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Nexus Mods Profile

About blonda007

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 3
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Fallout 3
  1. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  2. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  3. I think I know. She was banned for inviting too many friends in one day ;)
  4. Oh jesus! What for?
  5. shame on nexus for banning you
  6. Hi, Alyna!

    Nice to make new friend, girl, or lady. Especially neighbours.

    Everybody thanks for adding, but I would like to ask (doesn't matter really) what kind of music is yours? Don't answer if the question is stupid, please, just asking. See ya around, lady!

  7. Hey there, thanks for the visit ...
  8. i'm free and i think i can help if you need me .. or at least try to since i have nothing better to do
  9. Hello , LHammonds. I think we need more people like you to make video tutorials for n00bs XD
  10. hello , nice avatar
  11. tnx for the tutorial about sigs.. and avatars
  12. ok.. boss i fixed it.. i hope its ok now
  13. c'mon !! its not fair to remove my avatar since "Lady Azura Nov 23 2010 01:05 PM ยท Delete

    Today, some people even think pedophilia is ok.

    So I don't see why would your picture, which definitely belongs to art, disturb minds that have already been ruined by the most xD


    its an art.. infact its a pose from fo3 ingame pose... how can it be inapropriate?

  14. hello, is there any way to contact you via skype or anything? i really need your help for my next project and from what i know you are the only one who can help in the entier universe
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