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Posts posted by Lunanella

  1. In response to post #64250831. #64251881 is also a reply to the same post.

    LSiwora wrote: Hey Nexus team, thanks for this. I'm sadly one of the people that does not identify with Vortex; I'd just like to know whether it'd be possible to allow us to choose the manager we want to download with upon clicking the "Download with Manager" button, in the future, instead of just making it no longer compatible with NMM. Sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm a noob when it comes to things like this. :-)
    silencer711 wrote: What particularly do you not identify with when it comes to Vortex, if I might ask? Not asking to be rude, I’m just analytical by nature. :)

    I prefer to manage mods by myself, as in manually. The micromanagement makes me feel more confident about the in-game results and everything seems to work better that way (I've been modding Skyrim since 2011, using both BOSS and LOOT - they just didn't really seem to work well for me, imo).

    Also, change doesn't come naturally to me. I don't love Vortex's interface (call me an old-fashioned modder, heh). It makes things easier, sure, but I guess that part of me just loves to crack down some puzzles that come with modding. I've had my fair share of that with Mod Organizer and, even though I loved using it, it was maybe a little bit too challenging for me. :P

    Hope that answers your question. ^^
  2. In response to post #64250851. #64250896, #64250931 are all replies on the same post.

    TheGreatFalro wrote:

    Hey Nexus team, thanks for this. I'm sadly one of the people that does not identify with Vortex; I'd just like to know whether it'd be possible to allow us to choose the manager we want to download with upon clicking the "Download with Manager" button, in the future, instead of just making it no longer compatible with NMM. Sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm a noob when it comes to things like this. :-)

    The download button is still compatible with all current mod managers, including NMM. They simply changed the text of the message.

    LSiwora wrote: Thanks for your answer. My question was aimed at this bit from the original post:

    Of course, older versions of these programs will no longer be able to download directly from Nexus Mods after this time, but they will still work for manual mod installations.

    Just wondering whether it would be possible to still keep NMM as the "download with manager" manager or if the transition is, indeed, necessary.
    TheGreatFalro wrote: I see your confusion. That statement is actually referring to the future changes to the Nexus API, which are still a while off. In addition, this will only affect outdated versions of NMM and others. NMM is still being developed and updated on the GitHub, just not by the Nexus staff.

    Aaaaaah, that's actually good news! Thanks! I'll keep an eye on GitHub, then. :-)
  3. In response to post #64250851.

    TheGreatFalro wrote:

    Hey Nexus team, thanks for this. I'm sadly one of the people that does not identify with Vortex; I'd just like to know whether it'd be possible to allow us to choose the manager we want to download with upon clicking the "Download with Manager" button, in the future, instead of just making it no longer compatible with NMM. Sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm a noob when it comes to things like this. :-)

    The download button is still compatible with all current mod managers, including NMM. They simply changed the text of the message.

    Thanks for your answer. My question was aimed at this bit from the original post:

    Of course, older versions of these programs will no longer be able to download directly from Nexus Mods after this time, but they will still work for manual mod installations.

    Just wondering whether it would be possible to still keep NMM as the "download with manager" manager or if the transition is, indeed, necessary.
  4. Hey Nexus team, thanks for this. I'm sadly one of the people that does not identify with Vortex; I'd just like to know whether it'd be possible to allow us to choose the manager we want to download with upon clicking the "Download with Manager" button, in the future, instead of just making it no longer compatible with NMM. Sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm a noob when it comes to things like this. :-)
  5. As this was the first time I tried using this Studio mod, I had quite a bit of fun. This fact somewhat got noticeable in my screenshots, heh. I took several because I didn't know which would look good on the artwork. Also, if they're completely un-workable, tell me soon! Please. I'll be away for some time, starting from tomorrow, and I'd like to let everything ready before I leave.


    Grab the screenshots here.


    Looking forward to seeing the result! :happy:

  6. Ooooh, this is shiny! :teehee:


    Make sure to add Valdis to the list! She's so very eager to join in. I'll send the links to the screenshots within a few moments.

  7. Before the site update, the images would appear in the description without a problem. Flickr's ones still do, at least for me. Perhaps if an account there was created just to gather screenshots like these? Or better: a group?
  8. Hi, everybody.


    I wanted to participate so bad that I ended uploading a screenshot here. If you want to add it to the wallpaper collection, feel free. :happy: Also, I took the liberty to add my username to the end of the usernames list that Sol wrote.


    I'm a newbie when it comes to forum codes, so I have no idea how to attach an image to the post. :unsure: The image download link is here; the original file is in .PNG format.

  9. Have you checked the Export Settings tab? Make sure everything is set to 'True'. Also, did you create a module before creating your morph? If so, your custom morphs will only appear ingame if you give them a 'check' in the game load screen, downloadable content.
  10. Hi, Taragor.


    This error is more common than you might know. It usually happens when the game finds "difficulty" to mix the eye color with the eye texture, that's why using both simply won't work. But, of course, there may be many problems concerning why you can't see the eye textures in the CC.


    First of all, you need to see that the "Eye Color" slider must be inactive, like this (http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/LSiwora/1-3.png?t=1311343486). It's the most simple solution to make the eye texture work. It (the texture) MUST be in your Override folder. Also, a corrupted archive may cause the same trouble, so maybe downloading the eye textures again would be of some help.


    You don't need to write the resources you have in the chargenmorph file, only if they are custom hairstyles or mops and tints. Tattoos, eye textures and skin textures will appear correctly if placed on the right location. Be sure that your packages folder isn't in Program Files/bla bla bla... it's in My Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/packages/core/override. There are two override folders in the game, maybe you're using the wrong one.


    To help you more, here's a new set of HD eye textures I made. Try using them and see if they work correctly, ok? (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NY9OSIDR)


    If you still get the black eye, PM me. :happy:



    EDIT: I use Windows 7, my folder location may be different from yours. Do a quick search!

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