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  1. With the end of E3 2012, I decided to go back to Skyrim. Although I never completed it, I've decided to start a new playthrough with the following mods. This is because my previous saves would have had so many issues with new, updated or removed mods and I began to get CTD's. This list won't be fully tested until the release of a new Script Dragon for Skyrim 1.6. I'm also using the Skyrim Community Uncapper by Elys The main purpose of this is to test compatibility of mods with Skyrim Redone by T3nd0 which will allow me to disable some of my mods, creating a smaller list and make the game more stable. Hopefully this will work well with Tytanis in particular. With Dawnguard coming this list will most likely change heavily as future DLC may have similar features to some of my installed mods. Mod list 172 Active Plugins. (8 Merged with Bashed Patch plugins) Active Mod Files:
  2. Been a while. Hadn't been playing skyrim. I'm back. Not many new mods but here they are Active Mod Files:
  3. For mod authors, if you need a fomod made just pm me and I'll see what I can do.
  4. 11-04-12. Well I've finally removed Wars in Skyrim. It was a great mod while it lasted. Too replace bloodcoins, I found a brilliant respawner called SkyRim Respawn Timescale DeadBody Timers Vendor Respawn by CorepcMMP. I made a fomod for it but I won't upload it without permission. Sorry. I've also started using a new retexture mod called Skyrim Scary Monster Makeover by Ironman5000. Its one of the best retextures. Because I only wanted a few retextures I made a fomod for it (I have permission to upload it). I've asked Ironman5000 to upload my fomod to his mod page to make things easier. Once he does this I'm going to delete my file. Until then you can get it here Here is my load order. Until Wrye Bash is updated you will continue to see load order errors in my mod list. Ignore them please. I always run BOSS and use NMM I also use Boss Userlist Manager (see first post for link) to make sure they are loaded correctly. Active Mod Files:
  5. It seems the maker of Wars in Skyrim is leaving the modding community. Wars in Skyrim is a great mod and I'll keep it active as long as possible, but as future patches for Skyrim are released I may find myself having to deactivate it.
  6. No problem. The Wrye Bash(Smash) issue I mentioned earlier is due to version 295.5 not working with the new load order. For the mod Duel - Combat Realism by LogRaam, I had been using version 4.1.1. As of today I'm switching to 4.2.3. I also added possessive corpses to keep save game size down. I also use blood coins from Wars in Skyrim (hidden at time of writing)
  7. 05-04-2012 This is my new mod list. There is a problem with the load order. Wrye Bash isn't changing when I run BOSS and stops responding when I try to run BOSS with the Wrye Bash shortcut. I use NMM to determine my load order. Luckily the bashed patch still works. Ignore any load order errors. You can use my userlist entries if you want. make sure you run BOSS. Active Mod Files:
  8. Latest load list. Updated as of 25-3-12 I'm no longer using isoku's realistic water mod. I'm using WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux by Opticshooter. This is just a continuation of Isoku's mod. Since isoku's left the modding scene Opticshooter was given permission to finish the work. Much appreciated. I also have downloaded Automatic Spells although I haven't tried it yet Active Mod Files:
  9. Just updated. 14-3-12 Minor (if any changes) I always disable War in Skyrim's bloodcoins after one respawn (Warzones and Deadly Dragons updates) Feel free to comment on the mods Active Mod Files:
  10. New mods 7-3-12 Steam Nexus Active Mod Files:
  11. There is a brilliant mod called Real Carriages on the Steam Workshop. What this mod does is replaces all the carriages in skyrim with ones that don't fast travel. Your companions can also ride with you. The carriage transports you in a similar manner to the carriage ride at the beginning of the game. Unfortunately a lot of people have reported bugs in the mod even after uninstalling, so I haven't installed it yet, but the files are in my NMM list. Get it here. Don't forget to read the description
  12. Userlist (Created on BOSS Userlist Manager) 25-02-12 (Outdated) 05-03-12 (Outdated) 14-03-12 (Outdated) 25-03-12 (Outdated) 05-04-12 (Outdated) 11-04-12 (Outdated) 12-06-12 (Latest) I'm aware of certain mods that should be already in the masterlist. I only included them because BUM or BOSS sometimes don't recognize them. BOSS will treat them properly since they aren't overrides.
  13. Skyrim 1.4.27. Tested and working. All have been updated as of 5th March. Active Mod Files:
  14. Thanks so much. Been playing this while waiting for the update for script dragon. Hopefully this will encourage mods for M&B With fire and Sword
  15. I intend to re install Warzones. version 2a worked but 2b seems to cause crashes. Might have to modify a few things following the news about the new patch and load order.
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