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About ShooterAndy

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  1. Oh hey, I see that my PMs work now. Whoever fixed it, thanks. One PM thread that I was using in the meantime got deleted, but that's not a problem :)
  2. I've even added collision object myself, come on, all I need is a textured box of a specified size.
  3. Okay, so the last time I've asked for help here did nothing... but I'm remaining optimistic. I've dropped the complex scripts and started to build the thing itself. That's where I'm having problems right now. First of all, there are some awesome default statues but for some reason they don't have collision objects attached to them. Secondly, there is no rail models (well, I;ve found one, but it is assymetrical and at the very least I need mirroring it) for ladders and no trims to close the gaps between the first floor and the second floor. Summing up, there's like 5-10 minutes of work for anyone who knows how to edit .nif models properly or a week for me to just learn the basics of it. I will undoubtedly credit you for help.
  4. So uhm, is that it? Nobody on the biggest modder community knows how to do that? And I thought scripting sequences for Half-Life was hard and buggy.
  5. No, it can't be so. I've just tested and saved it in my GECK. Check that you actually have the message by this name and the type of the script (should be object).
  6. Yes! That's because you're a racist! And a communist! That's what Abraham Lincoln said about you. Seriously, guys, that's a temporary minor inconvinience, not an uprise of 1984-esque totalitarian regime.
  7. Well obviously it wouldn't work just if you deleted one blocktype. I've just pointed out why the script didn't saved - it couldn't be compiled. You need to edit it like this: scn ADM9mmPistolScript begin OnEquip Player ShowMessage ADM9mmPistolDesc end and then set this script to your pistol. THis should work.
  8. Uhm, AFAIU you should either write: begin MenuMode OR begin OnEquip Player Those are two different block types and can't be used simultaneously. Then again, I'm a newbie in TESIV/FO3/FNV scripting too, so I could be wrong.
  9. So, I've told before that I'm making my own mod. I hoped I would understand everything all by myself, but I'm in a corner now, so I'm asking for help here. I need to do a very simple thing. I have an actor-NPC and I need him to go to a specific location, play a specific animation repeatedly for a specific amount of time and then set quest variable to 1. Basically, the actor must run to a location, play a repairflr animation for some time and then boom - a tent appears. Now I've got the first part - I've added a special AI package to travel near the place I need him to be, but the second part just isn't working. I've tried setting AI package to 'Use Item At", pointng it to Furniture marker and setting the variable at On Done, tried setting it to SandBox with IdleMarkers only and setting timer On Begin which would lead to the variable changing after some time, but all to no avail. He either plays the animation one time and stops (in first case) or just stops and does nothing (second case). How do I make this work and why is it so damn hard to make something so simple?
  10. Sure, but I mostly ask for that to check sound recording quality. And with limited VAs resource and nearly unlimited capabilities of changing NPCs it's easier to re-write a few lines to make them 'fit' a voice, then to choose a fitting voice from VAs. But anyway, right now I need a cocky male miner/salvager and an old bitter nagger.
  11. Guys, guys, to send you the actual lines of the dialogues I must first hear an audio sample of your voice, so please send it to me.
  12. Well, you can e-mail me. I don't know where is the option to show my email in my profile, so here it is: shooter.andy (at) gmail.com
  13. Nice! Please send a sample too. In fact, if anyone else wants to join - please send samples of your voice too. I'll tell when there wouldn't be a need in voice acting anymore.
  14. Okay, great to see such enthusiasm! Desertback, could you please send me a sample of your voice? Topazanite, thanks! I'll wait for other female applicants, but if nobody else would want to help, I'll PM you.
  15. Hello fellow Nexus-modders, I'm making a mod for NV and I need some voice actors and possibly editors to help me out a bit. You see, English is not my first language and while one character with a strong Russian accent is original and plausible, all of them... not so much. So I need somebody or better yet a few native speakers to voice characters in my mod and possibly edit my lines for them too. If you're wondering what the mod is - pretty basic stuff - big player home with a quest to attain and hopefully sidequests to upgrade it.
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