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Everything posted by AtlasS

  1. your best bet for new spells is midas magic. but i typically prefer sending the hunters to attack the vampires and paralyzing the hunters while the vamps feed :D
  2. after experiencing some glitches with CURP and the dependant mods im reinstalling oblivion. Once it is done however I will look at equipping Elragail with a animated lute i found and give her a script to play it, there will be no official release of this proof of concept as i would need the creator of the lutes permission
  3. After checking the scripts required in companion mods im sorry to say i dont think im ready to attempt something like this yet mate. i apologise if i got your hopes up
  4. all possible help is good help. i cant even write scripts yet. but i'm learning
  5. MarkInMKUK and NellSpeed. Thank you both for wonderful ideas on how to handle this. I would prefer to actually have the bard saying the poem. whether serious or satirical as MarkInMKUK suggested wouldnt matter. and it would make sense to have a personal summary in the subtitles rather than full poetic lyrics as NellSpeed suggested, so if someone wants to listen to the poem they actually have to listen.. I will figure out how to do this (write poems, make the buskers, minstrels and troubadour troupes) eventually. if either of you want any part of it, even voice acting, don't be shy
  6. This sounds like a great idea for street corner busker; Have a plate infront of him that when clicked on you can add coins to(taking coins is theft{perhaps have buskers as part of the thieves guild also}), and they recite poetry about current events and recent completed quests(e.g. Main quest& the oblivion crisis, Kvatch in ruins, mage guild quests, fighters guild quests, the grey fox, Hieronymus Lex, morrowind events etc) BIG PROBLEM... i cant write poetry.. i suck
  7. ^ ^ ^ love answers like this. not telling no, not supporting. giving a logical step by step for DIY
  8. More an Idea than a request. odds are this will NEVER get made. Ok, so i was sitting in a bar in skingrad the other day and i thought to myself "You know what this needs? music." not the ingame ambient music, a band(s) of several Troubadours moving from tavern to tavern, inn to inn etc. playing music. there would be a generic group. drummer, fiddler, flutist, guitarist and a singer. there could also be court minstrils hanging around in castles during the time the count(ess) holds court and dinners... as I said its a massive idea, probably improbable
  9. Dont know about shield. but a lot of crafty measures can be used to create what you want. e.g. you want heal user on hit. try absorb health on hit. I have a silver dagger for my mage called "Lifedrinker" with absorb health 30 on hit. good backup when i run out of magicka
  10. I enjoy playing different roles in different characters. personally i found the best paladin is Race- Imperial class- COMBAT, Strength, willpower; Blunt, block, armourer, Heavy armour, speechcraft, illusion, restoration Weapons- Warhammer spells- restoration group healing spells and light from illusion melee spells- every character ends up filling soul gems or finding enchanted items. just find a mod that moves an enchantment altar to somewhere you can access
  11. Closest ive seen is Vilja. she lives at your house but can also go shopping if you give her 300sp
  12. some people get on. spam through the requests answering as many as possible in a row and then leave
  13. HEHE I second this motion and make him rideable :3 [EDIT] now I'm sane again I'll say this shouldn't be hard. i'll look into companion modding and how to do it, but it should be as easy as; make a copy of a bear, rename, retexture, add companion script, add script to player to summon... That said i know nothing about companion mods so odds are it isn't this easy
  14. I dont use fraps but from what i know of similar programs you should check the fraps window for your settings and see where it saves too. if its some obscure location that you dont think youd be able to find , just change it to desktop. makes life so much simpler
  15. Thanks [EDIT] found a tutorial to do almost exactly what i want under "quest scripts" so thank you
  16. I have 5 items that are part of a set. Each has an enchantment. and i want their enchantments to be powered up by adding more of the set so the helm alone is detect life 100ft helm +1 other pushes the detect life up to 200ft etc
  17. Ok, first for the Idea, I see a lot of requests for wolfpack mods. and the wolfpack mods I have seen dont really make sense. you punch a wolf and a bunch more spawn infront of you My idea. add a new class of wolf "Alpha wolf"/"Alpha Timberwolf" that replaces all the current wolf spawn locations. And make it so when that wolf spawns, 6 regular wolves spawn around it. Would this fix the problem? Scripting Q's Can anyone explain to me(not asking you to DO IT, just explain it, if you can do it thats great) how to make a script that refferences itself. e.g. counts the number of instances of itself are equipped to the player and multiplies the enchantments of each by that number? Also How do I set on touch effects for gauntlets? That is all :P thanks for reading no seriously thats it why are you still reading reply already! oh come on, it isnt that interesting if i stop talking maybe you'll stop reading ........ ........ ........ WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE??
  18. Its actually easy on PC. I do something similar to this with the console simply press ~ and type TM that turns off hud and menus. type it again if you want to work with your armours or save and stuff. but otherwise it locks you out of most functions
  19. I have the alt start with 9 choices of a start house( or in a vampire cave or in prison) so i'll check it now for ya mate [EDIT] I have checked all the alt start mods i can find. it doesnt seem to affect it. I agree with striker. disable all your mods and see if it works. if it does, turn them on one at a time until it doesnt
  20. I'm attempting to place an object. a book mainly. in the imperial waterfront. ICWaterfront02 specifically, and because of the thieves guild guildmasters quarters I dont think its working. I really need this item to be here. anyway to fix this?
  21. Try waiting 24 hours at a time between 9 and 11 so you dont click over to the next day. Try moving away from the altar so its harder to skip past it Make sure to remove days jailed from your days passed before determining when the next should occur as days jailed screws up the revenant once your sure of all these make sure you do actually have soul trap equipped. a lot of people place the gem in and expect to close the altar, open it and get the BSG. you need to close the altar and soultap it
  22. DONT use Azuras star for martins quest. its too valuable, even for non spellcasters. use namiras ring instead, i've found it to be easier to get, and less useful to high level characters than other daedric items [EDIT] having reread your post I will answer your question now and NOT inject my opinion. to activate a daedric shrine that you need to make an offering to, you simply need the item in your inventory when you activate(usually space) the shrine
  23. Your right, I will post them here if the parameters are beyond any of the 3 people who have contacted me. No matter who writes the scripts I need, they will get credited in my mod
  24. Better off looking for a companion mod that enables you to turn enumberance on and off.Vilja is a great example
  25. I'm such a noob at scripting that I'm now turning to these forumers for help. I'm guessing these will not be easy, but I also dont want to state them in a thread case anyone I dont want to see sees them. if you have a spare while and are happy to help would you PM me?
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