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Everything posted by worthlesspeppermint

  1. Awesome! Thank you so much for answering this so quickly! Also, you answered another question I was wondering about- I wasn't sure if Skyrim SE had the same limit of '250' mods as the old skyrim. And okay, good to know! And yeah! You caught me, I've never actually finished the main quest since I'm horrible at following directions. I have played Vanilla Skyrim quite a bit- it was a blast! Still, I"ll keep my cool on with the mods! Thanks again! :D
  2. Hi, I'm Tori. The last time I posted on these forums [or even played Skyrim seriously] I had a non-gaming rig with gaming video card and let's just say it was total crapshoot. Thankfully since then I've upgraded. I did a bit of research on gaming pcs, but in no matter how hard I try to understand how to hard-core gaming- I still feel clueless. My first graphic card [the one BEFORE the 960] died because of overheating/overpowering so I know that I NEVER want that to happen again. I can honestly say I've learned how to care for a pc more appropriately since then; even if deep down I'm a complete noob when it comes to stuff like this. I can honestly say I think I have a powerful rig- or at least I tried to get a powerful rig when I bought this. In all honesty, I'm super paranoid about my computer since burning out that first graphics card, and I really don't want to take any chances. I've looked around the internet for clues to help me keep it safe for a long-term period of time; sadly, I'm still a bit confused. But I won't ramble any more than I have to. I was wondering if some kind gamer could help me regulate whether or not heavy graphic/texture mods will ruin my rig. So far, I've been able to have a lot of the 'fps' intensive mods work with little loss- the game looks beautiful, but I'm terrified of frying it. I would be more than happy if anyone could give me tips on how to keep it safe with heavy-modding, and whether or not I need to cut down on my modlist. I really don't know where else to turn! Some information you should probably know: GeForce GTX 1070 Intel Core i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz 16GB Ram Windows 10 If you need anything else, please let me know. Any help you can offer would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. Sub-Reddit has a pc building section? AWESOME! :D Thanks for letting me know, I'll head over there right now! I'm also going to look through some guides and videos to try and get a handle on it. Thanks again!
  4. Oh sorry, I meant pre-build, not with the t! I guess I didn't understand exactly what that I meant. What I was trying to say is prebuild [like a prebuild list of parts]. Oops! xD It's pretty awesome, although I'm not really sure what exactly is good, and what means what. But it's pretty awesome nonetheless!
  5. @Daddy Direction I'm not entirely sure about doing a prebuilt build, since I'd kind of like to customize it to my liking, but the site you linked to looks awesome! Thank you for sharing, I'm definitely going to fiddle around on there, just out of curiosity!
  6. I was planning on keeping all of the parts until I knew exactly what to do with them. Also, I have no idea about how to build a computer, and I don't really have any friends that are good at putting stuff together. However, I would be willing to do it myself if I had the right guidance. :> 1k USD, and I do have the possibility of returning the 960 still, so if need be I can do that. And that would be great! I really appreciate your help! :D Hmm, probably a lower noise level, I would love a computer that doesn't sound like an angry machine, the one I have now is pretty loud. I actually think I would have it ready before Black Friday, but I will definitely keep that in mind. :> I know you can get some crazy good deals around that time!
  7. Sorry I didn't respond to this sooner. Thank you guys for all your help. I talked to dell this morning and they will allow me to return the quadro, but like BlackRoseofThorns said, it's far too late to return the computer. Essentially what I'm going to do is save up to buy a good [GOOD, not cheap] gaming computer and just wait it out until I can order it. But while you guys are here, can I ask for another favor? Like my entry post says, I know nothing about computers [the technical side, I'm pretty good with programs and stuff] and since I'll be buying a new one in the future, do you think you could help me figure out which one to get? I'm totally lost. I've been looking on newegg, but it's like speaking a different language. I don't know where to start. All I know is I need something that will hold up and have room for expansion. Something under 1k would be nice.
  8. Yeah, I don't think the sales associate knew what he was doing. He also kept trying to persuade me to buy a big-screen TV [not relevant, I know, but still]. And they charged me just under $200. And I made a thread about a week and a half ago about my card overheating and I've been told from numerous sources that it's because there isn't enough airflow. [i've taken it to best buy's geeksquad at least 8 times for the same problem in the past three months] I quite literally had to cram the card inside the computer, it was quite a challenge to get it inside. I'd get more fans, but there really isn't any room for them either. As for the CPU, I'm not entirely sure. I know the power source is a cx600m and I know it's an i7 processor. I'm kind of on the edge of just buying a totally different computer made for gaming [which I should have done in the beginning] so I can avoid all this hullabaloo altogether. But then again, I still haven't paid off this computer, so there really isn't the finances for it at this point. And even if I did do that, I wouldn't know where to start. I'm so frustrated with the whole ordeal, and I have no clue what to do, or what is what, or anything.
