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About dregg01

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  1. Damn, I had a feeling this would be the case! Well thank you for replying. Now I wont have a fear when killing a dungeon full of Vampires out of fear of it being a safe heaven if I was a Vampire haha. Guess ill have to wait for thye mods! Thanks again!
  2. Hello everyone! Been playing TES for a while now, since Morrowind came out with all three of its expansions. My question is and should be, very simple. When you turn into a vampire in Skyrim, is there at all any location where I could retreat to? Where other Vampires dwell? Will other vampires attack me? Or am I forever cursed to live alone? I know in Morrowind you could find a Vampire retreat and I -think- you could do a few quest? Been a while. Oblivion, I modded so much I just cant even remember the basic Vampire haha.. So! My question in a nut shell. - Will other Vampires attack me if I am a vampire. -Is there a Vampire base/retreat/other that I can head to and live in and feel sale. Thank you for your time, community!
  3. Hello everyone! Been playing TES for a while now, since Morrowind came out with all three of its expansions. My question is and should be, very simple. When you turn into a vampire in Skyrim, is there at all any location where I could retreat to? Where other Vampires dwell? Will other vampires attack me? Or am I forever cursed to live alone? I know in Morrowind you could find a Vampire retreat and I -think- you could do a few quest? Been a while. Oblivion, I modded so much I just cant even remember the basic Vampire haha.. So! My question in a nut shell. - Will other Vampires attack me if I am a vampire. -Is there a Vampire base/retreat/other that I can head to and live in and feel sale. Thank you for your time, community!
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