In response to post #24731659. #24731874, #24731934, #24731964, #24732044, #24732099, #24732629, #24732674, #24732819, #24732844, #24733339, #24733619, #24733674, #24733829 are all replies on the same post. @Glubglubglub Man you are so on the money there (no pun intended). Bethesda are outright liars or have we all forgotten the pure b.s. they told us about what Skyrim was 'going to be'? They don't give a f*#@ about you, or me. Don't let them soothe you with words, as they're very cheap, these people would tell you anything if only to be able to squeeze another penny out of you at some point. I'm out of gaming atm, but here's a promise to anyone who reads from a real individual: Come the next Bethesda game I decide to play I will immediately subscribe to nexus to show my appreciation for the hardworking folks here. All I ask in return from you is that you reject those greedy people's unashamed attempts at extorting money in the future. If there was any justice in the world Steam Workshop would give $0.95c of every dollar to the mods. GabeN would still stuff his neck with extra income and Bethesda will get their fair share (which is ZERO, because vanilla Skyrim is only a step above a shitty console port).