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About WarlordKnight

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  1. In response to post #24629869. and thats why paysites must be detroyed was made to beable to aquire the paid mods for free im hoping paysites must be destroyed steps in and offers paid elder scrolls mods for free
  2. i keep crashing too god its anoying stupid windows 8
  3. im having the same thing fawks wont go he keeps saying my destiny is in there as if i dont have brokensteel turned on ima try to deactivate bro0ken steel save then reactivate it but its ticking me off it worked once before so its obviously some kind pf glitch or bug
  4. so thats it then ok i have wyre bash installed so i can merge my house esps wuth oblivion's esm can this be done as for my friend he was not a kid he was twenty years old and he loved these forums until someone banned him over an opinion that was about a topic he seen locked and never took a look at why it was locked, to him it seemed wrong that it was locked for no aparent reason also he said he asks for help in his topics thats what he said. he aparently was wrongfully acused of insulting someone when it was an opinion about why one of his threads was locked he never saw any waning that he may of had he told me he never bothers with locked topics and he never talked trash about anyone and he would never insult anyone for any reason. and he certainly doesnt know how to do piracy (and nether do i and i never would)nor hacking or anything bad for that matter just cause you said this doesnt make me feel any safer here just so you know EDIT: well i tookit down to 186 and still same ****ing thing i have had it so i just turned them all off and it didnt do it stupid smartelic thing the problem it runs fine as long as i do not move anywhere in the tamerial world as soon as i atemt to move into another cell all h**l breaks loose , the skys texture disapears and turns puple and the charecters turn purple as well as the moon. also my breath bar thing also turns purple when this occures it runs for about 3-5 seconds then the D**m thing crashes ohh im so friggin angry right now i cant figure out what the problem is please help its urgent
  5. I keep having problems every time i try new mods my game keeps crashing i have about 300 + mods installed (i only have 290+ active)well my friends mod (the land of the lost one) works fine when i load inside it when i exit the land of the lost worldspace, the game starts acting up and my sky turns purple i know its not the Lotl (land of the lost) mod is it because i have 290+ mods cuz im not using any kind of mod organizer (my game has allways worked fine before) i do not know what to do Please help and dont ban me for asking for help please ive heard some very worrying stories about these forums and i am very very afraid to use these forums ( some of the stories meantioned the forums being too strict and overreact towards opinions, calling them insults when they arnt intended as insults, ect. stuff like that. hey i am just saying what i remember in the stories /rumers is all) please tell me what i need to do to fix my game
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