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  1. We all know that the forgeries at The Black Cat do not possess any of the magical qualities of the original item. Is there a way to make forgeries copy magical items and their abilities rather than simply create a superficial forgery?
  2. BUMP! Was about to request this myself! i find this obscure skill system irritating and counterintuitive. As for the number of slots, why not enough for every ability?? The real question is, should they interact with mutagen slots or be entirely seperate? I imagine players will have different requests, seeing as mutagens can be a little overpowered.
  3. Thanks Dark One :) Pixeldust, I assure you that I am aware that those games were not made by Obsidian. I apologise if I was not clear enough for you. I was referring to games that I believe make the criteria for 'real rpgs' as Obsidian has made it clear that they are striving for the ideals that I have mentioned through Project Eternity and I fear that publishers are relinquishing those ideals (which I believe have real value), thus Obsidian's move away from using publishers to go back to the ideals of a 'real rpg' is really noble and worthy of support. @hector530, my apologies! To my knowledge the degree of voicing (real word?) has not been established, but considering Fallout: New Vegas I would guess that you are probably right! I would definitely prefer voiced npc's, but I am still very capable of enjoying a game without it. It seems that many people who also backed the project feel the same ---> http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60490-voiced-npcs/
  4. I love the idea of Project Eternity, already pledged $160 ($140 plus $20 shipping)! Have you ever had a game make you laugh in hysterics or cry or feel something other than pure adrenalin? Have you ever played a game where it felt like in-game characters had a personality of their own? Lastly, have you ever played a game which lets you make decisions with tremendous consequences that drastically changes the story? Games like The Witcher (1 & 2), Dragon Age: Origins (NOT 2!), Never Winter Nights as well as the Baldurs Gate series are examples of this kind of game. I believe these qualities are what make a real rpg and have too often been thrown by the wayside by publishers in favour of games which take less effort to develop, can be revamped and resold every 6months to a year and appeal to a population who favour thoughtless instant gratification. This project is brave and I think they deserve support. I can only hope that other companies would have the guts to do the same! @hector530, did you play Dragon Age: Origins? I would have been sceptical about the game 'not being fully voiced' to, but it really isn't so bad. If done properly, your imagination can add in all the details it needs, sometimes it is even better than having a voiceover.
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