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Everything posted by auric211

  1. I would like to expand upon this Resident Evil request. Instead of jsut a follower, how about basically the entire mansion from RE1. Skyrim contains pretty much everything to accomplish this, I'm think this would be like a major mod, maybe a total conversion type makeing whole world Resident Evil. Thinking could even play out the storyline from RE1-3. Thoughts and ideas are appreciated but i would like to see if this is even possible.
  2. It just occured to me that there has been plenty of other genre theme mods but i have yet to see one of He-man. I mean we all grew up with this 1 and the Thundercats. All i see are LOTR stuff and content from other games of similar genre. I challenge anybody willing and/or able to come up with a He-man mod wothry of that concept :)
  3. I have recently transfered all of my files on to a brand new pc 100 times better then old one. well after all that i reinstall Skyrim and all my same old mods. Well here is the weird thing, every player i use and every npc in the world has arms stuck out to the side like they are getting ready to flap them like wings but they never move. Due to this no npc will fight and its all glitchy when i swing a weapon. Any ideas? And yes i relize i typoed the title lol
  4. i like how instead of over the sea of rebuilding this mod you posted goes inland instead but my impression was most of the city went other way. I was thinking i could take http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22330 Tundra defense mod and i could build whole new city out there if not for the little bug of npcs not traveling on the wooden platforms and spawning on the ground beneath. It wouldnt be the same and would suck down a lot of memory if i did. But being lore friendly is only nothing out of context not just stick with whats there. Rebuilding a land mass i would think isnt out of lore, like say the Psijics (cant remember spelling) decided to use the Eye of Magnus and restore winterhold as a reward for the player saving the world so to speak. Not saying it has to be that just random idea throwing out there :)
  5. The basic idea is like Imperial City from oblivion. There is already a mages area so just have to add market area, taverns, areana, elven district probably Thalmor, everybody else district, last 2 districts would be residential, Central area for leadership type, possibly a sewer, and maybe a gravyard. Can add a docks area just outside of town. If all these were to be added there could be so many more side quests other modders could make for the area, like stopping grave diggers or maybe assassinate some council members. More I think about this more it would rock if it was almost carbon copy from Oblivion. So many things can be added to a city if its divided up into their own cells instead of all cramed into 1 space. More and more I think about it the more and more possibilities of expansion there could be lol.
  6. I like the looks of this mod you refered to and I agree seems to lack content. But as i mentioned before you look to north on map u see temple ruins, that tells me winterhold could be so much bigger. Like main city in Oblivion, where it has different zones for different districts of the city (havent played oblivion in while forget city name). Most who have played oblivion know the city of which i speak of. And if somebody were to take interest in this post ive started i have serveral ideas could go with including many other mods ive seen popping up recently like arenas. It sooooo could be a top d/l mod and wish i had time and knowledge to make it myself. Take for instance look at area around the collage, it looks like there was land there, like part of the city where collage could be near center of town of at least a major point of interest in the town where many npcs would traffic thru. Could be like the movie Dungeons and Dragons where the city had whole section for the Mages. Not that im saying should be segragation but it would kinda stick with the lore.
  7. I am new to the Nexus forums so if this is posted in the wrong place i appologize now. I just have one question to all the modders out there, Has anybody considered rebuilding Winterhold? If you talk to Arch-mage before he dies you can ask him about the Great Collapse of Winterhold. The way he tells it there was a lot more to the city and if you look at the map just north of the collage you can see Temple ruins which tells me that was within the city and is all that remains in that location. I dont see any quest conflicts if somebody were to put the city there as long as it doesnt go to far west. I belive it would be awsom to have that city back to its lore told status. Instead of everybody constantly trying to make new towns and villages why not go with the theme of rebuilding and rebuild Winterhold.
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