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Posts posted by darkedge42392

  1. Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Prison


    Adrynn spat at the Nerevarine's response to Faeryn. He stepped up to the cell, his eyes blazing in a tightly controlled fury. He gripped the bars and pressed his face between them.


    "You will quickly find out, Incarnate, that it's not wise to scorn your former followers. And you need to know sonething else as well," Adrynn said, sliding his left hand between the bars of the door, his brand showing darkly against his palm. "Azura has not forgotten you, nor has she forgiven you for your betrayal."


    Upon seeing Azura's brand on Adrynn's flesh' the Nerevarine fell back against the wall, his armor clanking loudly as it crashed against the stone. The look of horror that came across the Incarnate's face melted away the madness in his eyes, to be replaced by fear and horror.


    "No! No no no! Azura! My Lady, I'm sorry!" the Nerevarine yelled, grabbing his head and covering his face from the Moon-and-Star brand in Adrynn's hand, screaming incomprehensible things into his arms. He rocked against the wall, mumbling curses and apologies both, peeking between his fingers at Adrynn. When Adrynn pulled his hand back through the bars, the Incarnate began to laugh again, his body shaking from the mad cackles.


    "Lord Dagon is my lord and master! And Azura is nothing compared to him!" The Incarnate screamed, laughing once more, falling back against the wall.


    Adrynn stepped back in disgust, spitting on the floor at the Incarnate's feet. He moved over to Caius, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You were his Spymaster once. See if you can get through to him. Anything related to his former life seems to break through whatever madness holds him. I need to see about a new comrade-in-arms," Adrynn said, stepping past them and following Faeryn's footsteps.


    Adrynn stopped and spun back for a moment. "Cousin! Would you come with me please? I think you would be able to get through to Faeryn better than I."

  2. Sorry for such a short post guys. >.< I posted it from my moms phone. And was kinda short on time, so i had to move the plot along as quickly as i could. Also, Zephyr, Kriak's imput would be welcome. ^^


    Oh, Auri, in your next post between Faeryn and the Nerevarine, you have free reign with their dialogue, as it concerns your char's history with the Incarnate and plus you dont have to wait for me to reply as him. ^^ I know you'll come up with something awesome. You always do.

  3. *takes tokyo's pen and taps it against his chin* Hmm... I'm interested in partaking in this RP, but i have extremely limited time on the web. (Which us hampering my own RP as well) Therefor, i cant join this one just yet. Maybe later on...


    Also, Baldur, i would like to give you both a warning and a suggestion. Please refrain from your more... NSFW posts. :P I know its gotten one RP locked. I dont wanna see such a talented writer get banned for posting inappropriate material on the forums. That was my friendly warning, now for the suggestion: remove the "move NSFW posts to PM" as that is an open doorway to very vulgar PMs in your inbox, which I'm sure you dont want.


    Take care.

  4. Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


    Adrynn silently nodded to Lecuaro, as he followed Faeryn and Velanya to the holding cells under the fort. There, the Nerevarine was being kept in a cell, a guard standing watch nearby. And the Incarnate was awake.


    "Well well well... Long time no see, Faeryn," the Nerevarine said, a cruel smile crossing his face as he began to cackle, then to laugh manically. Adrynn tightened his grip on his sword. This was not going to be pleasant...

  5. Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


    Adrynn nodded to Faeryn. "Yes, we have a prisoner. And you won't believe who it is," Adrynn said, crossing his arms over his chest. He remained silent after this. It wouldn't do well to say who exactly their prisoner was and disrupt and cause panic and chaos. He himself could barely believe that he had faced the Nerevarine and lived to tell about it. Admittedly, he had had Kriak at his back to keep him from being overrun when he had gone down from the Incarnate's lightning spell.


    Adrynn glanced to Nibani as she worked on the mortar for Trilvan. She was so thin, yet worked with a determination that belied her weakened state. She had such strength; it was no wonder Azura had chosen her as Her priestess. Adrynn's eyes trailed to the Ordinator, Faeryn. A friend of Velanya, Hand of Vivec, and warrior of the Temple. A mighty warrior in his own right, Adrynn was sure. And a valuable ally.


