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About Jamafamalam

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  1. I'm really liking this. There should be more mods for helping everyone. Maybe a quest to help the fiends kick their addiction to drugs and reduce their aggression, so that you could make vault 3 a nice friendly place and have the number of fiends greatly reduced so they're only in like a couple areas. Maybe something to help Jacobs town out by making the NCR more friendly towards them. Helping freesiders find work so they're not completely reliant on the followers and food banks. (eg. creating farms, helping people set up stores and stuff, essentially making freeside more like westside.) I'm sure there's loads of other things you can do to actually help people more than in the vanilla game.
  2. Defo would love this mod. Sitting is so utterly pointless and the action takes way to long so having this mod would be a dream. Really appreciate if uploaded to nexus, thanks. :)
  3. You could have a house/warehouse full of drugs with a door you can't get through with an intercom next to it. and if you find a note hidden in the warehouse, when you approach it and activate it an option comes up where you can choose to 'say "my name" ' and if you do the intercom replies your goddamn right. extra. if you use no-clip you can go inside the room behind the door and it's just big machines and a body on the floor in a hazmat suit.
  4. A red dog found randomly in a hut somewhere called "Clifford the not so big"
  5. Seriously. Do I really need to say more? You know we all want it. I mean really we want a whole RWBY mod with quests and places and everything lol. Also pretty sure RWBY weapons must have Dust as ammunition lol.
  6. Example: Telling them to adjust their tactics could result them in telling you they're not gonna do that(in their own, most likely colourful, way) or just ignoring you and doing what they wanted to do anyway.
  7. It's always seemed weird to me how obedient companions are. They follow you everywhere, fight until their knocked down for you, and apart from a few exceptions(boone hating legion, cass hating evil karma etc.) don't really need anything in return. Even when doing their quests, going to a specific location with them, you can take infinitely long getting there and they don't complain. My idea is essentially a companion more like you. Exploring the wasteland, doing what they want, they could even choose to leave you behind for a while, deciding to avoid enemies if they don't feel like fighting or attack people when they feel aggressive. You could have quests or more subtle ways to become better friends with them and from that have more influence on them. You could even take them for a drink or go hunting with them. It's like feeling they're your companion rather than just your follower, which for me, is something most companion's lack. Would be interested to hear other way's to make a companion seem more like a companion.
  8. Does a ministry of silly walks mod exist already? Frankly I get bored of all the people walking around, especially all the people stumbling in the strip. Would love to see them doing a ridiculous animation. Or maybe someone could create a wizardy-style NPC that stands by that bridge in West Vegas that asks you 3 questions when you talk to him? Having a mod with loads of silly references all pulled together would be great lol.
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