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Everything posted by iLily

  1. My mods are mostly re-textures themselves, but I guess you could also part from one of mines if you'd like to, just let me know which one you are planning to tweak. :)
  2. OH wow! I was amazed! The great balance between your comedy and plot is only outmatched by the dedication you've put on it, and I can tell you since I've tried myself!

    Great job, wish I could lend you more kudos!

  3. Iron Maiden - Jo's Rest Add-on Pack (Beta) is now available! Finally! http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39874
    1. VisseNekku5746


      Wow! That's really nice work. Doodles included. The blade especially caught my attention. Very nice
    2. vvk78


      Looks like a cool mod! Well done!
    3. Lazysheepherd


      I don't play with such mods generally.

      But as long as I seen, this looks awesome!

      Cool mod.

  4. Sorry I haven't answered! I'm not done with mines yet...

    And the shopping idea...that sounds so...silly but also funny!

  5. Thanks a lot hehehe.

    I've tried to resume it but I had lost the save games, and now that I have them, I don't have as much time. >_<

    Still, out of nowhere the 4th could come. I had so many awesome jokes and ways to mock Oblivion and it's mods ready, it'd be a shame if they are just lost... D;

  6. Missing you~
  7. At last! A new Mod for Oblivion, the Dark Seraphim is here; http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38475
    1. LaughingVampire


      Thank You For sharing ! :D
  8. Oh please I barely have any!

    Was so impressed I kudo'ed you right away, just keep it up! :)

    1. LaughingVampire


      Beautiful and Lovely ~
    2. TreborMarg


      That really is a beautiful image and I luffs her outfit too :D
  9. Oh wow thanks! You have so many beautiful pics! :Q
  10. Thanks! I'm glad you like it, I worked hard on it. ^^;
  11. 232 Endorsements and no thumbs down! It's not such a high number (Compared to single mods that have all those endorsies alone... :3), but I'm so happy people enjoys my mods! I love you all!!! ^-^
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      Don't thank me x] I didn't do anything
    3. vvk78


      Where is your mod? Is it "Ocular"?
    4. iLily


      Noooes, New Vegas's mods. :3


      Oblivion's Oculus barely got views. X3

  12. No I'm...just in another continent at the moment. X3
  13. Eat ice cream in a dark corner, alone, a continent away from my boyfriend. :'<
  14. Surviving! How about you?
  15. Neither do I...wait, where do you guys get all those cool sheeps?! D:<
  16. Well...uh...eh...YOU ARE WRONG!..y-yeah...I TRICKED JOO!!...
  17. How...did you...know? ._.
  18. Aww thanks for worrying! <3

    I've been up to some other things so I barely get to check Nexus to reply comments and messages...

    And thanks! You can see how my chibi came out here: http://i55.tinypic.com/2ufvkg0.png X3

  19. Pew Pew! What's with all the shippies?
  20. Mhm, me neither.

    ...huh? P:

  21. Pew Pew how are joo?
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