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  1. A couple of weeks ago, I was playing around with invisible furniture markers. If my memory serves me well, it should be possible to achieve this by linking the marker to an activator via script. I think u would have to use the "move to" command, to get the player into position. U can have a look at the vanilla nmsarcophargusscript (something like that) I think they used an invisible chair marker for the player there. However, when doing this u wont have a "sitdown" animation... Alternatively u could try to set the player AIdriven and run a sitdownpackage on him via script.
  2. The object i am working on, is not a container. It is a static furniture - a coffin, which is supposed to open on activation. So I better do the animation in nifskope entirely...? Does it mean there is no need to render anything in blender? Then I just need to find an existing furniture which already comes to close to the anim i wanne have.... i guess a prison/ cell door would come close to the desired anim. Btw... as I still do not have a proper understanding of nifskope, except doing some really basic stuff, and i plan on creating some more objects: If I would take the transform information of lets say a prison-door, would it be possible to adjust the transform information so that the door opens horizontally? Ah well, I guess I should start to get a better knowledge myself :biggrin: Ty for the input :thumbsup:
  3. I greatly appreciate ur reply Ghogiel :thumbsup: This is good news to me :teehee: I already had a gutfeeling, that there might be a difference for characteranimations and those "transform controllers". There are quite a few of tuts on this topic for oblivion.. so i am confident i will find something usefull. Thx again
  4. Hello everyone, As I am new to modding I often get to a point where i am a little confused, on whether it is possible to achieve what i intend to do. I am currently working on a mod which adds a new object with a simple open/close (basically like a door) animation to the game. So far I am almost done with modeling and texturing and intend to get into rigging soon. However, when browsing the web for tutorials, I ve found quite a few confusing statements about whether it is possible to import animations to skyrim using blender. So for clarification, my questions are: Is it at all possible to create a simple object-animation in blender and import it to skyrim via nifskope? If not, is there a workaround? (like using other tools) I would also appreciate if someone could lead me to a good tutorial, on how to import the animated object or the animation itself to skyrim. I apologize for any noobish questions, but again I am really new to modding. Btw, I know how to import the basic object itself (without animations) to the game. Thx a lot for any helpful advise :thumbsup:
  5. Well, it has probably something to do with the first person camera :biggrin: Ok, seriously... i cant really help you with this. BUT if u actually find a reasonably simple way to set ur cuttscenes please let me know :thumbsup: If u can't, then you may wanne have a look at this approach... http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/630120-setting-up-a-cameraman/page__p__4959130__fromsearch__1#entry4959130
  6. Well i am pretty positve it should work. I was playing around with the ambush prefabs recently and as far as i can remeber the actors i built on their template all had the masterambush-script attached (not sure though.. cant check as i am not home right now). This may sound obvious, but did you try checking/ unchecking the box "use script" below the template dropbox?
  7. First off: I am following this thread since the very first minute. I am glad someone takes the effort to make a profound vampire-overhaul :thumbsup: This Mod-Project looks extremely promissing to me. I especially like the fact that u seem to care a lot about balancing... the game as is, is already easy enough so I would really dislike another mod which makes u even more powerfull without appropriate tradeoffs. Another Plus of this mod seems to me, that it probably will not deliver half baked implementations... i d rather have a few propper implementations than a bunch of crappy functions/ abilities. Well thats enough cheering up i guess... keep on the good work :thumbsup: Now, to my actual point :biggrin: Making sleepable coffins is actually not difficult at all. When I remeber correctly, the beds in skyrim dont have a playeranimation attached to them... so they basically just open the sleepmenu. You could probably easily doing that for coffins as well... i can imagine creating a questscript which launches the activate() function on refalias as a bed (when u activate an object with a keyword "coffin" or somthing similar if u want to create a new keyword) I am currently working on a mod which adds a coffin shop for vampires to skyrim. The Objective is, to get like 3-4 different types (some lying, some standing) all of them are going to get a exit animation attached to them. If that is what u want, the whole stuff becomes a bit more complex as u would have to edit/ add quite a few locations (wherever the player wants his/her coffin to be)... as far as i understand, this mod wont edit/ add any locations in the near future (until quests are added maybe). The only way around i can imagine would be to create a spell which moves the coffin (and all attached objects/ markers to the desired location... however i dont even know if that is possible. Hope thiss helps... :confused:
  8. Well, for the camera, to point into specific directions: - I used the moveto(match rotation) for the initial rotationdirection after changing to the control of the cameraman (for some reason he doesn't care about xmarkerheadings) - I also used the translatetoref() function in order to move to a xmarkerheading... what happens is, the camera does a neat little curve ending exactly in the determined rotation of the marker (you can change the movement and rotation speed as well in this function) - if you want to spice it up maybe u could try the translatetospline() function... never tried it though As for your idea about beeing part of the audience: - maybe u could try the setlookat() function - from my understanding the setcameratarget() function also should do what u wanted to achieve.... however I yet have to get this function actually doing what i want :whistling: One more thing i figured is, when u change the control u better use a ImageSpaceModifier (for a sec or two)... otherwise it looks a bit "clumsy" when the camera is switching the actors and the third/firstperson. It happens fast enough, so its not easy to recognise... but it just looks a bit "clumsy" PS: I am just working on an interactive furniture where i wanted to have a certain camera pov when playing the animations. I have a coffin (as a bed) for vampirecharacters and wanted the player to see the animations and effects when he/she is getting out. I didnt touch the modelling part yet (have quite a lot of respect of how complex the whole modelling stuff looks)... so far i used the nmcoffin as a dummy.
