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Nexus Mods Profile

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    Fallout New Vegas
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    Fallout 3
  1. Please help I just got through reinstlling windows due to a small computer bug, I have lost all my 3d modeling applications. can someone please help tell me what version of blender you are using, nifscope,pyton,etc to get me back to into modeling. And Another thing previous version of blender I have work with have work just fine for fallout 3 and fallout new vegas game. for skyrim my blender models don't work in skyrim editor. I always get that same old red ? question mark so I don't know what I am doing wrong. thanks to whoever helps. kudo to best answer ;)
  2. need help, I am making a model and I don't know what is going wrong with the sizeing of the armor in the fallout nv game. I made the model in blender it works for the game for the most part but when I go to re edit the mesh back in blender delete some verts and re export it back to the game this time the model is way to big. anyone know how to fix the sizing of the mesh to get it back to it's normal size? much thanks to whoever figures my problem.
  3. need help, I am making a model and I don't know what is going wrong with the sizeing of the armor in the fallout nv game. I made the model in blender it works for the game for the most part but when I go to re edit the mesh back in blender and export it back to the game this time the model is way to big. amyone know how to fix the szing of the mesh to get it back to it's normal size? much thanks to whoever figures my problem out. :thumbsup:
  4. I kinda figured that, to many verts is my problem. thanks though
  5. ya your probubly going to need to buy a graphics card. If your not meeting the requirements on it that is what it will look like. intergarted graphics are mostley weaker, you should buy an dedecated graphics card. I am running the game on my macbook pro with and nivida geforce 9400 M intergarted graphics card and it works really good for the most part. I also have been playing it on an lower intergarted graphics card intel hd graphics intel i5 4 core. and the game works really nice on low. if you computer is lower then mine then its pretty much not going to work. your full computer specs will be helpfull to tell us if your even able to play. right now where just guessing on what kinda computer u have
  6. It would help if you told us your computer specs. I am running on an intel core two duo and I don't have a problem.
  7. When I try exporting a model I get and Value out of range error, anyone know what I could be doing wrong. how do I fix this so I can export the model? this is what I get Blender NIF Scripts 2.5.5 (running on Blender 249, PyFFI 2.1.6) Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_common.py", line 1227, i n gui_button_event self.gui_exit() File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_common.py", line 1579, i n gui_exit self.callback(**self.config) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 4538, in co nfig_callback exporter = NifExport(**config) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 407, in __i nit__ root_block, root_object.getName()) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 1153, in ex port_node self.export_tri_shapes(ob, trishape_space, node) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 2447, in ex port_tri_shapes stitchstrips=self.EXPORT_STITCHSTRIPS) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats\nif\__init__.p y", line 6850, in set_triangles triangles, stitchstrips=stitchstrips)) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats\nif\__init__.p y", line 6861, in set_strips self.strip_lengths = len(strip) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\object_models\xml\arra y.py", line 70, in __setitem__ return self._set_item_hook(self, index, value) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\object_models\xml\arra y.py", line 105, in set_basic_item return list.__getitem__(self, index).set_value(value) File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\object_models\common.p y", line 180, in set_value raise ValueError('value out of range (%i)' % val) ValueError: value out of range (76579) Thanks and kudo to best answer
  8. Can somone please help me out? steam won't stop auto updating the Fallout new vegas game like every two secounds. is there a way to stop this from happening? and no swtiching settings from do not auto update does not help, steam just bypasses it. I have to wait like so many hours before the game is finsh with that last update over and over again, annoying.
  9. need help, I am trying to make a custom sound effect. can someone please show me the right way to convert an mp3 sound that will work in the fallout NV game. I have been trying to find a guide but have had no luck. thanks kudo to the best answer.
  10. k thanks that was it. kudos for both of you :thumbsup:
  11. its a sword http://img847.imageshack.us/i/sowrdscreenshot.jpg/ I tried getting rid of the black see through materiel sown in the image. pressed some button and it changed to the same color as the rest of the sword but its still see-trough in game. dont know was hoping maby you could take a look at it see what i did and fix it for me. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TVCU5GXF
  12. i think you need to make a new account for the one that the password dosent work. even though its the same site you going to have to make one, i had to for fallout 3 and new vegas. make it the same name and password as your first it dose not matter.
  13. Help have made a model in blender but i found that part of the mesh in game is see trough, I do not Know how this happened or what i did but could someone please tell me if their is a way to change that part of mesh so its not see trough. thanks
  14. I was wondering if someone could please make me an tribal labret lip piercing just like this one http://img695.imageshack.us/i/triballabretlippercing.jpg/ the piercing fits just in the middle of the chin and the lip and their are two of them one on each end about two inches apart ive tried to make it myself but trying to get the right size and all is a pane. was for and pretty sick character mod i was making anyways please and thanks to whoever takes this one up.
  15. what weapon effect for fallout new vegas would be the same as the shock sword effect in fallout 3 operation Anchorage dlc? I dont have the fallout 3 dlc for the computer i have it for my ps3 and i was wanting to know what the correct name for the effect is in the geck, as for a sword mod that i am making. please and thanks
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