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Posts posted by Highlord90

  1. I created this script using a tutorial I found online-


    scriptname MyFirstSpellScript
    short updateCount
    Begin ScriptEffectStart
    Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
    set updateCount to updateCount + 1
    Begin ScriptEffectFinish
    Message "Spell is finished. ScriptEffectUpdate was run %.Of times," updateCount
    And put in with a shield spell that had-


    30 seconds long

    300 shield points


    but when I tried to use it with player.addspell and keyed in the ID it wouldn't work. It was basically the same message I got from keying a random ID that didn't exist so why wont it recognize my spell?


    I'm currently working on mod that requires holy magic so I wanted to make the fireball/damage health spells look like I was casting an alteration spell like shield just for immersions sake. If anyone can at least tell me how to do that then that would be great but I'd like to know why it wouldn't accept this (apparently) basic script.

  2. EDIT: I solved this myself, turns out the CT-Backpacks mod just confused the Bow. The mod creates a backpack attached to the quiver which works fine with the bound bow but you can also buy a version that is just the backpack which still fills the quiver slot so using just the backpack and a bound (or any I think?) bow can glitch it out as the game reaches for an arrow that simply isn't there so it brain farts and crashes.


    I found a scroll that summons a bound bow and thought, meh could be fun, so i summoned it and was halfway through knocking an arrow when the game crashed so I went on and summoned it again, same thing happened at the same time.


    It always happens when I try to fire an arrow. I had a mod I made myself active at the time but deactivating it still gave me the same result and my other mod is simply just an Enchanting Table in Mystic Emporium so it can't be that.


    It's an annoying bug, anyone able to help?


    (At least my mod isn't glitched, phew)

  3. I'm trying to make a class mod but I won't go into too much detail for the moment. All I want to know is if you can set spells to a Specific class instead of any class with Conjuration always getting a Summon Skeleton spell.


    Say, off the top of my head, one class gets a Scamp but another will get a Fire Atronach?


    That kind of thing?


    If it's unclear to you what I mean let me know, thanks in advance.

  4. might be spouting pure plagurism here as I doubt it's an original idea but I'm working on a class overhaul based on WoW classes. I'm taking my time with it too and have big plans for the idea such as new spells to make Druids and shaman work. I won't promise this will be amazing but I'm going to try.

  5. Try the All Natural Weather OMOD you can choose to make nights 50% or 80% darker and believe at 80% you wont be complaining. It urges you to get a torch




    HOT DAMN I just realized I was on the Skyrim Forum *slides back to Oblivion* aaaah sweet comfort....

  6. For some reason my skills are leveling up in the most weird fashion. When I killed something with my hammer, my security went up. Walking around, my Heavy Armour went up and when I wasn't blocking with a shield or weapon but got hit my block skill went up. I use Cyrodiil Upgrade Overhaul which does affect the leveling, or so I've heard.


    Here are a few things that might also be affecting this problem.


    Realistic Fatigue

    Basic Primary Needs

    Basic Hygiene

    HUD Status Bars


    Someone please respond, this is getting irritating.

  7. You could try compressing the file with something like WinZIP or 7Zip and split the archive (though I must admit I've never attempted something like that myself before). You would still need more storage capacity in the end though as I doubt that compressing would get the archive to less than 4Gb (so even splitting it would require more sticks). Here in Canada I see at my usual computer store I can get a 16Gb USB3.0 stick for $12.99, and it would leave you room for other stuff. If you split the archive you could burn them onto multiple DVD disks.


    I'll try that idea and compress it, for today I shan't add any mods just in case compressing it messes up the data and I have to start over lol thanks dude

  8. Yes I know I opened yet another topic...


    I recently got this mod that lets me sheath a 2h weapon to my side so it doesn't clip through capes or backpacks and it works but the problem is that the 2H power attacks have been replaced by 1H power attacks. Now I'm no modder but if someone could give me a quick how too on how to do what his mod does while still keeping 2H power attacks I would be very grateful.


    Better yet someone else do it lol

  9. Okay so I've pretty much got all I need for a stable game with additional content thanks to the many wonderful, lore friendly, mods submitted here (enough for now anyway) so now I'm moving onto making the game look better. I did have Better Cities but it was a little laggy in the Imperial City.


    What I want are textures, I have seen many IC texture packs as well as those for the smaller cities but if anyone can tell me the best of the bunch without being too big I would appreciate it.


  10. Any modder worth his salt should back up his Data folder in my opinion but when you've managed to increase your file size to 9.04 gigabytes and still keep it stable and crash free then that Data folder is something worth keeping safe on more than one format and also it's quite big.


