Little over a year ago I played through Skyrim and did enough missions in the thieves guild to become Guild Master. Now I started playing again just last week and am done with the thieves guild main questline and really just want to get the smaller missions by Delvin and Vex out of the way. I've been searching for around an hour now and it seems people have made batch files that repeate over and over to skip the radiant quests instantly or something so you can easily clear 125 of them and get the chest next to the table along with all the other little unlockables. However every. singl. time. I've tried to click on such a mod posted on these forums the author has taken it down for some reason that the thread never specifies. Anyone know of or able to make a batch file to clear the smaller missions? NOTE: I'm NOT looking for the mods that let you pick your location for the radiant missions nor am I looking to just simply spawn the rewards in. What I want to do is be able to do is skip the little quests and do those special jobs for each city and become guild master.