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About Gaaaary

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  1. That's so epic even for DLC it would be a "whooping" one. If you're serious about it why not start writing that, I doubt that many modders here were just "waiting" for someone else to think what epic project they should start. I fear if you dont start yourself it will never be done. At least start doing it, people can see if someone "is seeking help" or "is seeking an idiot to do all the work for him". Trust me, people will respect you much more after you at least have an esp file to show.
  2. I thought about more super mutants, but imho you'd need a good quest and some story behind it to make it reasonable. And there's already so many deathclaws around the quary and in the deathclaw lair and they are extremely overpowered in NV - seriously: How can you kill the existing ones without cheats and still want more?
  3. For personal use you could convert the PDA yourself. Otherwise you need the authors permission.
  4. I think there are some nice retuxtures already available, but of course noone can read what you got on your mind. Saying "i can't do that" is soooo easy, looking into it is hard, yeah... Retexturing is basically just painting and adjusting colors.
  5. Did you try using the mojave express mailboxes? Theres some mods that even extend these. I never got why people use that though, it's usually much faster to just fast travel to your lair than to search one of these mailboxes.
  6. There already are some retextured power armors available. If none of these pleases you why not just retexture it yourself, you probably know best what you want and others would sure appreciate your work. The T-51b is already godly as it is as it's like the 2nd best power armor in the game and really rather rare.
  7. Like 99% of all mod creators did NOT license their mod for remaking so just ask the author or make a private one for yourself. Re-making of mods is generally impossible as nearly all authors left a license to NOT do this.
  8. Why not just cheat one with the console or repair an existing one to "Like new"? The "put a godly item into the wastes to cheat" mods arent that popular and crafting a quest/location around it would neither make it more reasonable nor easier to do. Why not just use the one from the brotehrhood, i think it's a fine armor and I am personally quite happy with it.
  9. I don't really like manga/anime that much, but fist of the north star was one of the extremely few ones i have seen (Probably as its so old). Anyways, although i don't see how that matches into the Fallout universe i am sure you will find many supporters here. However, unlikely that someone will be like "Hey i have no life so imma do the work for you", so most realistic option is to simply get started and DO IT. When you run into problems, have questions, start cursing about GECK we will be here.We're better at helping at specific questions, i mean prolly someone will be like "I support you!!!! *leans back*", but that wont be that helpful. Try to do some "theoretical" planning first - like "Do i have the nerve to edit all 34873464 characters and places in the wasteland or do i make this mod in a new cell and just make a "Dojo town"?". Basically fallout supports unarmed attacks but you might want to get into making custom animations so some kicks and tricks are possible. Try to not let it be "We" make a mod as "we" is noone. Start doing it and try getting support for SPECIFIC tasks or else you'll end up with a bunch of groupies dreaming about this mod and besides cool phantasy nothing will develop. Make some characters, make some screenshots and videos to get people on your side. Saying "we" should make a mod when "we" equals "someone else, i dont care" will not work, promised. Try to act as a leader and show results, this will get people interested.
  10. Basically you just make a new NPC, edit him/her to your linking and add to the vNPCFollower quest and add a matching script. For the beginning you should be fine when you just copy a script from like veronica or so and edit it to reflect your NPC. Then you need to add the AI packages for follower (WAIT, FOLLOW and so on), just copy the scripts from another follower and edit accordingly. It sounds like much work but you can copy like 95% from existing followers and just need to edit the NPC name to your one. Really - most work is the voice dubbing.
  11. I'm not really good at videos but generally you just give them a permanent Reference, preferably a name you can remember - like myTurretREF. Then in your terminal script you can just make them stopCombat and unconscious. Best is to look at an existing Terminal. Here's how you disable the Helios Turrets in a terminal in the "Deactivate turret" menu point for example: ref myLink set myLink to VHeliosTurret1REF myLink.stopCombat myLink.setUnconscious 1
  12. I didn't study the math in it but if i got it right it weights your weapons damage against the DT of an enemy (or vice versa, depending on whos shooting). If your weapons damage is lower than the enemies DT he counts as "armored" against your weapon and it does very little damage. If it is higher than the DT of the enmy it counts as "penetrating" using the normal calculation (Don't ask me for formulas or stuff, I am rather bad with that).
  13. Hi there, just wanted to be sure that adding mp3 file music to a mod is not generally forbidden. I am aware of copyright issues and generally speaking about all music you might have on your iPod or whatever is Copyrighted and thus can NOT be used in mods. However after some research i found several sources of Public Domain music that CAN be used even commercially. So after my research i have identified some sources of Public Domain music as reliable and trusted providers. The first is wikimedia/wikiCommons - the "file" part of wikipedia. For example some Public Domain music is available from there: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Battle_Hymn_of_the_Republic,_Frank_C._Stanley,_Elise_Stevenson.ogg Another credible source is archive.org - the Internet Archive project. Generally speaking all works before 1923 are safe to use by US copyright. However, some 78rpm/gramophone recordings without copyright notice or registration also made it to the public domain, one collection i would definitely want use use is this one (Andrews sisters!!!): http://www.archive.org/details/Bing-crosby-andrewsSisters-11-20 Well now my question is - can i include these in my mod to save people the pain of downloading them all themselves? It's a radio station mod so i would spare the many "Doh theres no songs playing" comments by all the people who dont read the readme. I really wanna ask nicely before doing so to avoid having some staff member be like "OMG mp3 files in mod - COPYRIGHT BREACH MEANS BAN!". Just trust me that i respect copyright deeply and would only include mp3 from the previously quoted sites and include a proof of source for every single file.
  14. Thanks, that article explained it very well. I have upped my "Gary Overkill" mod already. Thanks a lot for the help again!
  15. If you download .rar files or similar compressed formats you need an appropriate uncomressing program, like 7Zip, winrar, etc.
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