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Everything posted by TSotP

  1. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750564, #24750709, #24750814, #24750904, #24751449, #24751489, #24751899, #24751974, #24752079, #24752334, #24752454, #24753799, #24754219, #24754259, #24754609, #24754739, #24754979, #24755419, #24755704, #24755774, #24755999, #24756039, #24756394, #24756489, #24756599, #24756669, #24756944, #24757404, #24757709, #24757794, #24757819, #24757959, #24758109, #24758244, #24758549, #24758604, #24758779, #24758789, #24759069, #24760799, #24760824, #24765454, #24765899, #24766564, #24766884, #24767039, #24767164, #24769074, #24769604, #24770129, #24770469, #24770524, #24770899, #24771494, #24771584, #24771729, #24771929, #24772554 are all replies on the same post. i have a simple rule for endorsements. Did the Mod do what it said it was going to do? if Yes, Endorsed!
  2. In response to post #24562194. #24562354, #24562709, #24563084, #24563309, #24563459, #24563644, #24563674, #24563819, #24563864, #24563879, #24564044, #24564379, #24564994, #24565419 are all replies on the same post. i really like what you said Trainwiz, but what's to stop someone from downloading your free mod and re-uploading it to steam behind a paywall? Do you really think Valve and Beth are going to step in to protect your work (which can't exist without their work)? Especially considering the huge cut they will be getting from the stolen mod. This whole idea of paid mods reeks of greed on the part of Valve/Beth. And i don't really blame any mod author who want's to get paid for all their work either. Imagine you are the SkyUI team, sitting there with your free mod that has literally millions of downloads. But some guy who opened up nifskope and rehashed some vanilla armors into something 'new' is charging $4 for his mod. If you were SkyUI, wouldn't you be a little annoyed that you are NOT making money?
  3. i'm no real help on the technical side of this (and i know that this request is YEARS old) but there is a mod for FO:NV that adds in his outfit. But the author dragbody says here in a reply that he has no problem with someone porting it over to Skyrim mod link: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55713/ his quote:
  4. I'm not totally sure. But I suspect that it would probably need a couple of patches. I don't know much about the inner workings of frostfall. But I'm sure it tracks the current game weather, so it should work 'out of the box' so to speak. If the mod was built on the premise that skyrim is a cold country like Norway/Northern Canada and that the Vanilla game is 'summertime' then it would only get colder as the year progresses. But the frequency of snowstorms would have to be increased for winter time and rain during spring and autumn/fall, as well as decreasing snow and rain during the summer. Not really sure, it would be a big job, but definitely do-able
  5. I recently watched a Gopher video where he had installed Wet & Cold: Holidays. And he offhandedly mentioned that a real seasons mod could be made. I was thinking about that and, although I do not have the skills required, I think it could be done. Automatic Variants uses scripts to dynamically change creature skins. Wet and Cold: Holidays uses scripts that track the date No Snow Under The Roof has better models for snow covered buildings. Skyrim Flora Overhaul Has better flowers and trees Seasons of skyrim has nice textures for summer time Would it even be possible to create a mod that tracks the date and changes the models of houses and plants, as well as textures for more realistic, changing seasons.
  6. I know that this topic is a year old. But its the closest thing ive seen to what im looking for. If I wanted to make a retexture of an existing armor for a follower npc to wear, all i would have to do is create a new textureset and duplicate the armor. Then redirect the duplicate to this new texture set? And I can do all this with the creation kit? I already have the new textures made. (Cutrently they retexture all armor of that type)
  7. Can anyone tell me, or point me in the right direction, how to create a custom runscript command and how to make it function correctly. Also, can I make a script that activates another script. Eg. Runscript activate_arcane_warrior Which would run the scripts Runscript addtalent 4023 [mage] Runscript addtalent xxxx [arcane warrior] Runscript addtalent xxxx [combat magic] Runscript addtalent xxxx [aura of might] Runscript addtalent xxxx [shimmering shield] Runscript addtalent xxxx [fade shroud]
  8. That's fantastiv. thank you SO much :)
  9. hi, i was wondering if any of you guys could help me. I've been messing around with the CK and a couple of mods that rely on the vanilla armors. but what i was wondering is if anyone could show me a tutorial that would allow me to create these same models, but textured uniquely. i.e. I want to make the Dovahkiin armor. Which is Iron Helm, Iron Boots and Iron Gauntlets with Studded Leather Armor for the chest. Duplicating it in the CK is easy. And i have found a few fantastic mods that retexture these armors in glorious detail. (HAR, "A complete re-texture for Studded Armor") but i DON'T want every bandit and every cheap thug running around in my beautiful new armor. So i was wondering if someone could show me how to remove these models from the game, direct them to new texture files and put them back into the game as unique. i know that it's possible because there are dozens of mods out there that effectivly do the same thing ('Heroic Dwarven Armor Standalone', 'Ivory Armor', 'Divine Aegis HD', 'Mystic Elven Armor', 'Thalmor Inquisitor Armor') -------- EDIT: For the record, I would not be publishing this armor using other peoples retextures without express permission from the original authors, this is more a tutorial for myself and for personal use.
