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  1. Hi, I havent really looked into the skyrim modding scene until now. Just wondering if there is a mod for skyrim that makes your character turn their head and look at where the crosshair is pointing while in 3rd person mode? There were a few for oblivion, but I cant find any for skyrim using the search :( Thx in advance
  2. Since that's my image, I can help you out. :) That's a dress available on the MoM forums, by Nana. I couldn't tell you the name cause it's written in Chinese, but finding it won't be hard. XD Mind leaving the name of that house/room as well? :P Looks really good.
  3. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/759307-1292372454.jpg Hey all, I was wondering where i can get the dress from the above picture? Also, been looking for a mod that has stockings like those other than R18PN's which i have already. Thx in advance
  4. Im like 99% sure that linking to that mod is forbidden here. But the creator is called "Goma"
  5. There are console commands that let you skip to the end of the bugged quest (or possibly start them over i forgot). My mages guild commendation quest bugged.. when i searched the guysroom and picked up the black soul gem, nothing happened... so I used the quest get stage command to just skip to the end of it and get my recommendation. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/theelderscrollsivoblivion/hints.html Look through this list to see how. Theres a lot of really interesting stuff there.
  6. This: Ahirus Glasses ?:ermm: Thanks for the reply Pushkatu, but thats the mod i was talking about, those glasses dont fit the lopear mini race, and Im wondering if anyone modded them so they fit.
  7. Theres a mod that adds depth of field to the game, and I think it makes outside environments look 100x better. Its on nexus, called Q depth of field or Qdof. I suggest you use the toned down version that comes with the mod.
  8. All of those big game mechanic altering mods seek to improve on the same aspects of the game. Lots of people have tried to get them working together, and some of them went ahead and made the FCOM mod. Its huge and a total hassel to install, but the game is so much better afterwards.
  9. I have like over 100 mods, and I dont use it one bit cuz im a giant wryebash noob. The only use Ive ever found for Bash is its ability to import the face of a character from one save file to another.. quite handy.
  10. The only reason I can think of is that theres a lotta HTML work in it for them. The mods sections and options are more in depth and have more ties to other site features than the pictures I think.
  11. Anyone know of a mod that adds glasses or hats wearable by lop-ear mini? After I reformatted I cant seem to get blender to work again.. so I cant mod the NIFs from Ahiru's glasses mod myself. Go search it up btw if you dont have it. Adds like 30 paris of glasses and shades! EDIT: make that like 60!
  12. http://kumakumakokuma.blog38.fc2.com/ Disclaimer for moderators: As far as I know, the owner of this site creates all of his/her own mods and many of the entries show a step by step process. As far as I know nothing on this site is ripped/stolen/private or posted without permission, however I can't read the language and haven't scoured it from beginning to end to check for sure. If this link needs to be removed I don't have a problem with it. The mods from this site do give you lop eared elves, but when i tried these files, their hair and eyes were not changeable. I do not know how to add hairs or eyes to a race thats based off of an esp file, because they dont show up in the construction set race list.. So I googled x117 and MBP. Have a translator ready. MBP is like 300 megs and is required to use x117 which has the race you want with like what seems to be over 100 hairstyles, 100 eye types.
  13. HMM really? Ill go look around, thanks a lot. Its just a total pain trying to make sense of everything on international sites with google translate Still open to suggestions as to how the mod the actual file i have though, because i value any modding knowledge. Also, I really dont look foreward to re-doing the face again lol.. I just know itll feel a bit off no matter how much i tweak it.
  14. I got into this a while back because of hentai's armors! All that stuff is 1-piece and it drove me crazy because I wanted to mix. I was and still am in some cases, confused by the same stuff as you = .= But about the body underneath the armor, you should only have one piece in the set you are creating that has an actual body component. If you have, say an chestplate that has a body mesh with it, which include arms and everything, then try to wear that with a pair of guantlets + shoulders which also has the whole "male/female upperbody" mesh, then you end up with 2 meshes overlapping eachother. Sometimes the effect is a quirky flicker on the parts where the body mesh is showing, because the game doesnt know which one of the two identical meshes to show.. I think because you are rendering 2 upperbodies at once it also lowers fps. Before I gave up on the whole modding thing I made this set out of one of hentai armors, mixed with some trish and R18PN Lingerie stuff and the "MOM" flower things: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=60372 I tried mixing and matching random stuff to get some experience for my first (and final to date as it turned out) project. The original looked like this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/25612-3-1246875200.jpg Im not sure if this is what your asking but ill describe how to remove the shoulder piece. if you have hentai mania 1, you can follow along and learn it if you dont know it already.. the file is located in data/meshes/armors/hentai/angelic Open the NIF with Nifskope Select each piece of armor and R-Click -> block -> remove branch.. EXCEPT for the armor itself. It should now look like a floating pair of shoulder guards and 2 guantlets. Use all the spells -> sanitize features at the top of the screen. This should remove all the "ball on stick" things that you dont need. save and import into blender Now, when I did this, I ONLY wanted the left shoulder and not the other, or the gloves... so I selected all the verticies of those components and deleted them im blender. Sorry I forgot how to select entire groups of verticies.. but know that you do not have to click each triangle separately. Now there should just be a shoulder guard floating there, with no body or anything. (For my chest piece I included a full upper body mesh) If you did not delete the upper body or arms mesh in NifSkope, and you wear an chest peice with no arm mesh, your character will appear to have no arms when you take the shoulder piece off! Hmm where was I?... omg this forum's numbered list system SUCKS O right... export nif load into Nifskope. Check to see everything is in order (I donno what to look for in this step but every tutorial i read told me to) Do all the sanitize stuff again and save the NIF Now your ready to use the armor in a mod! Just open up the construction set and put it in a box at some place you know in the game world, save the esp, and check it off in obmm. Hope that helps and that I didnt write all the for nothing! GL
  15. Hey all, Im just wondering if there is a BBB Run animation mod out there other than pretty woman? I use the walk animation from that mod and think its the best, but the run is just a bit too exaggerated for my tastes. Thanks a head of time.
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