    "Commander, whenever you're ready, I guess we shall go see our prisoner."

  6. Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate Infirmary


    Adrynn clasped Faeryn's forearm and nodded as the Ordinator introduced himself. "That is good to hear, Faeryn. More warriors is always a good thing in times like these. Hopefully my own House will have seen reinforcements to our garrisons as well."


    Adrynn turned to Velanya as she introduced him to Nibani. Adrynn bowed to the Wise Woman, his right hand folded over his heart. "It is an honor to meet you, Wise Woman of the Urshilaku. I will do what I can to help you with your tribe. And you do not owe me anything. It is I who owe you," Adrynn said, standing up and facing Nibani. A frown creased his face. "We were too lax in our patrols from Ald Velothi east toward where your camp lay. I hope you can forgive us."

  7. Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Infirmary


    Adrynn silently followed Velanya and Lecuaro, staying to the back of the trio, his mind still mulling over what happened these past few days. As they stepped into the infirmary, the sights and smells of the dying and wounded imprinted itself onto his psyche. His face fell into a mixture of pity and remorse and anger for those who had been wounded in these senseless attacks on the Fort. Adrynn noticed an Ordinator with a purple scarf around his neck helping to carry bodies and struggling to do so. He stepped past Velanya and Lecuaro and helped the Temple warrior carry the wounded soul into a small side room to rest.


    Adrynn nodded to the Ordinator and stuck out his hand. "I'm Adrynn Indarys, House Father of the Great House Redoran. It's good to see that Velanya's message got to you as soon as it did, friend. How are you faring?"

  8. Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Interior


    Adrynn nodded to Lecuaro. "Aye, but i think we are here in the Fort, unless your spell killed us and sent us to Aetherius . . . But besides, I think Azura would try to claim us if we did die. We are her Chosen after all, and she has yet to release us from the duty."


    He glanced back to his cousin at her mention of Nenalaamo. Adrynn felt a momentary sense of loss for the fallen Commander, but he had not known the mer that well, so he couldn't feel as strongly as if Velanya or Lecuaro were killed, as he had become quite close with them in the past few days. He could see the flash of pain in Lecuaro's eyes, and knew how much the Breton missed his friend. Adrynn laid a hand on Lecuaro's shoulder and squeezed it gently to comfort him.


    Adrynn turned back to his cousin after a moment. "Aye, take us to your friend and these Urshilaku. I would like to meet them."

  9. Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Interior


    Adrynn hugged his cousin tight, a grin coming to his lips as heard the worry on her voice. He squeezed her as best as he could through her armor, then released her and stepped back as she noticed the Nerevarine.


    He nodded. "Aye, cousin, that is him. And that is one of the things I have to talk to you about." Adrynn glanced around the dim hallway, his mind replaying the memories on the trip to Kogoruhn. Edward . . . He wondered where his lost retainer might be. The Redoran had seen him briefly before they had been beset by the raiding party, but he couldn't remember seeing him afterwards. There was no telling where he had disappeared to. And thinking about Edward led Adrynn to think about another of their party.


    "Where's Dar'krinji? I thought he was going to go with us, but he never showed up. Have you seen him anywhere, cousin?" Adrynn asked, suddenly worried.

  10. Ok, the full Oblivion gate is a no go... But the temporary portal is feasible. Just like at Kogoruhn, one could open and spew out some Dremora on the orders of Camoran to attack the fort. <.< (im posting this from a phone, so please excuse the typos) Although another attack would just increase casualties, we do have the Blades force and the team from Kogoruhn to boilster defences. So what do you guys think? Go ahead with it? (And just think, this is just day four in the RPs timeline) <.<
  11. Ok guys, I gotta post this. >.< The Emperor is STILL alive, so that means the Dragonfires are still lit, which means that a stable portal to Oblivion is impossible. What I did with the Dremora was basically a temporary portal to allow the Dremora to come to Nirn under Mehrune's orders. <.< So I think that the post about the Oblivion Gate needs to be edited, cause it contradicts lore. Also, everyone is weary and would only be slain if it did open then. Velanya and everyone at the Fort just succeeded in repelling another attack, and Adrynn and company are weary from battling at Kogruhn. So I think Zephyr needs to edit his post to reflect this. :P


    (sorry Zephyr!)