  10. i always hated in morrowind and oblivion how your weapons and armor could be destroyed unless you kept fixing them. However, as a chef, i know for a fact that a blunt knife is almost useless. that got me thinking. what about mixing the two systems into one that is more realistic. Mechanically, it would be implemented follows: Add a new weapon/armor category: Blunt/Damaged - This would reduce your weapons/armors rating by half. as you use your weapons/armor, they would become damaged and require fixing this would slowly take your gear from Legendary, back down to basic, then going to damaged. This would be fixed at crafting stations, just like regular smithing. If your gear does become damaged, it would require the regular crafting ingredients to take it back to normal, then the same again to upgrade it to whatever status it was at. Having smithing perks could eliminate the need to 'double fix' your weapons and armor. E.g. You walk into a dungeon with an "Ebony Sword (Flawless)" and "Orcish Armor (Legendary)". As you attack enemies your weapon would slowly drop from (Flawless), down through (Exquisite) and (Fine) back to basic. If you keep fighting at basic, it'll drop down to "Ebony Sword (Blunted)" (50% basic damage) As you are attacked, your Armor would do the same, dropping back down to basic, then to "Orcish Armor (Damaged)". When you get back into town you would need 2 ebony ingots to repair your sword. One to take it from (Blunted) to basic. The second to take it from basic back up to (Flawless). Same with the armor. If you had the Ebony smithing perk, it would only require 1 ebony ingot to repair your sword back up to (Flawless). 2 new items could also be added to the game that are used to maintain your weapons away from smithing stations. A 'Repair Hammer' for Armor and a 'Sharpening Stone' for weapons. They would be able to take your armor back up a level eg. (epic) back to (legendary), but would NOT be able to fix (Damaged) or (Blunted) gear. You would also need the Steel Smithing perk to be able to use these two new items (once you know how to bash dents out of armor and sharpen a blade, it makes little difference if gear is made out of Steel or Ebony, the technique is the same. But someone who does not know what they are doing (no smithing perks), can very quickly ruin a blade or peice of armor) Magical Items would never become (Blunted) or (Damaged) but the "Sharpening Stone" and "Repair Hammer" could still be used to fix them in the field. (This would also get round the need for the Arcane Blacksmith perk to fix (Blunted) magical weapons).
  11. that'd be easy fixed, but i chose my numbers carefully. 1) According to HowStuffWorks.com Gandhi fasted for 21 days. And during the Irish Hunger Strikes in 1981 Thomas McElwee lasted the longest, at 73 total days before dying. Death after 28 days seems reasonable. 2) a human can probably live for about 3 to 5 days without any water. Healthier humans can live another day or so longer. And In an amazing show of endurance, a Japanese hiker survived for 24 days in cold weather without food and water in October 2006. Since it's colder in Skyrim, so fluid loss due to sweat would be minimal, i think 10 days seems reasonable. and from wikipedia: 3) In 1964 - as a 17-year-old high school student in San Diego, California - Randy Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours (eleven days), breaking the previous record of 260 hours held by Tom Rounds of Honolulu. We'll assume that, after 11 days, you would collapse into a coma and be eaten by the first passing wolf pack/sabretooth tiger/troll. But the drinking could be changed to: Day 6 - 50% health reduction Day 7 - Death and for eatng: day 6 - 10% Stamina reduction day 7 - 20% Stamina reduction . . day 15 - 100% Stamina reduction day 16 - 25% health reduction day 17 - 50% health reduction day 18 - 75% health reduction day 19 - Death
  12. I would love to see a realism mod which adds penalties if you don't eat, sleep or drink. something like: (see image) http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/2095236-1327174840.jpg eating 2 cooked meals, drinking 2 bottle of anything or sleeping for 8 hours would reset the counters. And since i forgot to mention anywhere, these are all % reductions
  13. i usually go a Breton and head over to the Lord stone. even if i'm a warrior. The combined 50% magical resistance and 50pts damage reduction is worth it reguardless of the slight costs.
  14. of course. if you really want to be so overpowered to wear 10 rings. you could always cheat to set your enchantment skill really high (999) and then craft a ring using a 'grand' soul. I did this to give my 'Conan The Barbarian' character effectivly unlimited stamina. (set my stamina to 8000 and made a ring of 750% stamina regen)
  15. Something like this? http://static.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/images/1739-1-1322393950.jpg
  16. i suppose, mod requests of this kind are pretty much impossible till the construction kit comes out.
  17. update: It does work as advised. i'm not sure how, but i managed to break that character. None of the enchantements, whether i had bought the magic item, or made it myself, were working correctly on her. But i started a new character and everything is fine. Thanks for the help though :)
  18. now all someone has to do is create a version of chameleon. i think it's work just like this, only you could interact with objects etc.
  19. unfortuantly, this isn't on things i've crafted. it's on everything i wear, even stuff i find (or give via the console)
  20. i am noticing a problem using it as a spell though. if you break invisibility while sneaking, you loose the effect. I've not had a chance to see how this affects stealth kills, but i thought i'd mention it.
  21. even morrowind and oblivion allowed 2 rings. Standard fantasy rules always say you can have 2 magic rings. One on each hand. Magic belts/sashes would be nice too. Although i'd settle for a cloak instead.
  22. i've noticed a small thing that is kinda annoying. When you are enchanting apperal, only certain enchantments can go on certain things. for example, you cannot enchant boots with "fortify destruction". is there any kind modders out there that that know how to fix this so that all apperal enchantemts can go on all apperal items? and in a similar vein. is there any way to improve the enchanting skill to allow more than 2 enchantemnts on an item?
  23. ok. here's the thing. I have a Deadric Helmet of Peerless Destruction. When i look at it in the inventory it says that it gives me 25% cheaper spells. So i then equip the helmet and go into my active effects section in magic. and low and behold, my fortify destruction is only 12% this is the same for all enchantments. I am only getting half the value of the effect. Is it supposed to be like this, or am i missing something?
  24. Thanks Thandal. It wasn't nesecerally a request though, just really asking if anyone had seen a mod out that with a hat similar to this one
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