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About darkedge42392

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  1. Morgan wandered up from the rear of the group to see these deer tracks himself. He crouched down and gently touched them. The earth of the valley was soft and dark, and the prints left by the deer were smooth and clearly defined. They were fresh. At the mention of predators, he frowned and readjusted his weight on the balls of his feet, scanning the clearing with a quick eye. Nothing that he could see except the trail, tall grass, and the trees in the distance. "I do not want to get eaten by anything out here, especially since we're all fresh out of the Vault," he said, his deep voice rumbling as he trailed off as he was distracted by the feel of the cool breeze from the high peaks around him rustling the trees. His adrenaline from earlier had worn down into a quiet amazement at the world around him. He couldn't believe how alive he felt. And he sure as hell wasn't going to risk that feeling by being stupid.
  2. Morgan could barely catch his breath as the view of the valley of Yosemite opened up before them. His amber eyes drank in the greenery, glad to see something so vibrant after the dreary white walls of the Vault. He was completely astounded. His customary half smile deepened into a full grin. He laughed again. He couldn't believe it! He was free! As the Evans' girl splashed her way into the water, Morgan wandered over and slid his hand into the rushing water. He laughed again. Such power! He could feel the weight of the water as it flew so freely over his hand and pushed it downstream. It was so different compared to the tepid and fine amounts of water that their showers consisted of. This, this was raw natural power. And it was cold! Morgan pulled his hand out of the water and chuckled. His hand was bright pink. He swept his eyes over the valley of Yosemite again. He couldn't believe the park had survived the onslaught of nuclear war so well. Everything was so alive. And the sky was so blue. Trees stretched for miles around, filling the bowl created between the tall peaks around them. The waterfall that they had come out from behind of rushed along in a river that went further into the wilderness as it wrapped around a jutting of rock in the distance. He wondered where it went. Morgan wiped his now cold hand off on his jumpsuit and wandered back over to the others. They were discussing which way they were going. The tall dark headed one named Lancer suggested that they needed a scout. Morgan smirked as he walked up. "If you want, Jess, I can scout ahead. I think I might be able to see what lies ahead. Besides, I need to stretch my legs," he chuckled. He brushed his hair back out of his eyes and grinned again. "Anyone want to pair up with me so I have some extra eyes I can use? No point in going alone and getting lost."
  3. Morgan Dürer stood next to the side wall, toward the front of the group of youths. It was time. Vault 32 was opening. He was excited! He had been dreaming of this moment for weeks. Even though he knew of the horrible dangers on the outside of the Vault, he didn't care. He had been chomping at the bit for weeks for this day to arrive. It was time to leave this miserable confine of a prison and get out into the world! Morgan slipped his thumbs into the straps of his pack and allowed his ever present half smile to deepen a bit. His pack was heavy and full of supplies, but it didn't bother him at all. He flexed his broad, muscular shoulders, feeling the muscles tighten and ripple under the loose Vault 32 jumpsuit and the heavy bullet-resistant vest over it. Mentally, he checked over his gear once more. His pistol hung at his hip, and he carried three extra clips of ammunition in his belt. The survival knife he had been given hung opposite his pistol on his left hip, and a combat knife he had stolen was hung horizontally across the small of his back under his pack. He relaxed and took a long glance around. So many familiar faces. He had grown up with, or known of, most of the ones gathered here today. At the front was Jessica Springs. A rascal of a woman, and one who hadn't taken lightly to one of his playful jests last year. It had resulted in a few angry words and his now crooked nose. He wiggled his nostrils slightly at the memory. He had kept two black eyes for weeks after the fact. And it hadn't helped the Docs couldn't set his nose straight. Moving on, his eyes fell on Caden Grayson, a sharply lean bastard of a fellow with a soft featured face, who fatherlessness had tormented him throughout his time in the Vault. Morgan had always felt bad for the guy. Next, his eyes strayed to the Evans twins, who he knew only very little about, as they were among the youngest of those leaving the Vault. He laughed audibly as the Vault Door opened and sunlight flooded the chamber. Even though he was momentarily blinded, he kept laughing. The roar of the waterfall silenced him, or rather, it drowned him out. It was time! "Don't be scared of what you're leaving behind, everyone! Be scared of what we'll find!" Morgan laughed as he jogged out into the cave entrance behind the waterfall, basking in the natural light of the midday sun. He couldn't stop laughing. FINALLY! he thought. I'm free.
  4. Name: Morgan Dürer Gender: Male Age: 24 Race: Caucasian (German) Karma (Alignment): Neutral (Chaotic) SPECIAL: Strength-8 Perception-5 Endurance-6 Charisma-4 Intelligence-7 Agility-6 Luck-4 Tag Skills: Melee Weapons, Unarmed, Guns (small) Interests/Ambitions: His family history, training, martial skills, Germanic history and art. Appearance: Morgan stands at 5'10" tall, and weighs a hefty 200 lbs of lean muscle. He has a long, gaunt face with wide cheeks, a wide mouth, and full lips. His nose is crooked, as it has been broken several times in the many fights he's had against bullies growing up. His hair is reddish brown and is kept cut fairly short. His eyes are hazel, and shine golden in bright light. Personality: Morgan is a likable guy, who goes out of his way to try to win a smile. He tends to be on the quiet side, though isn't afraid to speak up when he needs to. His voice is deep. He is quite the ladies man, and always enjoys seeing if he can get a woman to blush, whether intentionally or not. He usually has a slight half smile on his face, as if he was in on a joke and just waiting to tell it. Background: Morgan is the grandson of a three star general who made sure to claim a spot for himself. He settled down with a Lieutenant Colonel and had Morgan's mother, who was a military brat. She eventually settled down with one of the Vault's scientists, and had Morgan. He was given his father's last name, which was after the great Renaissance artist Albrect Dürer himself. Of course, his father encouraged Morgan's insatiable thirst to know about this artist, and Morgan eventually delved into art and history himself, to expand his knowledge. He also for a time tried to study Dürer's fighting manuscripts, but eventually put it aside as he didn't have the right tools to use the knowledge to his advantage. He joined the Vault's security force at 17, and has spent the last 7 years constantly training his body, ready for the day the Vault finally opens, and releases them out into the wilds.
