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About ArmeniusLOD

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    Dragon Age Origins, Oblivion:FCOM
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  1. I would recommend getting a second card for your other games. Oblivion is CPU-bound, so you won't see much of a performance increase, if any at all. However, for newer shader-intensive games you should see a large increase in performance, sometimes doubling. Battlefield 3 will probably be a game that scales very well. I have a SLI system, and performance in Metro 2033 for me is close to double compared to a single card. A note about VRAM usage. Most implementations of SLI are alternating rendering the frames on screen, so each card is rendering a separate frame. Meaning that the max size of the framebuffer is still the amount of memory on one card, in your case 1GB. The only implementation I know of that renders a single frame using both cards is with SLI AA enabled. 32x and 64x anti-aliasing isn't all that impressive anyway, plus the performance penalty in these modes is extreme.
  2. Best way to figure out what's causing the crash is to disable all your mods and then reactivate them one-by-one until the crash happens. Then you'll know which mod is causing the problem. I have never heard of this problem, so I apologize for not being able to help you out more.
  3. Try setting bShadowsOnGrass to 1 in your Oblivion.ini, if it's not already enabled.
  4. In Oblivion's case I don't think SLI would do much for your performance. Try using Volumetric SSAO instead of HBAO, or not using DoF. I personally don't like DoF because I feel in Oblivion it's more distracting and doesn't add much to the gameplay experience. Also make sure SSAO is disabled in the nVidia Control Panel, otherwise it will be doing two SSAO passes instead of one, and you can imagine that being a large drain on performance.
  5. If you're going to try installing FCOM, use the information in this thread. There's also some great information in this thread, where the author divulges his thought processes while installing.
  6. If you're running Vista or 7 and you installed into Program Files, you may have to set permissions. Right-click on the Oblivion folder, click Properties, click the Security tab, click Edit..., select Users from the top list box, check the box under Allow next to Full control, and apply the changes. Or, you could just reinstall Oblivion to a folder outside of Program Files, but the above method only takes 10 seconds compared to potentially 15 minutes spent reinstalling.
  7. Ren's works fine for me with MMM. Try using Wrye Bash and building a Bashed Patch. When building, check everything in the Import options with a mod associated with it. Also check the Race Records and the mods it lists. The last one can get multiple cosmetic mods working together. When using a Bashed Patch, import and disable mods with the NoMerge and Deactivate tags. You can use the mod checker to easily find which mods need to be disabled.
  8. Yes, generally speaking you want to activate all Import sections that have a mod in it, and then all the mods in it. Also check Contents Checker, Leveled Lists, and Race Records (if there are mods listed in it). Check SEWorld Tests if you don't want Tamriel quests running while you're in Shivering Isles. Use the mod checker (pencil icon on the bottom) and follow the the information given. Mods with the NoMerge and Deactivate tags need to be imported into the Bashed Patch and then deactivated in your load order. This is especially important when running multiple race/cosmetic and stat mods.
  9. Uninstall Wrye Bash and install Wrye Python 03a from here, then reinstall Wrye Bash. Python packages are all separate entities, meaning you need the specific version that a program was built on for that program to run. This is why different versions of Python install to different directories. To get Bash to launch on Windows Vista/7, navigate to the Python 2.6 directory (c:\Python26 by default), right-click on pythonw.exe, click the Compatibility tab, and set it to Run as administrator. Do the same for python.exe.
  10. The problem with this texture is it requires a race replacer, which makes Khajiit more human-like and breaks canon. They're not Ohmes races for crying out loud.
  11. I'm pretty sure that OMOBS just adds the stats to the vanilla portion of the game. What makes it different from MOBS is that it's made to fit with the changes made in OOO. Give it a try and see what happens, but you might have to reinstall with the MOBS version of Fran's. If you find your weapons and armor from Fran's are degrading really fast, then you'll know what the problem is. You can find out if a weapon/armor is from Fran's by dropping it to the ground and using RefScope or FormID Finder on it. I might try installing QTP3 again since that's easily installed and uninstalled with Wrye Bash. The combination of Better Cities and QTP3 may have been what was too much for my graphic cards. By the way, my cards have 768MB of VRAM each, so that tells you how bad it was. I know 1GB is common nowadays, but I'm probably going to end up replacing my tired 8800GTX cards with a pair of Palit GTX 560 Ti 2GB cards soon.
  12. Don't use the installer version. Use the OMOD or manual install version instead.
  13. OMOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp should not be used because it's already included in OOO and Fran's. Well after a period of euphoria for thinking I finally got it a ran into a couple of problems. The first is that the leveled lists problem was bigger than I expected, with a lot more items from Fran's Items add-on and MMM not showing up at all. The second was I was starting to get some severe hitching in the overworld. I ran Oblivion windowed with GPU-Z and task manager open next to it to watch what was happening, and it turns out my graphic cards were running out of memory very often. So once again I installed from scratch, completely overhauling my BAIN installation order. I am no longer using QTP3 and similar large mesh/texture replacers. They sure make the game impressive, but the performance issues takes the joy out of playing the game. I am also no longer using Better Cities for the same reason. I also believe I was simply using too many mods at once. So far this time everything seems to be working perfectly. Having all that content and visual improvement is nice, but the gameplay experience is far more important. After I locate Martin my Nightblade Altmer is going to have to pop her cherry to join the Dark Brotherhood ;). I actually have never made it to Cloud Ruler Temple in a FCOM install yet :( . Current BAIN package and load orders: Converted OBSE plugins to BAIN so I can keep as clean a base install as possible without needing to delete or replace files when uninstalling every package. Also took your package order for utilities :wink: .
  14. If you have any form of Visual Studio (including express editions) you can do it simply yourself. Run the VS command prompt as an administrator, navigate to the folder the executable you're editing is in, and enter "editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE Oblivion.exe" or whatever other executable you want to enable this flag on. For me the command prompt is located in All Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio 2005->Visual Stuido Tools->Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt. You have to make a backup because editbin directly modifies the executable without making one.
  15. Oblivion is a 32-bit program. Even with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag enabled it will never use more than 4GB of memory.
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