(warning, i have been up for way to long, so i apologize if any of this doesn't make sense) In the amber series, the sentient weapon, is indeed owned by corwins son, merlin. its a chaos infused weapon, that "mostly" warns of danger in the nick of time. In an attempt by both order and chaos, it is further infused with sentience, so that it can speak with merlin, in order to relay both chaos's and order's wishes to merlin. It usually takes the form of a garrote style whip, but can also take the forms of other weapons. (though this is more of a chaos trait, and is also present in other chaos denizen's weapons.) It can also be used to place variouse style traps, or underhanded attacks, and return to merlin. I'm pretty sure he also used it to pick locks on occasion. As far as what i was thinking, though by all means, this is your (the modders) project, so feel free to come up with and implement what you feel would be appropriate. A weapon that would occasionally morph into various one handed or two handed weapons. (this could be spontaneous or an active choice to the player. Though having it be spontaneous could make things interesting.) Definitely some dialog, maybe in response to certain enemies, or environments. Or even warnings. You don't have life detect, but that doesn't mean a sentient weapon wouldn't be able to detect them... and possibly let you know danger abounds. Or if were talking factions in a more role playing aspect, it could taunt various groups, depending on what you yourself have done in game. Demidekidasu: I do like your idea's on this. I unfortunately have no modding experience (at least in making them), so someone else would have to help you on the models. I also like the stat changing idea you have on this. Though maybe dragons would be a more permanent stat boost?