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Nexus Mods Profile

About Bonjon01

  1. I experienced the EXACT same problem as OP down to the exact look that was provided in the picture. This occurred after I had created a bashed patch. I am not sure what exactly is causing this behavior but I am still looking for a fix. If anyone here has found one or know what is causing it PLEASE let us know. I am new to using Wrye Bash so I figured maybe I screwed up somewhere like I had questions as to whether or not I should switch off FNIS before running the patch and then activating fnis after the patch with the fnis mod I have (flying mod beta). If anyone can answer this I need help!
  2. Just wanted to say that I am thrilled to see that Terrorfox is a part of the Nexus community and that I believe he will be a stellar part of the community development. My experience with Terrorfox goes back a long way, many moons ago on /r/skyrimmods when I was just getting started into modding Skyrim. I was so excited to get things going and like many others I had quite a few questions that despite having fully read the STEP guide and many other mod resources, remained unanswered. In search of getting some guidance I found my way to the forums where I was amazed at how helpful and cool this guy was that he would take his own personal time to try and help me, a complete stranger, to get their issues resolved so that I could move on to enjoying the game. Not only did he answer my questions but also made sure to follow up and give me some other pointers that really saved me a lot of headache and aggravation. I appreciate everything that Jim did to help me and I have to say that I really do believe that he is the best guy you could have for the job here at Nexus. When he says that he spent a LOT of time helping beginners, I assure you that is the case...I am one of those he took the time to help. So again, I thank you Jim for having the heart and love of the game to help others enjoy it as well. I certainly got a faster start into modding and learned a good deal because of the help you gave me. I'm glad that there really are good, solid, people in our community (and in the world) that are willing to help others. We are certainly better for it and Terrorfox is a GREAT person to have on the Nexus. Thanks again Terrorfox!
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