  9. Hello everyone, Disclaimer: I tried to set up a certain cameraview for a playeranimation. However I couldn't find any way changing the camera angles and distances. As a result I decided to work on a script which allows a npc to take over the control of the playercamera (got a little help from sinderions bones here :biggrin: ) With this in mind, there are probably quite a few fields of application for this kind of function. Some examples just out of my mind: - mindcontrol spells for enhanced magic and/ or unique bossfights - controlling a follower or your spouse for certain activities (might add some immersion not sure :confused:) - setting up scenes with the player as an actor (and the camera detached) - setting up a certain view for furnitureanimations 2 more things before I start: a) I am not an experienced modder, so I apologize if some more veteran modders find any flaws in the scripts or better ways to achieve similar results. b) This is probably just one way to get to the results described above. Here are my findings (as I couldn't find much info on this topic and I thought it might help someone): General approach: Scripts: Questscript EventScript CameramanScript Kudos go to Sinderions Bones who was giving very helpfull advice :thumbsup: Edit: I would like to stress, that I am not the first one who got this to work http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1348962-setplayercontrols-and-papyrus/
  10. BOOM !! :teehee: I ve done it! Just tested ingame and the camera was snapping over the head of my CameraMan. Now (tomorrow actually) I just need to clean up all the mess i created during the try and error process :biggrin: When done, I will try to 1) add a short package to both the player and the cameraMan 2) set it up as generic as pssible (so u can call the quest/script anytime u want to create a own scene involving the player as actor) After that i will write a description of how i did. cheers and thx for ur help sinderions :thumbsup:
  11. yeah, i realised that i should be fine with getting the camera man through "create alias in/at" the trick is to get the player into the alias which should be working already. From there on, i can try out a couple of things, like passing a variable from one alias(actor) to the other (like i think it was done in the companions mod) or maybe even the setplayercontrols() function is going to work... i will see tonight :thumbsup: would be nice to make some progress on that topic :biggrin:
  12. Yeah i am actually realising, that there is no need to fill the alias of actor2 through the storymanager. I wanted to pass the keyword onto him. But i could as well just attach it to the actor and create the actor2 with alias when the sendstoryevent starts the quest (and enable him later via script if i wanted to hide him). This whole thing doesnt have to do much with the camera mod in itself... but a) I never used sendStoryEvent() so i wanted to try it :tongue: b) I wanted to somehow reconstruct the appoach, which the person at the end of this thread was describing http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1348962-setplayercontrols-and-papyrus/ Sometimes I really struggle with the whole programming stuff... also could't find many tutorials passed the beginner stuff (which I thought i understood) Edit: I am actually using the placeatme() function in the questscript... but as u were guessing i didn't set the alias of actor2 as optional... duh
  13. Hi Sinderions :biggrin: , i am still trying to get the camera mod working :whistling: Actor2 and AliasActor2 is actually my cameraMan. First: The Problem really lies in filling the aliases. The SM-logg tells me that the storymanager got the keyword and that the conditions are met. It even tells me, that the aliases coudn't be filled :tongue: However, this question/ problem is more of general nature, as I have problems to understand the nature of aliases in cases of beeing filled by events. I also still have trouble with understanding "references" in some cases. So the questions are: 1. How would I define the parameter ref2 = actor2 when there is no objectreference in the world yet (cant use get linked ref) 2. Did i choose the wrong kind of "extends ... reference" (used ObjectReference) on the script? 3. Why doesn't "Actor2 as actor" define the parameter, while the function for actor1 does? The thing is, I really want actor2 to fill through the storyEvent keyword. I do know how to set it up if I wanted to fill the alias in another way... And btw I really appreciate your kind help and advice... thanks for taking the time :thumbsup: PS: I had a closer look at the companions mod... and i think i grabbed the general concept of how the author did the camera thing. Not sure whether i am allowed to tell :biggrin: ... but i think he used a variable called "meAsActor" and switched it between the cartdriver and the horse. Edit: the more I think about it, the more i get convinced, that there MUST be a objectreference in the world to get the alias filled.
  14. Helly everyone, i got a small problem here. As much as I try for some reason I can't fill a certain alias from a SendStory Event. I ll explain: I created a mykeywordSendStoryEvent(Actor1, Actor2 as Actor) attached to an activator (extends ObjectReference) i only defined Actor1 in the script (as i don't know how i could define actor2 any further... i cant use get linked ref because he will be placed through the quest) Actor Actor1 Actor1Actor = (game.getplayer() as ObjectReference) as Actor I also added a questnode and a quest (started on script event). In the QuestAliasesTab i set AliasActor1 and AliasActor2 to be created via script event Ref1 & Ref2. So now, while the Alias of Ref1 is filled i have problems with the Alias of Ref2 (Actor2). Does anyone see where i am missing something or how to solve my little problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated :thumbsup:
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