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Everything posted by johnbell5713

  1. If you look at what Bethesda has said in their FAQ and apply a little economic sense, the outcome here is likely to be that quality modders with good self discipline can make an income similar to Bethesda employees producing similar content. Personally I think that such an outcome would be a fair one. Bethesda knows what the market will bear in terms of content prices, is committing to provide all the QA and other ancillary services that employed developers would get, and will expect a similar ROI for this content as it would get for any other content. This will militate against acceptance of minor mods as there is sure to be a significant base ramp up cost to any mod regardless of size. Bethesda's not going to take on something they think will have a unit price of twenty cents, and they're certainly not going to alienate their customer base by charging ludicrous prices just to suit modders opinions of their worrh. Also, there is no way that Bethesda will allow modders to make 'fantasy incomes' from this scheme. To do so would be to risk losing all their own talented employees, who let's face it, through their better understanding of both the tools and Bethesda, would be in a position to make better content with lower on costs to Bethesda. Modders will also need to be able to fit in with Bethesda's corporate disciplines and at least minimally into its professional culture. This will likely prove problematic for some. I doubt that there are more than a few tens of modders in the Skyrim/Fallout communities who will have the requisite skills and personal qualities to be able to make a real living out of this. Quite a few more will have one or two projects in them. The rest will continue to publish on the Nexus.
  2. I'm trying to learn this stuff as I go along, but have hit a snag. Env is PC w Win10, lots of mods. No need to bore you with the list initially. I don't expect anyone to fix my problem, but would appreciate some guidance on how to approach analysing this. Hadvar, who I escaped Helgen with now attacks me on sight. I'm only Lev 2 and no prior issues with him, am uninvolved in the Civil War, not wearing Stormcloak gear etc, so this is unexpected. I've cleaned my last (non Riverwood) save with the Falrim Script Cleaner but this doesn't help. I've determined (via MO2 which is my Mgt tool) that JK's Riverwood (which would seem the most obvious culprit as I disabled/enabled it re the Riverwood Trader CTD on trade issue) has no resource conflicts with other mods. I've tried the the console stopcombat/setrelationshiprank player 3/disable/enable sequence, but all that did was to get Hadvar to sheath and redraw hi sword. I assume the analysis requires SSEEdit, but am unclear what to ook for. Thank in advance.
  3. Just a quick observation. It's 7:15am Sat London time. Connecting to the Nexus on an Android mobile using Chrome with no adblocker my session is still hijacked by a redirect from autobambas.com. Hopefully this is still your old providor.
  4. Hi robeagle, Noting that you don't use SKSE: (1) Have you installed Sheson's Skyrim Memory Patch; (2) Are you sure that your installed mods don't use SKSE? John
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