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Posts posted by Lutine

  1. Yeah, Steam forced 1.8 upon me. I've updated FNIS, taken a look at my animations folder, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary.


    Do old people use a separate animation set?

  2. I'm stumped. I don't have any mods modifying old women(or their behavior, for that matter), but they're stuck in a T-pose.


    I haven't added any mods recently that seem to touch any idle animations, either.


    This is my load order:


    WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm
    PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp
    Horses for followers.esp
    R18Pn - Ritter Armor - Heavy.esp
    R18Pn - Torumekian Armor.esp
    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
    Better Dynamic Snow.esp
    Convenient Horses.esp
    Craftable and Placeable Havok-enabled Bedrolls .esp
    female mannequins.esp
    female mannequins in homes.esp
    Rowen Trade Guild.esp
    dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
    UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp
    PC Exclusive Animation Path - Elder Race.esp
    Increase Torch Range.esp
    R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp
    Osare KneeSocks.esp
    no sun damage vampires.esp
    Better Vampires.esp
    Tundra Defense.esp
    Schwertleite Set.esp
    Osare SchoolUniform.esp
    ProType - Cool Fever.esp
    Serana No Hood.esp
    Better Follower Improvements.esp
    Osare Food.esp
    Vampire Skin Color Fix.esp
    Footwear OE.esp
    Japanese School studio.esp
    sit anywhere.esp
    Daedric chain.esp
    Osare Part Armor.esp
    Osare SchoolUniform BU.esp
    Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp

  3. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/1191/p1010301eb.jpg


    The second I popped open a flash video from Youtube, BAM, the video display for my second monitor was killed above. If I removed the connection physically, that artifacting would go onto my main monitor. This was a one-off thing, I can't reproduce for now. Anything to worry about? Taking a Printscrn doesn't show anything.


    Windows 7 Ultimate

    Core i5 3570K @ stock

    8GB RAM

    XFX 7850 OC to 1050MHz, RAM 1450MHz. Stable for the past month and a half.


    Interestingly, speedfan had the GPU fan at 0% and -999C, with CCC showing 55C, which is unusual because the fan is usually 20% and shows a correct temp. I jumped from the original DVD rom drivers to the latest CCC last week.

  4. "Gah-ack!"


    Maya's left shoulder was hit by the random spray from the disabled Robobrain, just as she sprung up from the concrete slab. It wasn't a life threatening hit, but the laser shot stung like hell. This was why she hated robots.

    She jabbed a stimpak to help the wound and gingerly grabbed her shield as she moved from her position. It looked like the ranks were breaking up again, and it appeared that more help had arrived, alongside sniper fire that was flushing out enemies from the upper windows.


    A small group of about five legionnaires suddenly rushed out of the gate. They were well armed and immediately noticed Maya. The lead man of the charged her with a spear, but she was able to sidestep and pistol whip the man. The few shots she fired at him missed. The man quickly recovered and pulled out a gladius, which Maya barely blocked with her shield. As she did, the other legionnaires circled around her with their weapons.


    Crap, crap crap!


    The veteran legionary thrust again with his sword, impacting hard against her shield. There was no opening to get a shot at the man with her pistol, and to top it off, it was getting increasingly difficult to block due to the pain in her shoulder. This time blocking a swipe, she saw at the corner of her eye two more legionnaires readying their spears. She sideswiped a blow from the man before quickly glancing at the two other men and emptied ten rounds in their general direction. It sounded like they were hit, or at least they weren't about to attack her. Maya couldn't tell; the man she was in combat with was giving a helluva of a fight.


    This looked bad.

  5. "S-sh*t..."


    The battle was quickly turning against them as the legionnaires reformed their ranks and began a new onslaught on Sandro's robotic army. The robots were falling left and right instead of legionnaires now.


    The soldier that had her pinned down advanced close enough that she was able to quickly bolt and club him unconscious with the side of the shield. Sticking close to the the Tenpenny Tower's walls, she edged across to flank the legionnaires' back lines, where the higher ranking soldiers were. Crouching behind a small concrete slab, she checked her magazine. There was still nineteen bullets out of thirty-one in the magazine; she had more in the bag along with the Browning HP. She could still hold out for some time.


    Quickly jumping up, she emptied her clip into the back lines, felling several soldiers before crouching back down, out of sight to reload.

  6. Open world, medieval, like Oblivion and Skyrim, with much more world space.

    There must be much, much more focus on merchanting.


    Merchanting f*** yeah.





    Open world, Caribbean, 1700s-1800s, on the high seas with frigates, sloops and the like, again with a massive focus on merchanting and European politics.

  7. The battle began rather quickly. Maya followed behind one of the rarer securitrons as it fired its Gatling laser, mowing down several legionnaires wielding the odd spear or rifle. Giving the securitron and a nearby protectron a wide berth, she charged at another legionnaire wielding a throwing spear and bashed his face in with the bulletproof shield.

