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Everything posted by Tinfeasul

  1. I love to cheat, but in a moderate way if compared with you :tongue: The ones I definitely would use are adding money and incredibly high carrying weight. I just can't stand to drop any of by belongs (even if most of them are just useless trash). I always have different shirts, robes, trousers, boots, spoons, forks, eating knives, jugs, cups, bowls and all that kind of living stuff. Oh yeah and I carry a food mountain on my back, too. I used to do tgm but then I increased my regeneration rate in every aspect. This makes things feel more real but still not losing the I'm-so-powerful sensation.
  2. I didn't kill Paarthurnax. I really like him. He's just some ancient, powerful and meditative dragon that keeps to himself on a mountaintop. Of course there's always the fear and doubts that leaving dragons alive would eventually cause trouble to the human and mer society. But for me, dragon's are just a part of this alreay-very-violent world of TES. We just have to get used to the fact that humen and mer are not the most dominant species in the world and try to make ourselves most comfortable in this world without wiping out all dragons. Paarthurnax is in fact not very violent, at least from my short times with him. I love his philosophical pondering. He's really more wise and knowledgeable and tolerant and self-controlled than many human or mers.
  3. I like peanut butter and I like to eat it with a spoon like Brad Pitt in Meet Joe Black.
  4. I deleted my old vote from a few years back and made a new one. Time flies, eh?
  5. Wow this is really nice! Now memories are rushing back... I was just a kid back in 2006 when I first joined. Look at that!
  6. How I miss Morrowind! But of course after it's plundered, I suppose the island would be in pretty bad shape. But there must still be some mushroom houses there and I hope I can return to the port where my character in TES 3 dropped off. Sweet memories.
  7. My first character is a Breton thieve who makes his way up in the thieves' guild. But then my game crashed so terribly that I had to re-install it and I got this mod of a Snow Elf so, lo and behold, now I'm one of the few surviving snow elves who still walk Skyrim is secrecy.
  8. As long as the mod is fantasy lore friendly, I use it. I only pick up mods that help create a sense of reality (in fantasy aspects) like realistic people, armour, weapons, environments and all that, but that's just my personal taste.
  9. I kinda miss the one-handed bonus for Dunmer...I mean for me the two have always gone hand-in-hand :tongue: But since I'll have Nord as my firs- round race choice, this won't bother me in the near future.
  10. Crab armour! Now that's really something! :thumbsup:
  11. Probably some lone, stealthy adventurer using bow and arrows, duel swords, alchemy and some magic (mainly healing). I've seldom used shields in previous games.
  12. And there are still many things that the series can elaborate, like the mysterious homeland of the High Elves, and the Akaviri. If they want to, I think we really can have at least 10 or 15 scrolls to play. ...Long story, really epic, eh? :tongue:
  13. Nord is a must. I think I'm more into human characters...but I'll also play Khajit since I like the way it look in Skyrim. :thumbsup:
  14. The armor looks kind of cheap...
  15. Thanks for the translation! I've never wanted, so desperately, the winter to arrive sooner!
  16. 1:16......That was a bit absurd :tongue:
  17. Wow. Since I've never played Arena, I've never known that there ARE holidays! All these years I've thought the various names of the months and days were just created for fun (as they appeared to be in Oblivion). But now that you mention it, I desperately want holidays! That's the only way for me to remember how to count the days and months and even years in Tamriel!
