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Everything posted by AusSpyder

  1. I'm quite new to F4 modding, but I figured out F04edit well enough to be able to make some simple things. What I don't know how to do though is make changes to a single item (in this case turrets) and have it play nice with mods that change different values for that item Example, I tested my mod with the one's that remove the random mk's of turrets and it won't work with any of them, but none of them change the same values. So how would I go about changing my mod so it will play nice?
  2. So yeah, kinda sucks that when you paint a power armor it's still rusty and there's no way you can scrub the rust off it, especially when you're finding 20 boxes of Abraxo cleaner everywhere you go. Why can't you polish it up a little? Would be nice if you could clean your power armor and from then on there's no rust on the default paintjob or any future paintjobs.
  3. I would just like road leathers to be in line with other armor but atm they're pretty much not an option when it comes to outfitting a character as 2 special and 110/110 armor is way way way better than the 2 armor that road leathers get by default. I'm thinking it doesn't really matter what specials it has, just not int or cha since raiders wear them a lot and they all seem like they have 0 of each :P
  4. On the little picture of your armor in the HUD it shows all of the pieces as either amber or clear, meaning if it's amber you have a piece connected but it's durability could be anywhere between 1 and full and you don't know how close it is to broken till it breaks. But with a gradient it could start off as bright green (example) and slowly change from green to yellow to orange to red and then clear for when it breaks. Alternatively a % on each piece would also work.
  5. Basically, my thinking is this. You're a pretty important guy to your settlements, and you can get a lot of people living in your cities, yet you do all the work, all the scrounging etc. So maybe you could assign a settler to come and collect stuff you've stashed around the waste, cause lets face it, someone as busy as you doesn't have time to continuously lug crap back to Sanctuary, and since much of what you're collecting is for your settlements they really should help. So I'm thinking maybe something like an RFID device (just a random item) that you place in a container you've stashed loot in. Designated settler (Could just be one who has a diff random item) travels there and collects it and takes it back to the workshop in whatever town they're assigned to. Very similar to the provisioners you get when you make supply lines. So the game doesn't spawn new loot you could make it so they instantly travel and pick it up but you gotta wait till they walk back to their settlement before you get that loot or the RFID tag back. When they get back everything you placed in some random container (including tracking chip) gets dumped into the workshop. You could expand on it and have different chips for diff settlers or for diff settlements etc.
  6. Annoys me I can see these things from a distance when scouting an area but up close I gotta hunt for them all over again.
  7. I like seeing how many of each component I have without having to go into build mode, find something that uses that component and see how many it says I have. Would be nice to be able to check supplies in the workshop without seeing a huge wall of unscrapped junk instead. I just wanna open it and see "balistic fiber 122" and know I have 122 of them. Alternative, maybe settlers who are assigned to the scrap workbenches do this for you over time instead? Either way would be fantastic.
  8. I second this. I think it would be great if the door auto locked and was unlocked via a key that the player carries. You walk too far away from the door and it's locked again and only your key will unlock it. As it is I have to keep typing "Lock" in console and then picking the locks on my own doors :P
  9. Are there any mods that make horses stay put? I have convenient horses and my horse runs away every time combat starts. Usually far away, and it's annoying trying to find it. I know the mod has a "whistle horse" feature, but I gotta change active powers to use it, plus it kinda breaks immersion for me, being a sneaky quiet person and then doing ear splitting whistles every few minutes. Thanks for any help.
  10. I like the idea, however I've also found it stupid that every NPC can tell that 1 cabbage out of 100 is stolen. It's one thing if you stole something unique, or even something like a necklace that isn't necessarily unique, but still a lot more believable that people know it's stolen, although only people from that area. Silly if you stole a ring from Rifton and then everyone in Whiterun knew it was stolen.
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