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Status Updates posted by iLily

  1. Thank you! Merry christmas! <3
  2. Meeeeerry christmas to you, too! :)
  3. Not really any on-going projects now, just some doodles. @_@


  4. Oh I do remember you! Thanks for the comment, thing is I had issues with Oblivion...

    I have been trying to get it all back up, though if I do I may replace the theme too as I also lost the scheme. @_@

    ...buuut beware...it may be coming! >:3

  5. Hehehe, I do them whenever inspiration catches me...

    ...which is quite often!

  6. Why thank you! :D

    Here you go~


  7. Kekekeke, glad you liked it! >:3
  8. Well, I see joo too!!! >:o
  9. The feeling's mutual! :P
  10. Lollipop...
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iLily
    3. Aenya


      *oserves t his deep philosophical discusion silently*
    4. iLily


      This philosophical discussion is harder to understand than a Lvl.5 Inception!
  11. Why hello there~
  12. D'awww thanks for the page comment!

    And it's no problem at all! I'm glad I can help!

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