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Everything posted by AtlasS

  1. I think if this thread can tell us anything its that Quirks and role playing are what give RPG games their life. If you played a RPG game with a blank sheet character from beginning to end, didnt give the character any quirks/opinions/beliefs than your going to complain about lack of immersion.
  2. I'm not sure that anything that's not imagination based could have that many possibilities. The interesting merger is when classic DnD is taken online into easy to create isometric dungeons. I believe there's a program available for that which claims to be as versatile as pen and paper; a bold claim, considering just how limitless that would have to be. This path also blurs the line between one form of entertainment and another. Yay! Let's get into sociology! DDO:Forgotten realms I've played it, and that is far too kind :P more rediditive dialogue than TES, and less imaginative quests
  3. I TL;DR this thread, however I'd just like to interject my opinion into the OP. I agree totally with everything you said, the only way you'll get an interactive game with unlimited dialogue possibilities and unlimited quest options is with tabletop RPG's such as Dungeons and dragons
  4. I'll keep that in mind, my warrior does about the same with his dual poachers axes... yes, I bring down dragons and dragon priests at level 38 with dual poachers axes
  5. I give my characters special quirks. one thief character in skyrim took every loose skull he could get his hands on. my arch mage in Oblivion always took a necromancers robe when he killed them, amounted to like 3000 necrorobes in his closet when he reached arch mage title my warrior in skyrim is too lazy to run so just spams whirlwind sprint... he's the only character that does it xD With my cannibal, I search the corpse rather than feed, and console hack 2 human flesh and 1 human heart into my inventory for every feedable corpse... I prefer the idea of saving my dinner for later nice special blend, i might steal it
  6. I always thought that the Dwemer, being a race who's culture is based on both science and metascience, vanished without reason, and is very star-oriented as being a reflection of the ancient Mayans Whereas the Ayleid, another lost culture, far more stone dependant and spiritual, remind me of the Aztecs
  7. I agree with this request. But am of the opinion it should be a reward for returning the skeleton key. You can either have the skeleton key or the cowl of nocturnal
  8. Press ~ then Type " player.addfac 43599 1 " without the " It'll add you to the forsworn faction, so they wont attack you, that's the best I can do for you until the CK comes out
  9. What other career choices does he have? he's not very nimble due to his wounded leg
  10. LOLOLOL I haven't seen that posted yet. But now that it has it seems like such an obvious quest/line to make! I support dude
  11. :-(....I didn't actually know that...bummer....I thought 'cleared' on a location meant exactly that...Oh well, thanks for the heads up Atlas, much appreciated. Np dude, I think of cleared as "You've been here for a quest/mining/word wall and have completed it"
  12. all? you cant kill ALL the forsworn, they are like bandits, and skeevers. they just respawn after 3 days without you being in the area
  13. Just responding to the title and first post, not bothering to read the rest If you want the ultimate RPG experience, a world that completely reacts to you, the options available being only limited by your imagination... you want Dungeons and dragons
  14. I want more variation ot the 2 anthro you mentiont of cats and Repitiles too you know i want more races in too than just that you mentiont My friend Notice I said "mammals" not "felines" meaning you could have anthro dogs(werewolves yes i know), rabbits, pigs, etc Orcs are not human, they're elves. So are Khajiit, technically speaking. Thank you for that correction, I realised I was wrong when septimus told me xD but that aside that still leaves anthro reptiles under appreciated
  15. It may have been a dead dueller. I often see an apprentice ice mage and an apprentice fire mage duke'in it out... you may have met the unfortunate loser
  16. I wandered into Fort Neugrad and thought "Woah, fix this place up and it'd be great for one of those "I wantz a castle" or "build a city" mods"
  17. ok, so redguard, breton, nord, imperial and orc? are all humans? wood elf, high elf and dark elf are all elves argonian are anthropomorphic reptiles khajiit are anthropomorphic mammals You don't see the inequality there? you say elves are just variations of the same, and humans are just variations of the same. why aren't there variations for the anthropomorphic reptiles or anthropomorphic mammals? That's all the OP is asking for, more variation on these 2 classes
  18. Legate Rikke has no quest dialogue for the First Winterhold hold Imperial legion quest. she's there, and the marker is pointing to her but there is no dialogue
  19. I however am not. if there was one person in the world who could destroy dragons and prevent each one coming back, and dragons had spread far and wide across the the PLANET and had even started breeding, would you want to put that lone hero in a management position? 1) if he actually stays and does his duty then the dragons will grow rampant and the world would end 2) if he felt too honourbound to hunt dragons down he would abandon his position leaving no Jarl in his place, Seems kinda a waste to me? "The lazy are rewarded with less work while the hard working are rewarded with more" , that's just how the world is
  20. epic man! :D registering on the site now to take a look around
  21. same can be found in the basement of proudspire manor and in the enchanting room in vlindrel hall
  22. 5 per major hold which can be a very tidy 20 if your lucky. But when I did it I got a run of like 32 Whiterun ones and it pissed me off to no end
  23. That tends to happen when I show my support for a mod :sweat: It's not my fault I'm just bursting with opinion!
  24. +6 for: Awesome Idea(+1) Well defined(+2) Immersion enforcing(+5) Extremely difficult and would be a huge undertaking(-2)
  25. I was reffering to the fact that although Morthal, Dawnstar, Falkreath and Winterhold are all hold capitals they get very little 'traffic' as for buyable houses everywhere. you'd be putting a house in: Morthal Dawnstar, Falkreath, Winterhold, Dragon Bridge, Ivarstead, Karthwasten, Riverwood, Rorikstead, Shor's stone, Kynesgrove, And possibly spring up tonwships around: Anga's mill, Half-Moon Mill Heartwood Mill Mixwater Mill Thats quite a few places up for sale... but seeing as there is a war going on I wouldn't doubt the existance of that much reality since so many widows/widowers would leave to live with relatives...
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