    Hearing another enemy charging with a gladius in her direction, she spun around and gave a roundhouse kick to his ribs before firing her pistol at point-blank range. Maya was very glad she had fashioned the bulletproof shield. Just as she finished off the gladius wielding legionnaire, several spears from above glanced off the glass shield, leaving scratches on both sides. She looked up and fired several rounds at enemies in the window about a hundred meters away. A couple of them fell out of the window, nearly crushing Sandro and Versing. Pressing her back against the concrete walls, she poked her head around the gate to see Sandro and Versing tied to the cross. An idea quickly popped into her head. She quickly holstered her Five-seveN and pulled out her boxcutter from the side of her holster.


    "Take this and cut him down!" Maya threw the boxcutter at Sandro, before retreating behind her shield as a soldier armed with a submachine gun pinned her down with gunfire.

  8. Maya whistled as she watched the robots march off towards the tower.


    "That's not something you see everyday. Not that I'd get near them, anyway."


    She unholstered her Five-sevN pistol and doubled checked its magazine to make sure it had its signature armor piercing rounds in it. Maya followed Sandro and the column of robots, shield and gun in hand. Now, with almost an equal parity in strength, it was time to save Versing and liberate her old home from those legion bastards.

  9. "Right, if it's like a normal factory, the computers should probably be in a control center of some sort," said Maya as she kicked aside an old toppled table. She reached into her skirt pocket and produced a small pen flashlight, which she turned on.


    "Fingers crossed that the computer we need still works. I can probably fix it if it's dead, but that would take valuable time. Same thing goes for the robots, but I'm less inclined to go near them."


    She reached a set of double doors and tried the door handles, but they were locked. Maya briefly entertained the though of kicking them down, but decided against it. There might be an active protectron guard or something patrolling and drawing unnecessary attention to herself was something she didn't want but did too often.


    "Oi Sandro, Can you get this door, before I kick it down? Should be the right room."

  10. Maya nodded. "Nice to meet you." She paused for a moment before answering Sandro's question with a wry smile. "What messed me up? Long story made short, I found an F4 under the remains of an old hangar near here, fairly intact, I thought I could fix it up with some good engineering work; I didn't. You can find most of the remains a mile or so from Megaton, if you're interested. That explains my new shield, too."


    "So you were around during the war, huh?" said Maya as they approached the Robco Facility. "I've read a bunch about it from a small library an acquaintance of mine had. Must have been quite the experience."


    Maya looked at the massive Robco structure before them. Since Sandro was alive during the war, it wasn't unusual that he could hack computers. Maya knew a decent amount about computers, but only through old prewar IT books and manuals. She knew about the Robco facility for some time(It was quite visible from Tenpenny Towers), but never found a good reason to approach it until now. Maya was never too fond of robots. They tended to wreck things more than help things, in her experience.


    She looked at Sandro and back at the factory and back again at Sandro.


    "You think we can unleash a robotic army against the legionnaires holed up at Tenpenny? We'd be outnumbered fifty to one as it is now."

  11. "Yo, Mr. Ghoul," said a voice behind Sandro. "Looks like you beat me to the chase. A bit. A shame about Versing. They dragged him in."

    Maya walked up alongside the sitting Sandro, a completed bulletproof shield in her left hand. "Name's Maya, I used to live up at the tower. I followed Versing from Megaton; saw the entire battle. I'd have loved to help, but, well, I'm surprised you were unconscious and not dead. Took a bit of a self-restraint to not get involved, actually."


    After reaching Megaton and helping Versing and his friend, Maya ended up splitting up in town with them. She only stayed there briefly, stopping by Craterside supply for supplies and to fix up part of the F4's glass canopy into a bulletproof shield. She then left Megaton with the intent to case out Tenpenny towers and nearly ran into the firefight that Sandro just woke up from. She had hid behind several large boulders and only observed the curbstomp of a battle. She only noticed Versing and Sandro just before the firefight, but it was simpler and much more pithy to say that she followed him.


    "If you intend to get your friend back, I'll help, because it's the Legion."

  12. Maya and Versing finally managed to arduously bring back the two unconscious individuals back to Megaton. As she had guessed, the guard outside(The Mr. Gutsy robot didn't do anything) rushed out to help them.

    Half an hour later, they were in the Megaton Clinic. Thankfully, they had an ample supply of regular stimpaks.


    Maya leaned against the wall looking at the unconscious girl and Morgan as Doc Church treated the two with stimpaks. Maya and Versing were the last on line since their injuries were not as severe as the people laying on the beds before them.


    "Hey Doc. Are they gonna live?"

  13. Read the description!


    Graphical mods used:

    Superl3 ENB 0.53b

    Skyrim HD Full 1.5

    FXAA Post Processing Injector

    Static Mesh Improvement Mod

    Realistic Lighting

    Enhanced Distant Terrain 1.2

    Remove Ambient Interior Fog

    Revamped Exterior Fog

    Lush Grass 1.3

    Lush Trees 1.3

    Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul Hi-Res 1.09

    Pure Waters 2.6

    HD Foams And Waterfalls For Pure Waters

    Better Dynamic Snow

    Clothing Fixes 1.18

    Enhanced Blood Textures

    Torches For Realistic Lighting

    Sounds Of Skyrim

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