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  1. I would like to see scars and (realistic) weight gain. Not like fable where a slab of meat turns you into a blimp. Like, if you eat a lot, but instead of using a sword, you use magic, and you fast travel a lot, you'll get fat. With scars though, a sort of elaborate quest to make a potion to get rid of them would be great. It shouldn't be too easy to do (so that if you have a character that doesn't really care, they'll just continue to wear the scars) but it should be doable. (The grand soul gems for vampirism were just a nightmare. The fact they had to be empty drove me insane. I wished I just needed a special artifact from a difficult dungeon... I don't much like scavenger hunts)
  2. Right now I'm using a GeForce 210, which is my only concern, at the moment. I'm pretty sure I could run Skyrim with it, but right now I'm looking for a graphics card that wont be too much money, but will let me get by with a decent experience.
  3. lol, I was just thinking "Wow, puzzles like Portal?!" I get what you mean though, they should probably be more... adventure based? It's hard to explain, I guess just less "solve this puzzle just because" and more like "Solve this puzzle to be proven worthy enough to pass" I would love to see a specific dungeon type meant for puzzles. Like how you could almost always expect undead in Aylied ruins. But then they'd really have to make a lot of puzzles, because redoing the same puzzle twice isn't all that satisfying.
  4. Been forever since I posted here. The greatest thing about this is I was just watching Tobuscus's Portal 2 Let's Play a few days ago. He needs to do a Skyrim Let's Play
  5. "Games for Windows" That WILL be PC right? Or will it be a steam download? =/ This feels like a really stupid question, I've just always seen PC on top of games, I've never seen that.
  6. I wouldn't call it a negative as much. It would be just like Oblivion. Except now they give you an option to focus on magic or focus on weapons. What would be great is being able to hotkey entire setups. armor, spells, and weapons. So you could easily switch from two spells to another set of two spells, to dual wielding daggers. Then again, having armor change too would be sort of dumb, I think. Randomly changing armor mid battle. (At least it looks better from the inventory.) And being a bow wielder will be pretty difficult in Skyrim. Since arrows will be hard to come by anyway.
  7. I just want to see Ice Elves, and I'll be happy. Not necessarily playable, but I'll actually be disappointed if they don't make them.
  8. I can't buy weapons, or sell them for any profit, and this is REALLY game breaking for me, since my characters usually get by from selling and looting daggers. It's only in my one save, I tried an old save with a different character and it was fine. I think it's a mess up with one of my economy mods. I've tried enhanced economy and living economy. I turned off all the mods that I thought might conflict, and nothing's working. Anyone know how I could fix it? I'm not too far in my game, but I would hate to have to restart.
  9. Most of me says "No, let's not do that" But, having things that generally scare me in these ruins might actually be a good thing. When I first got oblivion, something about the zombies were REALLY unsettling. I avoided them whenever possible. But after I got used to it, there was nothing I actually hoped wasn't in the ruin I was in at the time. A centipede like that would be VERY terrifying. I wonder if the spiders will crawl up the walls? Personally, I want to see more zombified animals. And zombies of different races.
  10. I sort of like kid mods. It makes things more immersive, so, I don't think they should be banned. But, you have a VERY good point. The second an image like that pops up, the person should be banned, and the image taken down. Thompson is no longer throwing hissy fits, from what I know, I think he retired (Don't quote me on this, I just remember reading somewhere that he's no longer an issue, the rest I can't remember completely). But, people like Nancy and Fox news, most of all, could really start some issues over a few people.
  11. It was also nothing but solid mountain range once you got past Bruma, so that may have had more to do with altitude than geography. Maybe it flattens out or goes into lower valleys in Skyrim past the Jerall Mountains. Or perhaps the sheer amount of nordic manliness has scared the snow away? The first explanation was probably the more likely of the two... but I'm going to have to go with the snow getting scared off as the actual reason. :P
  12. Yeah, you never know about it getting banned anymore. If not banned, there will likely be negative media, and overprotective mothers everywhere will go bat-hell insane. Granted kids aren't exactly the main audience, but sales will drop a little regardless. I know my little brother and sister love TES (they bug me every day with "Can I ppplllaaaayyyy???!"). But, a lot of kids' parents probably wouldn't get it for them with negative reviews like that. Especially if they aren't gamers themselves. We all pretty much know how blown out of proportion the ratings are in these games, because we;ve played a lot of these so called mature games (Granted, you could do some screwed up things in oblivion, my brother goes off massacring towns, but my sister gets upset with someone she's fighting with dies, which is just cute.). My dad let me play mature games before I was even interested in anything "mature". I'm going to end this short before I go off topic completely. Basically, I'm trying to say, even if it shouldn't be a problem, it'll have to be an issue as long as people make things complicated and pick fights.
  13. Still laughing over here. The first line definitely... actually, all that was going through my head in some form or another the whole time. ":O OMFG. Well, bye every other video game I own, bye social life, bye responsibilities (no girlfriend's breasts though, I don't swing that way.)" The cat resembles my face the whole time though.
  14. I've been considering Nord male, but the race isn't too fit for the type I like to play. I'm usually a stealth/archer type. But a Nord would be so fitting, plus it would be a great opportunity to try something new. I'm a little sad that they wont have classes. This is the first time in an Elder Scrolls game, isn't it? Failing that, I'll be a female. Either a bosmer or a breton. The idea of dual wielding two shortswords is really tempting to me, and for some reason I can only see a breton doing that.
  15. I am a little confused about this. Northern Cyrodiil was ALWAYS snowy (unless I missed something) So, you'd think, farther up north would definitely always be snowy. But then again, Nirn is an entirely different planet. It might work differently, obviously there were a few green areas in the trailer. Maybe seasons will have something to do with it? But, it wont matter to me, as long as I'm given a good storyline. I will say though, I was REALLY hoping for Elsweyr. I want to see if they'll do anything with the different Khajiit types. I would love exploring a jungle. South-Eastern Cyrodiil was my favorite area.
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