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Posts posted by stealtrecon

  1. um... I don't think dinosaurs have anything to do with the lore robochikendude97. The only things I'm really concerned about suggesting is basically the types of weapons at this point. Many of the suggestions have been announced and confirmed. So when I go to visit and get to test the game out I will know from there what suggestions I should and can make. Though i expect that if they do add anything they would be DLCs or Expansions.
  2. Support me by listening to my radio station. Go to http://ubroadcast.com/channel/techno_nation_live to listen.


    A link to donate will soon be available. All donations will go towards improving the station as well as covering medical bills from my cancer treatments. Its expensive, so please donate.


    I'm also looking for someone who would be willing to be my co-host and take some of the load off my computer by hosting for a few hours.


    If you have any request feel free to leave them here and I will be sure to update my database.


    Song List: To Be Updated

  3. From what I understand, a dlc is any downloadable content for the game. That would include mods as well. An expansion is basically something you would purchase at a store and is an official release from the developers, digital or not. So in my opinion it is better to have both. Mods are unofficial dlc, so if you only want expansions then say goodbye to mods because then they won't exists.
  4. haha, thanks guys. I do have some bad news, my doctor notified me that he would like to do some radiation therapy just to be extra safe and nip anything that may remain in the bud. I guess its safe to do so if they can't tell the difference between benign inflammation or cancer on a pet scan, but it still sucks. Anywho, can't wait for skyrim woot woot.
  5. Well, this is my first time posting in a month or two. I've got good news, it appears as though I am cured of cancer. My trip won't be happening until after I graduate in june, I expect to be going anywhere between july 1st and september. Oh, and just for the fun of making music, I put a music piece together.




    Answer me this, do you believe I am playing a piano or using a synthesizer to play this music :O

  6. Bethesda has a long history of supporting the modding community, and for good reason. It’s a science fact that mod tools make the world a better place: they make modders happy because they can mod, they make developers happy to see modders gaining experience, and they make fans happy to see an endless stream of content they can mess around with. So today we were pretty happy to finally confirm our plans to continue that support with Skyrim.


    This is a quote directly from the Beth Blog. This is what everyone is basically trying to tell you. As you can see, Bethesda has no plan to remove the ability of modding and probably never will as long as they continue to make games. Its a way for them to make more money as well, so its not like they gain nothing by producing a construction set, GECK or creation kit.

  7. Hey guys, thanks for being supportive of my wish and cause. I have spoken to make a wish foundation and am finally making my wish official, unfortunately my wish that I wanted is considered 3 different wishes. Two of these wishes I have really been wanting, but I have to choose one of the two to be my wish. I have chosen to go to Bethesda Softworks b because it will benefit my career opportunities in the future the most and it will be a unique experience that very few get to have. Unfortunately this means giving up my wish of having my dream computer before the release of skyrim. I suppose I will have to hope that my parents can pull through and purchase me a decent computer or that bethesda or somebody else would be willing to donate towards a new computer.
  8. well while thats being worked on I'll be sitting in he hospial because of a fever I had. I should get out tomorrow. I'm still waiting on Rhymer for some of his models. It would be good for Rhymer and TehBuddha to work together so that they also get textured.
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