I keep having problems every time i try new mods my game keeps crashing i have about 300 + mods installed (i only have 290+ active)well my friends mod (the land of the lost one) works fine when i load inside it when i exit the land of the lost worldspace, the game starts acting up and my sky turns purple i know its not the Lotl (land of the lost) mod is it because i have 290+ mods cuz im not using any kind of mod organizer (my game has allways worked fine before) i do not know what to do Please help and dont ban me for asking for help please ive heard some very worrying stories about these forums and i am very very afraid to use these forums ( some of the stories meantioned the forums being too strict and overreact towards opinions, calling them insults when they arnt intended as insults, ect. stuff like that. hey i am just saying what i remember in the stories /rumers is all) please tell me what i need to do to fix my game