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Nexus Mods Profile

About zher17

  1. alright i understand that thanks :) waiting for a sale in steam :p
  2. Hi together i try to give you some brief infos: i have no experience in playing or modding Skyrim. All i did until now is: -download the zip files (cracked version of Skyrim+DLC already installed) -put in the Skyrim/Data Folder and press play. Now none of the mods functions. i downloaded a update file for skyrim (1.9) copy pasted it into the directory still nothing works. how exactly do i use SKSE or SkyUI ? do i have to put the modded files into the folder in a certain order? do i need to put every .bsa .esp file out their folder and drop them into the data folder? how do i look up the version of my skyrim client? i try to archieve a very immersive Skyrim (no fun mods just graphical improvement and realistic enviroments/npc's) maybe you can suggest me some good mods which merge good together. I hope someone can help me :smile: P.s. Sorry for my bad english The only help we give pirates is help walking the plank. :pirate: --TNL
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