirit of the rest of the site



    Maybe next time your in the chat, you should read this



    Note: this is not a support chat. This is a general chat about anything and everything (within the rules) that our members want to talk about. If you ask troubleshooting questions here don't expect (or demand) an answer. Ask nicely and someone might answer you (if they know the answer) but don't expect an answer and don't continually repeat your question.


    Your question would be better asked on the forums.


    yes, ive seen this text before. but the people ive seen kicked, were asking nicely, and sometimes i was even helping them when they ask one too many questions and bam, kicked

    dont worry about it, theres no next time for me anyway))

  5. I got banned from the chatroom because I sweared and then tried to make a point that people could just act more friendly there instead of kicking otherwise well-behaving users off.


    Makes me really sad to try and be part of a community that I feel could be very interesting and then just getting beaten down for no other reason than: "I said so! Stop talking! Stop talking! Stop talking! Cos I said so! Shut up! You're BANNED!"





    im afraid i have to concur with this. the few times ive hovered in the chatroom, i saw so many people kicked for the silliest reasons. asking for "too much" help is the one that really bothered me.

    and then they like to kick people they just dont like. maybe its a way to keep the thousands of users from using the chat and clogging it. i dunno

    whatever anyway, still great website, just dont use the chat if u dont like all the rules and dissolute moderation i guess. tis a little sad though given the good spirit of the rest of the site


    wow... really? staff dont care that their servers are still infected? or is this not the real thread about this? :s

    ?? i'm not sure if i understood well

    it's a thread among 10 000 other's, curing a network isn't easy as a PC don't you think?





    Sounds like some people in here need an attitude change.


    Dustin - Seriously? You're being a dick.


    Ichibu - Come on man, think before you speak, of course the staff care, they pay for the damn things to let YOU and the rest of us enjoy the site. They're not getting paid to sit on their asses. This affects ALL of us. It's not a simple problem that can be resolved with your wishful thinking. So just knowledge up and be patient.




    only surprised that none had commented. someone said it was solved few days ago, but i found it wasnt, thought a mod might appear "we know its still happening and are working on it" etc

    but the man himself has come now and it seems my suspicions were justified; this isnt the place to discuss it


    what will happen if i shutdown my cpu and start it again, will the fake fbi show up? I just hope it wont! Cuz right now im using my avg to scan my whole cpu and remove that trojan


    Depends on the virus... Some of them are easy to remove some are very hard, to the point where you will need to do a system restore, which means that everything on your PC will have to go. Its like getting a new PC, nothing is on it but the windows operating system...


    Most of the time, viruses are made to spread, that means if you have a virus it will go to other areas of your PC and infect files. Some if not all are made to collect personal information like your passwords, emails, anything really, even your credit cards. Shutting down your PC will not help, in some cases it might never load to the desktop, in all cases the virus will always be there.


    I'm not sure why you are so worried about your game saves, I would be worried about my personal information... Doing a system restore is the best way to remove a virus, sometimes even that might not help because some virus can stay on the hard drive even after reformatting it.



    I'm not sure if you understand what "CPU" stands for, but thats not what your scaning... CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, its also not the part that gets infected by a virus. The part that gets infected by a virus is your hard drive "HDD".


    noo. system restore is not that at all, perhaps you mean format, or windows recovery or something. system restore simply restores a backup of particular files from an earlier date, in the hopes that it replaces newly infected files with old clean ones. helps more often than i expect actually.

    also i have serious doubts that all viruses are made to collect personal information. sounds like u learn to much from newspapers :P


    oh and i got a prompt for nexusmods.exe today btw, didnt replicate the next 3 times but i did forget which server also

  8. In response to post #7635205. #7636326, #7636511, #7637460, #7637758, #7638512, #7638569, #7639971, #7645295 are all replies on the same post.

    im sure, and someone said ^, u cant upload .exe already, only compressed
    and an extra confirmation button, is a freaking terrible idea lol
    as if there isnt enough to click to get to the download of something
    now u can cumulatively waste thousands of hours of peoples time, only to lessen, not even evade completely, the possibility, of a small malware incident like this...

    no wonder world is how it is, every insignificant security breach and everyones asking for heavier restrictions and less freedom.

    save the world, have some sense
  9. Would seem to be a matter of going through all the game's imagespace and imagespace modifiers and killing off the blur and/or bloom settings. Don't have dawnguard and not very interested in a mod like this in the first place, but just FYI in case you yourself or anyone is willing to attempt this. It's not hard to do, just tedious and it will take a while to go through every single IS system in the game.



    easier to do with ENB i think

  10. this was one my first mod ideas :)

    someone probably can port entire mechanics from fallout


    if anyone ever does this hit me up i have great ideas and other help, i just cant do the porting mechanics bit (dont hav fallout anymore for 1 thing)

  11. What you see when you look at LOD is not a texture. It's just a colour that's put there when LOD is generated, so that it closely matches the colours of the landscape textures of that particular area.


    thx! but damn, i was hoping it isnt something like that

    any idea how to get to it? ive changed all the landscape textures of those areas, can i re-generate them or anything? maybe change the type in CK? (markarths distance land looks fine)

  12. hello shield brothers :D lol im working a long time to make the whole game sunny, warm, fresh and alive and lately i got it all perfect except ONE damned thing!

    the distance terrain textures around whiterun - use fov 10 and look past where grass and trees etc stop loading - theyre grey and yellowy-orangey colourrs


    ANYONE know what that/those texture is called?? please!

    ive searched all through CK and BSA files for every keyword i could think - wr, terrain, land, lod, ground, landscape, grass, dirt, rocks, etc etc

    cant find it anywhere!!!!


    very appreciated if anyone has any idea how to get to it! a special thanks in my mod for any person who can help me here :)

  13. I concur with pretty much every other poster in this thread, the auto-scan needs to go. There's no reason whatsoever for the NMM to start digging through my harddrives looking for games I may or may not have without asking me first. I also agree with the previous poster that it is not at all clear which button does what, and that it isn't even clear what is a button in the interface and what isn't. When I first encountered this abomination of a feature I managed to stop the scanning processes, but didn't realise I had to confirm the findings before I'd be able to click "ok", making me think I actually had to let the entire scan finish, including external harddrives and the system partition. Suffice to say I was pissed off.


    Just have the program ask us nicely where the games are located and offer the option of scanning for them. Maybe even let us tell it on which partition to look for the games. As it is currently implemented it should have been rejected before any code was written.


    i dont even use NMM, but i agree :D

    xfire autoscans my system every god damn time it runs, does my head in. thats why u wont ever find me actually online in xfire :wallbash:

  14. man when i read about M&B i thought: OMG, finally an game with proper, intuitive swordplay controls and horseback fighting etc etc


    then i saw the graphics and i was like DX

    wish they'd bring out a newer one with half decent visuals but for now assassins creed 3 is so much better :p

  15. hi,


    so i made a perfect DOF imagespace modifier, i tryed to apply it to 1stPcam, but it doesnt work

    anyone have a simple way for me to (creation kit) force my DOF imod constantly for all cells/imagespace/weather/etc?



    im the author of Real Spiders mod and i promised i will make a pack when CK is out, but i dont have a clue how . i could add the NPCs i think but i wouldnt know how to make them appear ingame, except going around placing everywhere? but my CK doesnt run so good....

    *i should add, i will make a ton of different spider textures for the pack

    so it will add like 10 type of spiders or something, but it can be better still :D details come later


    my msn [email protected] please add me if u can help, or post here, or PM me :)


    btw i also have a bunch of other mod ideas i can probably never do myself, if any experienced modder needs some ideas :P



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