  5. I'm perfectly fine with that. It gives a chance to further explore some lore we haven't covered yet. And talking to a Daedric Prince is not unheard of in my RPs. :P
  6. I'm posting this character sheet on behalf of tokyobleach:
  7. Varys Sul, Daggerfall, High Rock Varys nodded quietly at the Marczon's reply. He was genuinely surprised. He had not expected to see a descendant of one of Adrynn's former companions from so long ago ever. Though he was starting to think that perhaps Adrynn's tales of Azura's involvement in his life weren't so far fetched after all. "I'm not surprised you know the name of Adrynn Indarys then, Ser Marczon. He's a notable figure even in Morrowind, and especially House Redoran. He's done much in the time he's been alive," Varys said, allowing a small smile to cross his lips. "He is enjoying his retirement." With that, Varys agreed with Baltis on the point to get some rest. He retired to his room and tried to sleep. He didn't sleep well. The nightmares plagued even him, and eventually, he just lay in bed reciting the mantras of the Reclamations, lulling himself into a trance until dawn broke through his window. He rose, got dressed, and waited for the others downstairs, eating a simple fair of fresh bread and hard cheese, with a glass of ale. He brooded on his dreams the night before, hoping that he would be able to quickly find the source and put and end to it so everyone would be able to get their well deserved sleep. Katarin Maelle, Daggerfall, High Rock Katarin's fear of the huge Orc had lessened considerably when his humor started to appear. She laughed a bit in relief, glad she hadn't upset the giant of a mer. She joined the table and allowed herself to enjoy the night a bit, drinking a small amount of the wine to allow herself to sleep a bit better later. Finally, as everyone made their way to their rooms, Kat went to hers, still giggling at the prospect of maybe getting her own runes, though not carved into her teeth. The alcohol in her system allowed her to slip into quiet dreams. She awoke as she heard movement pass her door and rose herself, waiting downstairs with Varys as he ate his meal, taking a few bites out of a few pieces of toasted bread herself.
  8. Varys Sul, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig Varys quietly ate his meal and watched the Orc enter, keeping an eye on him. He was massive. Varys was impressed. It had been few times that he had seen an Orc beat a Nord in both size and height. When the Orc mentioned if they wanted to fight, Varys gave a small smile. "No thanks, Master Orc. We've already had our fill of brawling tonight," he said, taking a glance at his spear still resting against the wall closeby. He hoped he wouldn't need it. As everyone finished their meals, a sharp faced Breton commented on Varys's armor while sitting down nearby. "I'm not surprised, Breton. It's an armor unique to Morrowind. Though I'm surprised you know the name of the style, moreso than you do of the the type of armor," Varys said, eyeing the other man. "How do you know that name?" Katarin Maelle, Daggerfall, High Rock Katarin picked at her food, wondering whether to finish it or not. She was grateful that the Dunmer in bonemold had bought it for her, but her excitement earlier had turned to doubt. As the Orc arrived, her doubts increased. How would they go about this? How were they going to get there? Finally, as the Breton man sat down close to her, she grumbled and stood up. She made some excuse about needing some air while quickly stepping outside into the cool moist night. She took a long deep breath and tried not to roll her eyes in frustration at herself. She failed. It's okay Kat. This is what you wanted. This is what you were waiting for! she thought to herself. She loosened her ponytail and let her hair fall free for a moment. A headache had been building all night. She leaned back into the wall and brushed her hair back with her fingers. She took another deep breath, closed her eyes, and let her mind wander for a moment. Finally she shoved the doubts back into a tidy little box inside her mind, opened her eyes, put her hair back into a ponytail, and went back inside. "So tell me, Mister Orc. Who carved your tusks?" she asked, hoping to get on the friendly side of this massive mer, meanwhile kicking herself mentally for picking out an Orc's tusks as the first thing to comment on. She forced a shy smile and waited patiently.
  9. Ok Auri. I'll take over for Kat in the mean time. When you can come back, by all means, you can have her back. :D
  10. Varys Sul, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig Varys smiled, glad that those present had agreed to coming along. He leaned forward and returned the gold back to his bag. "As much as I would like to leave immediately, my Breton friend, I think we should wait and leave in the morning. I doubt any ships are leaving at dusk. Besides, the brawl at the last bar caused more than a few spilled dinners," he said, eyeing the barkeep. "Besides, you said that the food here was better," Varys said, directed toward Baltis. "I think we should all eat then settle in for the night, then leave at dawn," Varys said, hailing the barkeep. "In the meantime, eat a hearty dinner and try to get some sleep. Food is on me tonight."
  11. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713192308/elderscrolls/images/a/a8/HighRockSmart.jpeg Here is a map I found of High Rock that everyone should reference if you wish. :D
  12. Ok, I rewrote my last post to get the story moving along a bit faster. (thanks Auri) Everyone give it a read and let me know what you think, and please post! :D
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