I'm trying to learn this stuff as I go along, but have hit a snag. Env is PC w Win10, lots of mods. No need to bore you with the list initially. I don't expect anyone to fix my problem, but would appreciate some guidance on how to approach analysing this. Hadvar, who I escaped Helgen with now attacks me on sight. I'm only Lev 2 and no prior issues with him, am uninvolved in the Civil War, not wearing Stormcloak gear etc, so this is unexpected. I've cleaned my last (non Riverwood) save with the Falrim Script Cleaner but this doesn't help. I've determined (via MO2 which is my Mgt tool) that JK's Riverwood (which would seem the most obvious culprit as I disabled/enabled it re the Riverwood Trader CTD on trade issue) has no resource conflicts with other mods. I've tried the the console stopcombat/setrelationshiprank player 3/disable/enable sequence, but all that did was to get Hadvar to sheath and redraw hi sword. I assume the analysis requires SSEEdit, but am unclear what to ook for. Thank in advance.