  12. Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


    Adrynn had reached Kriak and his dueling opponent as Lecuaro intercepted both of them and cast Divine Intervention. Disoriented by the sudden relocation, Adrynn staggered slightly to the side once his boots met with the stone floor of Fort Floodgate. Shaking his head to clear the dizziness, Adrynn sheathed his katana and immediately sat down with his back against the wall. Taking his head in his hands for a moment, he let his adrenaline filled muscles still as they began to tremble from the realization of what had just happened.


    Dremora! And at Kogoruhn too! And these hadn't been the wild and free summons that haunted the various Daedric ruins around Vvardenfell . . . These had been a highly trained and heavily motivated strike team of soldiers. With a shaky laugh, Adrynn looked up to Lecuaro and the silent Kriak from his seat by the wall.


    "I can't believe we lived through that! Hehehe. I had been fully prepared to die on that mission," Adrynn said, his sudden good spirits brought on by his happiness of being alive. His laughter quickly subsided as he remembered the Nerevarine. Adrynn glanced down the hallway. In the distance down the hallway, he could see Caius carrying the Incarnate, and Velanya right beside him.


    Velanya! Adrynn smiled and stood up, the weariness leaving his body as he saw his cousin. He glanced behind him as Mercando and Cheriana grouped around Lecuaro, waiting for their next orders. Adrynn started walking toward Velanya and Cauis.


    "Cousin! We're back, and we have more than a few things to tell you," Adrynn called out as he made his way toward the pair.

  13. Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


    Adrynn's body instinctively dropped low and to the left, ducking under the heavy axe as it embedded itself into the wall, crumbling the stone underneath it. Adrynn snarled as adrenaline started pumping through his blood while bringing the heavy Daedric blade in his hand up in a sweeping arc. The Dremora Valknyaz jumped back, ripping his axe out of the wall. Adrynn planted one booted foot against the stonework and threw himself forward, the weight of his armor and body behind his charging strike. The Valkynaz tried to maneuver out of the way but stumbled over the corpses littering the corridor. Adrynn's katana fell in a deadly arc, it's dark edge glittering in the torchlight as it slammed into the haft of the Dremora's battleaxe and deflecting downward into the cobbled floor. The Dremora stepped forward, shortening his grip on his axe as he swept the blade up and around at Adrynn's unarmored head. Adrynn ducked under the heavy blade while lashing out at a weak point in the Dremora's heavy plate. His Daedric katana separated the links between the plates, slashing open a wide gash in the Dremora's gut. Howling in pain, it swept the handle of its axe in a wide arc, catching Adrynn off guard and slamming into his face.


    Spitting blood, the Redoran leapt over the next hamstringing strike toward his companions, tackling another of the Dremora that was trying to kill Mercando, stabbing his blade into the back of the Dremora's neck, slaying him instantly. While the fallen Churl's body hit the stone floor, the Valkynaz Adrynn had been fighting recaptured his attention by trying to decapitate him. The Redoran felt the whistle of the heavy axe as the Dremora leader started trying to kill him once more.


    "Fall back! We need help in here!" Kriak's rage filled voice rang out from behind him, forcing him to remember his companions.


    "Give me a moment! I'm... a bit... busy here!" Adrynn called back, dodging swings of the great axe. Snarling in frustration, Adrynn ducked under one heavy attack and rushed forward under the Valkynaz's guard, snatching the Dremora up by the cuirass, hoarfrost spreading along the Dremora's body. As the Valynaz twitched under the heavy layer of Frost magick, Adrynn thrust his sword through the Dremora's eyeslits, killing him immediately.


    Then the hellish screaming started. Adrynn dropped the limp corpse of the Valkynaz and turned with awe towards the hunter. And in his hands were the most unusual pair of blades Adrynn had ever seen.

  14. Well, I was hoping that Darkedge would come along with another post, but he's still dealing with his own things at the moment. I made another post in the actual role-play and now I'm letting you all know here. I figured I should go ahead and bump these threads up a couple of notches so they wouldn't look lost or forgotten.


