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Everything posted by AdventurerX

  1. If I use MCM menu or spell to controlls it , I need to turn my mod into an esp-mod. You remind me for this. So if I found it is hard to make a skse plugin, I will use your method. Thank you for helping me.
  2. I make a mod yestoday. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91566 I was satisfied with my mod at first. But soon I find it is difficult to cater for all tastes. Everyone wants its own version. I realized I need to make SKSE plugin. But I don't know how to make it. I just need a tutorial of SKSE. Is there anyone knows where I can find te tutorial? Please help me, thanks!
  3. Oh I found it.It's in the "Miscellaneous".
  4. I modified a npc as my follower.Her combatstyle is csHumanMagic. But she like using a huntingbow rather than using spells.So I want to create a combatstyle for her.But I couldn't fint the function in Creation Kit.
  5. I've done it myself.A little different from #1 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18980
  6. High Elf Talent: +50/100/150/200 Magicka at level 1,10,20,30. High Elf Weakness: -<25>% MagicResist.-<10>% PhysicalDamage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Wood Elf Talent: +15% Bow Damage. +10%/15%/20%/25% Draw Bow Speed at level 1,10,20,30. Wood Elf Resist: +<50>% PoisonResist +<50>% DiseaseResist. Wood Elf Weakness: -<25>% FireResist --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Elf Talent: +20% Destruction Magic Power. Dark Elf Resist: +<50>% FireResist. Weakness: -<25>% ShockResist. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bretons Talent: +20%/30%/40%/50% Conjuration during time at level 1,10,20,30. Bretons Resist: +<25>% MagicResist. Weakness: -<100>% DiseaseResist. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nords Talent: +25/50/75/100 Natural Defence at level 1,10,20,30. Nords Resist: +<50>% FrostResist. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Redguards Talent: +15% One-hand weapon attack speed. Redguards Resist: +<10>% FireResist.+<50>%PoisonResist. Redguards Weakness: -<10>% FrostResist. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Argonian Talent: +0.7/1.4/2.1/2.8 healrate at level 1,10,20,30. Argonian Resist: +<75>% PoisonResist.+<75>% DiseaseResist. Argonian Weakness: -<25>% FrostResist --------------------------------------------------------------------- Khajiit Talent: +8/16/24/32 claw damage at level 1,10,20,30. +10% movement speed. Khajiit Resist: +<25>% FrostResist. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Orcs Talent: +15%/20%/25%/30% Meleedamage at level 1,10,20,30. +15% Two-hand weapon attack speed. +3/6/12/15 Unarmed damage at level 1,10,20,30. +2 staminarate.+1 healrate. Orcs Weakness: -50% All Magic Power. -1.5 Magicka regeneration rate. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Imperials Talent: -10% trade costs. +10% block effects.
  7. Whenever Star is filled with souls,clean it to empty and give player a soul gem filled with the same soul. The new soul gem is unsaleable and weightless.Please help me make the MOD if you agree my opinion.Thank you!
  8. Forum bug?Your work is fine indeed.I will download and try to endorse it. ------ I endorse you successfully.
  9. I married Illia.Does she never sleep? Or is it caused by console? I used following console command: setplayerteammate 1 Addfac 00019809 1 Addfac 0005C84E 255 Addfac 0005C84D 0 Addfac 0005A1A4 0 Addfac 0004B58F 0 Addfac 0007A50A 0 Addfac 0004b58e 0 Addfac 000D25A6 0 Addfac 000665E6 0 Addfac 00000DB1 0 Addfac 00084D1B 0;playerfollowerfaction setrelationshiprank player 4 ssq DialogueFollower sifh 1 set FavorFollowTimerFriend to -1 set FavorTimer to -1
  10. I added a shout to Hroki by console.But After I quit game,I can't load the save anymore.
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