  9. Hi there, I'm Tori. So here's the deal, I bought an Inspiron 3847 a year and a half ago and realized far too late that it was a bad idea. I'm an idiot; I'll admit I should have never bought the computer in the first place. One could say it was an impulse buy. Nonetheless, I'd like a new computer but currently don't have the ability to build my own, nor would I have any idea how to. But I digress, I bought the computer and put my old graphics card - a Nvidia Geforce GTX 960 in it. It's huge, barely fits in the computer and overheats severely. It's unusable. So, in hopes of finding a more appropriate card, I went to dell, where I bought the Inspiron, they helped me buy a Quadro-something or another. Friday I install it and discover after a quick google search [which I should have done before I bought the card, but to be honest, the guy was hard to understand and I trusted him] I found out it's not for gaming, [which is what I asked for] it's s#*!, and I hate it. I'm returning it as soon as I can. So I'm at a loss. I have little under a foot of clearance in the spot where the graphics card can fit, if even that. I need something small, that won't overheat. I know nothing about computers or graphic cards when it comes to the 'specs'. I'm a noob, and I'll readily admit it. I need something small but powerful, under $200. I want to play Skyrim and Fallout 4 at Ultra settings. My 960 was perfect, it's just too big for the tiny case. It was a great card, I wish I could use it, but I just can't. I can't afford another computer at the moment, so if you have any idea what kind of graphics card would be good for this sort of thing I would appreciate any advice you can give. Something with good quality, small, powerful, and essentially; cheap. I don't know a whole lot about graphic cards, so I'm nervous about buying ANOTHER one without knowing what I need to know first. So I'm asking for your help. Help a noob out? Thanks!
  10. Thanks everyone for all your advice. I ended up biting the bullet and decided to purchase a new graphics card, a smaller one that is compatible with my PC. I still have the receipt for the 960 so I'm going to try to return it after I get the new card installed and hopefully this will solve all the problems. Either way, thank you for your help!
  11. My sidepanel does have a square of holes right above the graphics card. The thing is, I've been keeping the side panel off and getting these temperatures without it on. That's why I'm worried. Essentially the whole sidepanel has been removed so there can be more airflow. But I'm still getting really high temperatures despite that fact.
  12. Hello to both of you kindly souls. I greatly appreciate you both taking the time to stop by to help. I'm not entirely sure of what my internal computer's internal specs are, but I"ll include two images I took of the inside of it so that you two can have a more in-depth look at what my rig is like in exact terms. Hopefully, this will clear up any mystery on what kind of power supply I have, or where my fans are. At least a picture can say more than I can! http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b570/stupidsamurai/20160902_122517_zpsp4f29isz.jpg http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b570/stupidsamurai/20160902_122522_zpsa8szkrp7.jpg
  13. Hi there. I'm Tori, and I can honestly say that I am an idiot. About a year and a half ago I bought a new computer without really knowing what exactly I was looking for, or even what to look for in a gaming pc. I had very little funds, and even to this day have not completely paid off the computer I bought, despite upgrading it with ram and a new graphics card. I was told an i7 processor was good for gaming; that was about it. I know my graphics card isn't great; I learned that the hard way. I used to have a Geforce GTX 660 TI that burned out because of my noobish gaming tendencies. The people at Best Buy/Geek Squad told me that a GTX 960 would be about the same, and I had to bang out the buck without knowing whether or not that was true. I hate it, and I don't have the money to get a better one, especially since my PC case is tiny and whatever graphics card I get doesn't fit inside properly. They say that's the reason I'm having overheating problems. It very well could be. In the beginning, when I started having overheating problems with it, after countless times of bringing it in, Geek Squad figured out that one of my external fans was buzzed out. So I ended up sending my card to EVGA and got a replacement. The only problem is it's still overheating, despite being a brand new card. Maybe I should elaborate- I don't really know if it's overheating, I've been monitoring it with HWMonitor out of morbid curiosity, and when I play Sims it usually hits around 53-65 degrees and when I play Skyrim with an ENB and tons of mods, it was around 73 degrees [the graphics card temperature] Because I'm an idiot, I don't know if this is normal, despite hearing some places on the internet that it is, or from other miscellaneous sources that it isn't. So I need your help to figure this out! I've included my DXDiag because I figure someone out there has to be able to decipher whether or not my PC is absolute crap, or I need to cut out the ENB, or buy an external fan; etc. I don't know what to do because I have no real knowledge in these things, and I only started gaming a couple years ago. I really have no one in my personal life that I can get an honest answer from, either, and I'm quite far from trusting Geek Squad because I get a different answer every time I go in there. Last time I dragged it in, they didn't even plug it in, they just told me I had to deal with it, the case was too small. If you could help me out, with whatever wisdom you may have I would be mighty appreciative. Thank you!
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