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  1. Have any of you been riding the Fallout 4 announcement hype train? Unsure if http://thesurvivor2299.com/ is real or not but today a German Website listed Fallout 4 for 2014 release. Have a look, they took down this article but people got an image of it: http://i.imgur.com/BAHoYPG.jpg
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    2. AliasTheory


      Also for the Survivor2299 -- I know the piece and have the sheet music to that "Sad Violin" piece. I used to play it a lot, but I got bored with it. But dang, the owner of the site came out, huh?
    3. Ultrajet


      I'll write it down and look it up for sure. I disliked Borderlands, I know everyone loves it but I just couldn't get into it. Hah that is such a long freakin combo, are you able to do something like that? Bah I didn't watch that video as soon as I found out it was a hoax I just never checked back on it.
    4. Ultrajet


      Sucks but looks like you were right, it was too elaborate for an advertising campaign. I'm going to just be patient with FO4 announcement hopefully they are only taking their time to make an awesome game. Though I doubt it will ever be as good as FO3.
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