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About RenownedWolfman

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    Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Saints row the third
  • Favourite Game
    Elder scrolls games

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  1. When were we promised the creation kit? I didn't see a promise anywhere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35TbGjt-weA My feelings on this thread.
  2. A lot of things in here are some really cool ideas, took me a while to read though due to the lack of paragraphs. The whole prison idea sounds really cool. We've got 3 different ideas like this in the running and your idea is one of them. At this time we don't need any other modders, i don't want to recruit any extra help beyond the 3 members we have now because i'm not sure at this time what kind of experience we will need from others. I'll keep you in mind as we might need help after the CK comes out and we can determine what it is each of us can do.
  3. Out of curiosity as an American, and without starting any possible long drawn out flamewars, why is a cockney accent considered offensive? I too was wonndering this. I keep having to catch up to this thread when i get on the nexus, saw it when it was first posted been watching, looks like you guy(s)/girl(s) are coming along nicely with this, i know when it is available i'll be one of your first downloads.
  4. I pick everyone's pockets, it's really slow but a lot more enjoyable for me than mashing a button to make potions or armor.
  5. *points you towards Never Winter Nights* If you've never played it you should, multiplayer works well there.
  6. Reading the contribution agreement they have clearly stated that they reserve the right to sell anything you post on the steam workshop, read 2: licenses and 3: payment.
  7. I just looked at the poll results and it seems that we'll be going with a valley hidden away from the world, though we also hope to incoporate a blackreach looka-like cave for the vampire city, it'll no doubt end up being a quarter of it's size (which would still be bigger than any other city in Skyrim) and that's a good size for a city. This'll give us a lot of options for players to "collect" side quests that all will play their own small roles in the Faction quests. EX. you get a quest from a blacksmith in the caves who makes weaponry for the public and for the militia, if you help the blacksmith gain funds or materials you'll boost the strength of the vampire militia, in the main faction quests this will make an appearance in a few maners, such as the number of militia members because now they have enough weapons to have more, the strength of their weapons, their armor.
  8. Err, no. That would be quite silly-looking ingame. Modern destructible environments are almost always done via physics/materials libraries. The real hurdle to implementing this is (aside from the performance) the AI and immersion barriers. Your quite right there any person with the right software can make a model of a building into a destructible model of that same building in 3 minutes. (for something basic such as making it fall apart, this doesn't include what makes it fall apart, just that it can.)
  9. You mean... go out-side? :psyduck: Whats that? :unsure: I think i heard about that place once, but i was too busy playing oblivion to pay attention.
  10. Yes the courier is a sort of "dropped out of the sky" method but i'm not very interested in thinking about the story line at this moment, it'll be left in there as a place holder. One of the main ideas behind this hidden section of the world is exactly that. it's hidden, no one goes there no one comes out. It may seem like it's dropped in there because that's what it is, it's a seperate world co-existing with the one your own, they have seperate interactions and they don't even know that the other one exists. As others have suggested they want parts of it to be found in skyrim, and when we get around to making the storyline officially we'll definetly think about how they've affected a world that very few have heard of, let alone seen. I myself disagree with a smooth transfer, i want the player to be tossed into this topsy turvy world, not brought into it by giving him/her a little bit of information along the way. And then finally onto your ideas for content, the story line is hardly set in stone, it might be changed even while we're working on it so any ideas for content will be appreciated.
  11. There is nothing in the lore to say they would get along (not that i've seen) and since they were created by Deadra Lords (different ones) then it's also a possibility that they would fight in order to please their lords, or to gain dominance over another. Not too mention the idea is based on Underwolrd and is being losely incoporated into Elder Scrolls lore.
  12. Grand soul gems aren't supposed to be able to hold human souls, for me they never have, perhaps it was a bug in some games, which means they probably fixed it.
  13. I suppose my opinion would be biased given that my game has only crashed once in my 150+ hours of play, and then hasn't crashed at all for my younger brother with his 90+ hours, and then onto my older brother with 300+ hours and still no crashes, and my mom with 6+ hours (she just started) and once again no crashes. Myself, my mother, and my younger brother are all on PC, my older brother has about 200 hours on xbox 360 and then the rest are on PC. Overall none of us have seen any game-breaking bugs, the game looks pretty good though some texture (not all since some look good in low-res) need to be re-done. bugs... i think my little bro saw a falling mammoth once, thats about it. Voice acting for most characters is fine. And in response to the guy that mentioned not having a character voice, that's a design choice to make the player seem like they are the character, in Mass effect you play Shepard, not your own character, and in saints row they give you 3 female voices, 3 male, and a zombie..... (this depending upon which game your playing) that's not really something i care about, look at the zelda games, they don't have voices, no one complains about that... well at least people shouldn't. In my opinion it deserved GOTY, mainly because no other good games have caught my attention, i despise FPS games because they're so unoriginal now, if you play COD your running and gunning... fun..... I get more enjoyment from Duke Nukem and that game sucked. (the new one of course) Though i do wish Indie games got more recognition, because then i would always want certain indie games as GOTY because some of them really deserve that award.
  14. That was considered but it would be prefered that the courier shows up at a certain lvl. I preffered it because i want the player to be able to handle the new area since we don't plan for enemies to be easy, we want to provide the player with a little more than a challenge.
  15. I've got more than 100 hours, over 3 characters though. Still enjoying it but i'm relaxing now, when the CK comes out i'll have some work to do. Glad to see your enjoying it.
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