    Oi, you impatient person. :sweat: I can't help it I don't have decent internet (or any internet) at my house! :P Anyways, I posted . . . So :P :P :P


    Also, anyone got any ideas what we should do after we get back to the Fort?

  15. Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


    When they reached the storeroom that led to the exit tunnels and the Ashlanders attacked, Adrynn had ducked into the room while the rest of his companions save Lecuaro defended them. He went to the farthest corner in the little room and dropped the Nerevarine in it, helping Lecuaro secure him so he couldn't escape while they dealt with the Ashlanders. Adrynn spun around just as Lecuaro called for him.


    "Yes, I'm coming Breton, don't fret," Adrynn called back, weary of today. He was tired of killing, tired of the slaughter. He had killed more people in the last few days then he had for the past two decades combined. It was understandably starting to get old. Adrynn drew his katana and stepped into the hallway to find his companions making short work of the Ashlander ambush. But something was wrong. This wasn't right somehow . . . Then it happened.


    A large fiery portal erupted opened right in the middle of the corridor, spewing flames everywhere. Adrynn ducked to the side, even though he was highly resistant to fire. What spilled forth from the portal made Adrynn take an instinctive gulp.


    With fiery red and black armor that had spikes to match Kriak's armor, seven Dremora stepped from the portal, their weapons glistening and steaming from the heat of the Badlands. The largest and most fierce looking singled out Adrynn, as he was the closest.


    "Your soul belongs to Lord Dagon, mortal!" the Valkynaz screeched, before raising his large battleaxe and swinging it straight for the Redoran.


    Oh, great.

  16. Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn Interior


    Adrynn glanced up when he heard Caius's voice sound out down the hall. Kriak was with him, carrying something encased in shadows in his hands. Adrynn glanced over to Lecuaro and company.


    "Well, let's go. No point in lingering here," Adrynn said, squatting down and picking up the unconscious Nerevarine, throwing him over a shoulder and standing up with a groan. The Nerevarine had to weigh at least half as much as the Redoran himself in all the heavy Indoril armor. Not to mention the size of the man himself. Shaking his head to clear the sudden burst of stars across his vision, Adrynn started toward the escape tunnels.


    "Hurry up! I'm not gonna be able to defend myself carrying this heavy son of a guar," Adrynn commented sarcastically behind him.

  17. Adrynn Indarys, Kogoruhn


    Adrynn's blood pounded in his ears as he heard the Blade Mage, Mercando respond to him.


    "Adrynn! That you?" Mercando called out to the Redoran.


    "Yes it's me! Who else would it be?!" Adrynn said in annoyance, stepping out from the alcove and into the dim light of a torch. His distinctive Gah-Julan Bonemold armor worn by House Redoran softly reflected the light. He glanced down and realized just how horrible he must look. His armor was notched and chipped, he was covered in dark sticky blood, his hair was a wild dark mess around his head and he had numerous cuts and bruises on his face and arms.


    Adrynn left the light of the torch and made his way to the trio. He nodded as he recognized Lecuaro and the other blade, the archer . . . What was her name again? No matter. He glanced down as he noticed a tied and gagged figure laying against the wall. The Nerevarine! How?! He crouched down before the bound Incarnate, lifting his head to see his face better in the dim light. It was him.


    "Incredible. Here I was chasing him to make sure he didn't escape and you three have already defeated, bound, and gagged him," Adrynn said, glanced up to Lecuaro, his battered face catching the light. "As you can tell, my encounter with him didn't go too well."


    Adrynn stood up. He could feel a deep calm coming over him. His brand flared briefly in a mix of pain and pleasure. He felt a momentary connection with Velanya, seen her walking behind a group of people dressed in the Blades armor that Caius wore. He projected a short thought to her through his link, telling her about all that happened at Kogoruhn that he knew. Then the connection ended, and he was back in the ruined stronghold, the Nerevarine at his feet.


    Well done, my Chosen. You have captured my mad Moon-and-Star. Bring him to my Shrine on Azura's Coast. There I will heal him of this affliction, Azura's voice said in his mind.


    You have some explaining to do, Azura. That much I know for sure.


    All in good time, mortal, all in good time.

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