Whenever I try to download a mod manually, I am unable to go any farther than finishing the download because the next thing my computer is demanding is that I connect my scanner or camera. What in bloody hell is going on? It does this every single time. I set my destination to the download folder or the desktop folder, as directed. The mod finishes downloading, it does a security scan, and all is well and good until the next thing that happens. it brings up a window related to scanners and cameras. I have a feeling it isn't supposed to do this. What has gone wrong? How do I download manually with this problem? Where has the download gone on my computer (it isn't in the desktop or download folders, and it vanishes from the internet download window)? Just... what do I do? I'm no technical expert, and this is why I only download mods with an NMM installer. Yeah.. I'm missing out on a lot of good stuff because of this nonsense. For anyone who needs to know, my computer is Windows 10 and I'm using 7-Zip. The mod I'm trying to download is Interesting NPCs by Kris Takahashi. Any help is extremely appreciated. Much obliged.