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Everything posted by Lunanella

  1. In response to post #64250831. #64251881 is also a reply to the same post. I prefer to manage mods by myself, as in manually. The micromanagement makes me feel more confident about the in-game results and everything seems to work better that way (I've been modding Skyrim since 2011, using both BOSS and LOOT - they just didn't really seem to work well for me, imo). Also, change doesn't come naturally to me. I don't love Vortex's interface (call me an old-fashioned modder, heh). It makes things easier, sure, but I guess that part of me just loves to crack down some puzzles that come with modding. I've had my fair share of that with Mod Organizer and, even though I loved using it, it was maybe a little bit too challenging for me. :P Hope that answers your question. ^^
  2. In response to post #64250851. #64250896, #64250931 are all replies on the same post. Aaaaaah, that's actually good news! Thanks! I'll keep an eye on GitHub, then. :-)
  3. In response to post #64250851. Thanks for your answer. My question was aimed at this bit from the original post: Just wondering whether it would be possible to still keep NMM as the "download with manager" manager or if the transition is, indeed, necessary.
  4. Hey Nexus team, thanks for this. I'm sadly one of the people that does not identify with Vortex; I'd just like to know whether it'd be possible to allow us to choose the manager we want to download with upon clicking the "Download with Manager" button, in the future, instead of just making it no longer compatible with NMM. Sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm a noob when it comes to things like this. :-)
  5. Managed to login! Thank you so much. :3 EDIT: AAAND one mod got the wrong ID. Probably my fault, since it's a Skyrim mod, not a SSE one. Just textures though, so it works. Just letting you people know!
  6. Thank you SO much for the 'Sticky' Post. I've thought, several times, that it'd be a feature I'd mostly love if it were ever added to the comments system here on Nexus. It surely will save me a lot of trouble when it comes to folk who don't like to read. ;)
  7. Oooh, I like your new avatar. What a Nordic fellow! :)
    1. Jorundr


      Hehe, thank you Luna! :) There might be a reason why I feel so at home in Skyrim. ;)
  8. Hehehe! Nope, it's not me. It's a painting. ^^ Thanks for the kudos, back at you.
  9. Hehehehe! Obrigada. Deu um trabalhinho e algumas dores de cabeça até eu chegar ao ponto de não me importar mais e decidir fazer o upload do mod. ^^
  10. Happy Halloween, Jel... Oh wait.
  11. Gostei bastante de suas screenshots. Kudos!

    Aliás, te adicionei à minha lista de amigos pra que eu possa manter 'track' de seus 'uploads'. Espero que não se importe! É sempre bom encontrar alguém pertence à terrinha por aqui, hahaha. :P

  12. In my avatar you can't see it, but I had my hair exactly like yours... hahahaha.
  13. Your avatar is priceless!
  14. Thanks a lot for the 500th endorsement on The Wilds' page! Kudos to you. :)
  15. *noms* Ups, I did it again. xD
  16. Hi, Hoofy!

    I'm fine, just a little tired due to University, but c'est la vie. What about you? I hope you're fine, buddy. ^^

  17. Howdy!

    How are you, Jells? I haven't been much active here lately (nor on Flickr), but that doesn't mean I didn't miss you, my Dalí-buddy. ^^

    Did you genuinely and oh-in-all-honesty enjoy your post-poned holiday? Details, details!

    And, by the way, thanks for the... Sunflowers? My favorites. :) *bear hug*

  18. I guess that the "No Nudity Allowed" line needs to be more accurate, then. What *is* considered nudity: simple bare skin as seen in artworks or explicit genitalia? Really, guys. I am one of the members who keeps reporting images when they are way too revealing and such, but this... this is something else.
  19. Thanks for adding me as a friend! :)
  20. LOL! I don't drink coffee nor coke, I can't imagine how much of a freakER I'd sound.
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