    My gem of a Data folder works beautifully and I don't want to lose it so now here is my question, can I burn my Data folder onto a hard copy disk or move it to a USB safely because it's a bulky folder and I may need the space later. I plan on moving it to both a USB and Disk.


    I appreciate the help :)

  11. A suggestion for future modding efforts. I use Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM to manage multiple profiles of the game. Some are for different characters (with different mods) and some are just for testing. When testing I never need to worry about messing up my main character's games. If I want to test a mod on exactly their load list I make a clone of their current game and then test on that. If all is well I can delete the original and carry on from the profile clone ... if not it's a simple matter to switch back to the original and delete the clone.


    I actually keep a backup of my data, I'm going to post in another thread if it can be safely moved to disk or USB so it doesn't take up so much space though.

  12. Yesterday I noticed the hair on every Mer (Elf) Race is floating just a few centimeters above the head. I have the Oblivion Character Overhaul installed but as far as I remember this only happened after I installed Open Cities Reborn and Better Cities so I deleted that data folder and switched to one I saved that had a stable batch of mods installed.


    I've yet to see if it worked but some help would be nice for if the problem persists...needless to say I'm done modding, I've got all I need.


    *I say this because a good bunch of the mods aren't lore friendly, I prefer them lore friendly though*

  13. Yeah, sorry for the confusion. This last remark was 'thrown at Skyrim' for stealing the circlet idea from this old Oblivion mod. It's some sort of personal retaliation of mine, whenever I see this game praised to the heavens for the unique new features, while most of them were just taken from old mods for Oblivion from years ago. Can't help it, sorry about that. :sweat:


    I would never dare linking a Skyrim mod in an Oblivion mod request though. And me too, I'm not using Skyrim, yet, nor do I intend to.


    Whats wrong with Skyrim?

  14. Not sure if Going Rogue would be of any interest to you.



    Here you go


    theres some repeatable quests/bounties there.


    Ah thank you got the replies, I'll check these out when I get back from college and let you know what I think.


    *EDIT* I Read up about Going Rogue and although the idea is good it has some bugs that can impede other quests so I'll pass but thanks.

  15. I'm looking for an Oblivion mod here...


    I know I only posted a topic last night but it got answered so onto the next one and this time I'm looking for quests. In Skyrim you got to play a bounty hunter through asking for work from innkeepers who would give you a bounty letter to kill some nameless bandits and earn some gold.


    Is there a quest mod for Oblivion that does something like this. I'd like the quests to respawn, as in never stop coming, so I can role a bounty hunter and give my character some direction beyond looking for random dungeons to go into as I've done the story before and the factions don't offer much after their endgame. I don't mind how they are given or where they take me so long as I can have some direction without joining a faction or getting too famous, I swear those guards are like fanboys half the time *rolls eyes*


    It sounds simple to me but I'm no modder, if it can't be done then someone let me know so I stop looking xD I'm only around 3-4 days into the modding scene so I need all the help I can get.


    Thank you in advance for any replies

  16. Thanks for the reply but I don't have Skyrim on PC yet. I switched from console gaming so I decided to go for Oblivion which is something I yearned to mod since Iearned about it lol.


    Your advise is very helpful so thank you, if hair clips through a circlet I think that'll be okay since of meant to look like it's going around the head.


    If not I may try my hand at modding and make my own :)

  17. My modding experience is basically moving folders around to make my own custom armor sets out of other peoples work such as warrior women wearing the skirts from this armor replace mod http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/24194//? with normal curraises just to give them a light sex appeal but it's not too skimpy and it still looks realistic. I even combined the above linked mod with this other armor replace mod http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/33086/? to make the cat ladies a bit more realistic for their size and they work well its just a pain to move them about when I wanna switch.


    So yeah not exactly a modder...


    So now I have my legs and torso done nicely and my female character looks sexy but battle ready (depending on which folder I'm using) but there's one thing that gets to me. Those ugly as heck helmets, why bother giving an elf pointy ears when their going to get covered up by a helmet from almost the get go. You could download invisible helmets http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/39404//? which is really great but soemtimes I want a helmet that compliments the outfit and doesn't cover your Ren's Hairstyle or interesting ears and horns and stuff.


    So we finally get to my question:-


    Are there any helmet mods that are basically headbands that go around the head and come in the vanilla varieties like Iron, steel, leather, glass so on so forth that lets me see my characters hair and ears and whatever the heck else I'm dressing it in?


    Any and all answers (cept trolling >:/) are welcome

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