  18. A huge banner high up in the sky saying threateningly: 'Mid-term Is Coming!'
  19. In reality there wouldn't be a dual wielder unless you are talking about flintlock firearms. On swords it would be better to use both hands with one sword or a shield and sword combo. Dual wielding was most popular in video games and popular culture but it isn't too common in real life. Only time it would be used as I said on flintlock pistols since instead you would have two shots in case you miss the first one. I know this thread hasn't been posted to for a few weeks, but I wanted to address this anyways - my response may be misplaced given that this thread is addressing a video game, but the poster did post an opinion regarding reality, so... Re the dual wielding being only a popular culture or video game phenomena - what exactly is the support for that? There are plenty of actual martial systems/combat methods that address weapons in either/both hands - eastern and western. Take the rapier/main gauche found in Renaissance era Europe. There are also several styles of Iaido and Kenjutsu that focus on using two swords simultaneously. The same is also true of Chinese Martial Arts (daggers, clubs, hook swords, rooster knives, sun/moon knives, even the standard jian and dao). The Thai art of Krabi Krabong also trains the use of dual weapons. Of course, I haven't studied all of those particular method of fighting, so let me comment on what I have studied: Pekiti Tirsia Kali, which is a Filipino Martial Art with a substantial dual wielding curriculum (stick/knife, sword/knife, stick/stick, knife/knife, sword/sword, and any other mix and match combo you want). Interestingly, many of the basics from FMA in general were borrowed/stolen from the Spanish and have roots in western sword fighting arts - with lots of native flavor (for instance moving from linear movement patterns to angled footwork). So, in short, the use of two weapons simultaneously is not simply a pop culture, movie, video game fantasy. There is a long history of actual use. It may not have been the most common methods used, but that stems from the finesse and training required to make use of two weapons simultaneously. Anybody can take two swords and use one to block and one to strike (one held in front and the other cocked back to strike). That does not require much skill; however, to be able to attack, defend, and swing either or both (and sometimes simultaneously) without injuring yourself does require pretty extensive training and familiarity (blade orientation, distance and the ability to strike with power with either weapon). It essentially requires a person to develop ambidexterity. From a realistic perspective, putting the time into training this is beneficial as now I am comfortable using even a single weapon in either hand... It was asked earlier what somebody actually trained to dual wield weapons would do. There are myriad ways to block with two weapons (even if you are blocking a large heavy weapon with knives), you either move offline and in and attack/block the limb holding the weapon, or you move offline and out and redirect it as it lands. With swords you could gunting (scissor) that attaching weapon or limb - which has one of your weapons actually negating the attack and the other sweeping it out of the way, or you could use both to stop the attack. Back to discussing the game - I would be pretty disappointed if they do not allow blocking while dual wielding as it is counter-intuitive. Jed Thanks for that! I'm learning Chinese martial arts right now and there indeed are several dual-wielding styles. But I am no expert in this since I am but a beginner. Thanks a lot for the information! :thumbsup:
  20. Kudos! No doubt! How on earth did you find that!?
  21. I think though Beth is simplifying this a bit over, it's not that bad. Comparing the new system with the old one, I still find the former better in reflecting the reality. This system is meant to have you LIVE your character rather than calculating points of each level, and that's really nice. But I they should still split the physical attributes rather than stuffing them all in one 'health'. Being a huge muscle guy and a lean stealthy guy is very different. Perhaps they can have the stealth attributes enhanced quicker if players do things like doge are sidestep very often during a combat.
  22. Hehe thats true, hopefully now they will be...khajiits...finally. :laugh: Now im really really curious about Argonians :D Skeletons can have them, hair has a very long life time...there are many hundred year old mummies that have whole hair on them...not sure about beards though...hmm. Also they are skeletons but it seems they still have skin on them so that would explain why. And there are always stories about how your hair might continue to grow even in tombs... :ohmy: And I'm quite interested in seeing the argonians and elves.
  23. I was thinking of the beauty of the wild or that kind of thing, haha. But yeah, I like the crouching sense of the kahjiits in Morrowind better. Always seem ready to pounce,
  24. I've never played as a kahjiit or orc simply because they were, let's face it. not so pretty in previous games. (Human ugliness is something I can deal with, though, since I don't have much fantasy in ourselves :biggrin: ) But now that I see this Kahjiit...God I sure would be PROUD to be a powerful big cat!
  25. I like the Khajiit's fur! Just look like that! A bit tangled, weathered...lively!
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