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  1. I have Amazing Follower Tweaks. I used to use UCF but I had an issue with it and switched to AFT. It doesn't look like they have a teleport option.
  2. I'm doing a survival run and when I come across legendary mirelurk kings (or anything super tough that will one hit kill me)...I run the other way screaming. Nick and Dogmeat don't. They stay and battle it out...getting knocked down and waiting for me to heal them. Time runs out or I get to far away from them and they run back home...which is super freaking annoying since there's no fast travel :/ I'm looking for a mod that fixes this. I don't want them teleporting home. I want them teleporting to me or to stay where they fell, waiting for me.
  3. Really stupid question but...I can't find it. I know where the "dirty" fridge texture is but not the clean one. Anyone know how/where to find it?
  4. I don't know if this has to do with mods or not but since I have mods installed I'll just assume mods are messing up. So I'm doing Nick's personal quest and I collected all the Winter tapes, now I have to talk to Nick. But every time I try to talk to him, no menus show up and he walks away. I hit e on him and get the main dialog menu (talk, trade, etc.) but when I hit talk...nothing happens. I have Mute Player Voice and Full Dialog Interface installed. The other mods installed are just for performance (anti lag, cleaning up clutter, texture packs). I have other issues as well that don't relate to Nick, but I don't want to make multiple topic posts. - The radio (Diamond City) DJ often cuts into a song and starts talking? - Dialog can cut off when talking to NPCs (their dialog, not mine) - Lock picking happens super fast. Like when you want to turn the lock to test it, it's super sped up...this isn't normal.
  5. Well done on the dialog...some of it is a little choppy but not horrible. I've heard much MUCH worse.
  6. I just worked my way through this fun quest and was a little disappointed at the end. (spoiler) Not only does the radio show stop but you can't do anything else while being the SS. I guess I expected continuing quests ala Minutemen quests. Kent could broadcast that a group of raiders were causing trouble in such and such and you'd have to go kill them as the SS. Or an assassin killed an innocent and now you have to track them down...that sort of thing. If nothing else I wanted the radio show to keep going. I don't get why Kent would just stop broadcasting after you finish the quests. So my request is keeping the radio show on, and possibly more quests for the SS.
  7. I thought I'd add my two cents since I'm currently doing his quest. TBH some of the dialog is all ready in the game...someone said something about his old antiques line, and just a while ago I hacked a computer and heard him say his line "Is there any machine you can't charm?". I'm sure there's more dialog hidden around in his files...we just need to wait till the GECK comes. Now on the topic of SHOULD he be romanced. Yes, and not just because I like him. Everyone should be free to love anyone they want...I see nothing wrong with this, it's the same as same sex couples. Which interestingly enough is what my character and Nick will be...if you consider him human, which I do. He might look robotic but his brain is an exact copy of the human Nick Valentine. That's human in my book. Anyways...this isn't the first time that robots/android/synths have gotten together in the Fallout universe. Anyone remember Fisto from F:NV? Yeah it's not really the same...but you still can have sex with him. It's a form of relationship. I think Bethesda made a mistake by not letting you have a romance with Nick, he's the best character! Back on the dialog issue...there are programs out there if you feed it sound bites of a person talking, it will mimic their voice and let you say anything you want. Something to think about.
  8. I figured it out on my own when I realized ED-E was using the companion wheel. Something messed Arcade up so I fired him (first time ever doing that haha...) and rehired him and it fixed it's self... I have a feeling it was one of my sex mods because after I had...fun with him, he started having problems. So...yeah go figure!
