Great, now we'll need a quest for it, which iamironman956 is doing. I have some suggestion for the quest. First idea is to have a NPC name Siris and he's wearing the armor, and he's severely injured. He asked us to help killing him so he could reborn with another body. However, after we killed him, we can loot his armor, doing that would make him show up once in awhile in a different armor and body and he want his armor back. We can kill him, which make another "him" come to us once inawhile, diffecrent appearance but same name. If we decide not to loot his armor, he will shows up later with his armor, asking for help in a dgn. At the end of the dgn, he locks the player behind a door and face the boss himself. The boss can be dragon priest I suppose. And after he killed the priest, he open the door, talk to the character, saying that he has done with his destiny and he want the player to have his armor, after saying that, he'll fall to the ground and die. Then we can take his armor. Second idea is much more simple. The player can recieve a mail from Siris, saying that he ned the player to help getting the Seratic armor, which has fall into the wrong hand, back. We go to a dgn, meet a guy with his armor, kill him and get the armor. After we get out of the dgn, another mail comes up, saying that we can keep the armor cuz he's using Aegis armor, wich is stronger ofc. Third idea is we having 2 guys fighting over a piece of paper. After one is killed, we can persuade/intimidate or kill the other to get the paper. The paper turn out to be a map that give the player a quest to go looking for the armor, in dgn or can just be an abandoned fort.