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Nexus Mods Profile

About PirateZ86

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    DS, Skyrim, M&B, DA:I, W3, FO3,DDDA

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Enthusiast (6/14)



  1. Is there any way to have more than 1 instance of Vortex? Like having it separately for different games. If that's not possible then can i completely hide my mods from one game to not show up in another? I don't want my mods from Fallout 4 collection to show in Skyrim, i know its been disabled but i want it completely hidden from each other and only shown for their appropriate games.
  2. In response to post #57206506. #57207486 is also a reply to the same post. Nice, glad to hear it.
  3. I just tested it. My first impressions are the UI looks pretty clean, very professional and I like it . Tested a few mods with skyrim and it works without problem. Do you guys have any plan on adding more games like DAI or MGS5?
  4. In response to post #43210430. #43215310, #43215490, #43215920, #43216655, #43217565, #43217935, #43218210, #43222660, #43225585, #43227190, #43227900, #43227920, #43237490, #43238795, #43239135, #43239200, #43239375, #43239605 are all replies on the same post. People who really likes wrye bash can continue to use them because it exists and still in development. The main people who are at loss are people using MO because it's discontinued. Just don't make us mod the way you think it's better for us. And i can guarantee, people using WB won't move to the new mod managers but would like to have a second choice. Seriously think about others too.
  5. In response to post #43222435. #43222490, #43225970, #43238055, #43243505 are all replies on the same post. If I'm right NMM supports about 21 games and most of those games don't really have a huge mod database. For me, the only games that worth modding are beth games except for Sweetfx/ENB/Reshades which actually don't require a MM. I, however play witcher with a ouple of mods, manual installation for those is actually easy.
  6. In response to post #43210430. #43215310, #43215490, #43215920, #43216655, #43217565, #43217935 are all replies on the same post. @jim_uk: Please don't listen or reply to morons who have no common sense.
  7. In response to post #40015630. #40058265, #40085015, #40091830, #40102215, #40122155, #40132340, #40188950, #40205240, #40214800, #40222720, #40234620, #40260320, #40262620, #40289105, #40449885, #40526470, #40736140, #40772050, #40888545, #40927285 are all replies on the same post. Hey Dumbo, where did I tell everyone to use MO, point me to the specific line. If you are going to answer vaguely like "coming into NMM thread...", I'm going to ignore your post, as you don't seem to have the brain to even install a simple software.
  8. I have the same issue, no clue whatsoever but i can use the forum pages without any trouble.
  9. In response to post #40015630. #40058265, #40085015, #40091830, #40102215, #40122155, #40132340, #40188950, #40205240, #40214800, #40222720, #40234620, #40260320, #40262620, #40289105, #40449885, #40526470, #40736140 are all replies on the same post. Kids these days... :facepalm:
  10. In response to post #39832980. #40268845, #40275465, #40295955, #40487115 are all replies on the same post. No, Beth owns your mods. watch . Read the EULA again.
  11. In response to post #40015630. #40058265, #40085015, #40091830, #40102215, #40122155, #40132340, #40188950, #40205240, #40214800, #40222720, #40234620, #40260320 are all replies on the same post. :wallbash: People saying others not to do while doing the same, real mature.
  12. In response to post #40015630. #40058265, #40085015 are all replies on the same post. If you want to just hate MO for everything, go ahead but if you are want to really get a solution, they have a troubleshooting page on Github. They help people fix issues. @djtalks : Having my data folder clean and choosing which mods overwrites which even after installing just by dragging it above or below, creating profiles is really good. I don't have a single mod issue with MO, please specify a few. I have nothing against NMM as it's good but MO is far superior atleast for me. A single person creating a tool for everyone without expecting anything in return must be appreciated not insulted because of your petty fanboy feelings. If you are paid to do that I'm happy for you since it atleast benefits you rather than just emotional talks.
  13. In response to post #40001115. #40003130 is also a reply to the same post. LOL, you are talking about a very different situation. I can completely uninstall steam and launch my game from NMM(works like a crack) but it wont work if I clicked directly on the game.exe file.
  14. I'm not putting a trust in NMM anymore. A thing so small like steam not detecting me playing Witcher 3 when launched from NMM, didn't get fixed even after like 4 months and you want to add new features , great.
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