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  1. So I'm trying to reset perks at the Summit of Apocrypha however, whenever I spend a dragon soul to reset my perk points, the perks reset but I don't get any perk points. I've already used the console to give myself points back however, I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to fix this issue as using the console is immersion breaking. If no one has found a work around, I'll just wait for Bethesda to patch it (if it's even a non-specific save issue.) To be honest, I don't really feel like sifting through scripts to fix the problem unless I have to, so if anyone already has gone looking, any information would be much appreciated.
  2. Ah ha! I figured it out. I wasn't doing anything wrong at all and here I was thinking I didn't know as much about modding as I thought I did. What happened is that somehow the ENB customizer I was using had Aurora Borealis set to 0 intensity. I don't even remember having the ENB customizer still on my computer. Oh well, at any rate, it was overriding the .esm and my .esp settings no matter what I did. All fixed now. Thanks however for letting me know exactly where the Aurora settings are now. Still getting used to the new features compared to the CK.
  3. Uggh.... No matter what I try, I can't seem to get the Auroras to appear. I found that the SkyrimClimate was set to Cloudy with 100 chance so I reduced the cloudy to 10 and added the other weather effects and they all work perfectly however, still no auroras. I made a plugin and changed the SkyrimClimate to only use weather effects that end with _A which are supposed to denominate Auroras and they still don't appear. However, it did start to vary the weather effects which had been missing frankly. The same time the Auroras disappeared were the same times that the overcast night was always the same cloudy. I'm not sure how to get the Auroras to appear now that even setting them to only _A profiles didn't work.
  4. Yes and I also uninstalled them all and then examined the weather dialogue again within the main archive. Edit: Okay, I finally did a work around in the CK to finally get the weather effects tab to appear. However, I'm at a loss once again as how to get the Aurora to appear. Will I have to go through each region one by one and weather data types?
  5. Also, my mods I'm using now are EDWS, Imaginator, ENB .0113, enhanced Sky, SKSE and several others (But the others I'm not mentioning because they cannot effect the sky.) and I'm at version 1.6. I might try reverting to a previous version if no one can figure out a way to return Auroras to my game.
  6. Yep, something is up. I went through the CK and the option for Aurora is absent from every weather dialog. I'm not sure what is going on. I'll continue to try to hash it out but any ideas from anyone would be very welcome. I also turned off all my mods with no success. If I think about it, I haven't seen an Aurora since I installed the beta build 1.6. Any idea how to add them back in? Under the general tab in the weather effects, the aurora option isn't there unlike what is shown in the CK weather page. However, there is an aurora option under effects but I can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone give me some advice how to get the Aurora's occuring again and maybe at a greater chance than it is in vanilla?
  7. So I'm not sure what happened in the last month but I used to get an Aurora Borealis often and yet, I never get them anymore. I had a save that was during an Aurora Borealis and when I loaded it up, the Aurora Borealis isn't there anymore. What I'd like to know is if anyone has found out where the values are that decide when an Aurora Borealis appears and if they know, could you let me know so that I could tweak the rate at which it appears. At the moment, it is impossible to get an Aurora to appear and I don't know if it's got something to do with the current ENB I'm using or what but I'll need to know what script decides when an Aurora Borealis appears so that I can monkey with it.
  8. Round Two of the Franchise Deathmatch has begun and it's pretty close between Starcraft and TES. We need everyone to go vote for TES and Fallout that can. Not only will you get our franchises farther in the competition but you will also be placed into a drawing to win a 3D plasma TV. To vote, just go to here and vote for TES and Fallout. Support Bethesda!
  9. Can anyone refer me to a resource that can teach me how to do modding like that or tell me where in CS I can start messing around with the effects that deal with the player?
  10. Well what I'm looking for is like what was done in the Lichdom and Lycanthropy mod. He used a spell to change the player into a skeleton model. I want to be able to do things like that but make it look like an actual lich even if I have to do my own modelling to make it that way. Just wanting a push in the right direction for that.
  11. I'm new to modding but I have found guides on how to use CS to mod buildings, terrain and npcs but I can't find any guide on how to change your player. I am planning on making a mod to make my player look like a real lich where many of the other mods have failed but I need to find where to change the player. Can anyone point me in the right direction? It would be much appreciated =]
  12. Ok, so I need to just get the tail-less version of Giger and then the warlock mod. Thank you very much for the information :smile:
  13. I found this picture of an awesome armor set and the person that posted to pic said it was Giger Armor. So I looked up the Giger Armor and the one's that I found either had a tail or didn't have spikes on the back. Can anyone tell me where I can find the version in the picture I attached?
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