  9. I honestly don't know what to try...which is why I'm posting here. FalloutNV DeadMoney HonestHearts OldWorldBlues LonesomeRoad GunRunnersArsenal TribalPack ClassicPack MercenaryPack CaravanPack wsex Project Nevada - Core Project Nevada - Cyberware Project Nevada - Rebalance Project Nevada - Extra Options Project Nevada - Equipment NevadaSkies Electro-City - CompletedWorkorders Electro-City - Highways and byways NosCo Companion System AMC NCCS Companion Wheel Sexout SexoutCommonResources SexoutSlavery SexoutTryout SexoutWorkingGirl Vurt's WFO EVE FNV - ALL DLC Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete Project Nevada - All DLC FNV Realistic Wastland Lighting - Full NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition Fellout Fellout-OWB Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition Plus MMUE-CP-PNALLDLC MMUE POP MMUE-CP-Electrocity CASM The Mod Configuration Menu SexoutSpunk SexoutSex SexoutSexAssault Sexout-Amra SexoutPosNew st wsexInnuendoAnims wsexInnuendoNPCs BodyMorph Art of Seduction Enclave Flight Jacket bzBodySuits JustAnArmorPack_NV LeatherBackpack arcadeGearCoat Holster Gear VegasChokers 1Earrings WastelandNecklaceCollection Neckchains SmallerTalk 31 New Food Items LightweightSanitizer UnlimitedCompanions betsybrahmin dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV Sergiopreset pipboy2500_edisleado CONELRAD 640-1240 pipboyx2 Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised change appearance 2 Animated Eating and drinking FalloutNVCheatTerminal MiscItemsIconsNV FCO - GlowingOne KillableKids avangraffscorned Alternative Start Four Traits v1 NV_STTraitsandPerks - NVSE Old Mormon Fort Map Marker No more Ravens BushesRemoved GrassRemoded TumbleweedsRemoved North Vegas Townhouse 1nivVSLArmors 1nivPNSLPatch bzArmour
  10. I put this in here because I assume one of my mods is f*#@ing with him somehow. So I talked to him to bring up the wheel, asked him to wait, came back after I did my thing, told him to follow and then he started...doing weird stuff. When I talk to him it goes straight to dialog options, the wheel is gone. When I ask to see his inventory he says sure, but the trade window never pops up...it just stays on his dialog options. I was doing the quest come fly with me when we go to see the rockets launch. As soon as we step into the launch room his normal clothing is gone and he's now wearing a space suit and space helmet. Even when I leave that room he still has the suit and helmet on. And even before all of this happened he would never sneak. When I went into sneak he'd just stand there like a dumb dumb. So...any idea what's going on?
  11. Well I was using Spice of Life but it was giving me other texture issues so I'm using the player only patch now... I'm fairly sure the armor he's wearing is vanilla, but it's using an HD retexture... And I don't use roberts because I dislike the way they look. Edit: Just went into the game and killed him to see what armor he had...it was the vanilla Wasteland Wanderer Outfit and I stripped him of it and well...check the screen shot.
  12. I was walking through Westside and noticed this. I'm using Breeze's body textures. I've heard this happens when you have a mod that add's characters and it's not a ESM...I have one, it's a custom companion I made...but it has nothing to do with Westside at all so...what the hell? How do I fix this? I haven't seen anyone else walking around with a texture bug like this but I haven't been looking for them.
  13. Looking for a mod that adds the need to eat/drink/sleep but without the hardcore turned on. Basically IMPs needs but a lighter version? I don't need to mess around with calories and junk like that...just drink when my water levels are down and eat when my hunger is down...so on and so forth.
  14. Well the hand fix installed some textures for hands so I took them out...and I took out the female hands that happened to be in the male folder, nothing changed so I put the female hands back in. I'm using zero mods that would edit races...at least I'm fairly sure I'm not...I don't really have that type of mod installed...just textures, armors, buildings and weapons... There's only a few possible mods that might do it...I use an NPC preset, and a mod that has a wearable wedding ring...which uses a hand mesh...do you think that might cause it? Edit: NVM about the wedding ring mod, I turned it off and still had the hand issues...and the NPC preset...it just effects the face as far as I can tell...plus I'm using it at the moment so I'm not sure what will happen if I turn it off. So I have no idea what the heck is going on. Edit of edit: Soooooo I have this mod called sexout...it's the problem...for some reason. I uninstalled Breeze's to check if it would vanish (sexout uses breeze's as well so I figured the two were somehow overlapping) it didn't so I uninstalled sexout...the bug vanished but I somehow still have the nude body...now that makes no sense at all since I don't have the mods any longer. idk what to do now...I want to use sexout...but it's messing with the textures for some odd reason...I posted on that mod's website thingy for help...but I'm wondering if anyone else here using that mod has this same issue and fixed it.
  15. I've had this issue a lot but 1. I forget how to solve it or 2. No one helps me. So here I am again asking for help. The textures on my players hands and npc's hands are messed up. Purple/black/gray spots...sometimes green... I've followed the directions carefully. I install it using NV FOMM not NMM, use the package manager, pick what I want...blah blah...install them, close the manager, then toggle AI off and then on. Nothing works. I've done this 3 times now. I installed the fix which isn't a fix...it's only if you uninstall the mod...which I'm not...but I installed it just to be safe. Didn't make a difference. I tried installing it via NMM just in case...that didn't work. So I'm stuck....what do I do now.
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