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About GraDDIman

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  1. A. I don't know how to use Geck B. I'm waiting for the bugs to be fixed in TTW C. Paulson isn't a long term companion in FO3 anyway, so TTW wouldn't really help me there.
  2. I have Mothership zeta for FO3, and i would like someone to port Paulson over as a companion, preferrably for use with DLCC for FNV http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34987 I realise there is a paulson mod for FNV, but it isn't ported properly, and is also a Modders Resource so the NPC isn't spawned. I would be greatly appreciative if someone could make me an ESP for this, it is for personal use.
  3. I mean, i'm using DLCC to port my content, i just need an ESP that places the stuff, whatever though, i guess i'll figure it out.
  4. <p>Yes but that version of Paulson doesn't have his ported clothing or his ported voice, right?</p>
  5. Basically, looking for someone to make a mod of Steve Buscemi's clothing in Fargo Consists of Slacks, Boots, a Turtleneck Sweater, and a Coat. Pictures Below Would be greatly appreciative if someone could make this. Incidentally, if anyone could make the hair too, that'd be great. Update : Added Rear View of coat for reference
  6. Basically, i need a mod that makes an Amulet or ring that summons an Unlimited dragon aspect while equipped.
  7. Only one flaw, i remember something like this in oblivion. The problem would be that the landscape of skyrim would cause it to either ramp over everything, or just look stupid with crazy gravity. My advice?, make it a flying bike :3
  8. Already tried Seadog armor and the Flintlock pistols, but they aren't pirate'y enough for me. Especially with the dawnguard crossbow anim being out now, pistols and rifles could be made a lot better.
  9. While JaySus Swords are quite nice, i'm looking for a more Pirate-ish Cutlass, one with a larger full handguard, Thank you though.
  10. 1. Pirate weapons : So, I've been playing dawnguard recently, and i have noticed that the Crossbow reload anim may work well for a flintlock pistol/rifle type mod. By making a crossbow into a flintlock pistol/rifle/blunderbuss you'd be able to create such weapons with ease. I myself am not a good modeler/scripter/modder. As such i have posted here in the hopes someone will read this and make such a mod. I also miss the cutlass from Oblivion, if someone were to make something similar looking (IE: Hand guard, long blade, etc.) I would be very grateful. 2: Pirate themed player home : some sort of Cave/cove with a pirate ship and some NPCs as a Player-home would be amazing to see, i think this would work well both aesthetically and functionally. Possibly even a room with large piles of gold/chests/treasure Etc. Possibly a large ship in such a cave/cove with stereotypical skull flag and cannons, possibly battle damage. Maybe a loot room too, filled with gold. treasures, chests, etc. 3: Pirate themed armor/clothes : I would very much like to see More pirate themed armor and clothing added into the game. There's simply not enough. 4: Character Modifications: I would like to see more pirate themed beards and hair added into the game, multiple if possible. 5: Pirate themed Gameplay : possibly pirate related things could be added into the game, such as random NPC remarks, possibly some new areas. As well as pirate ships at major docks in cities, as well as having pirate NPCs inside possibly inns or taverns. I would greatly appreciate if someone made these mods into seperate mods or a mod pack. P.S. sorry for the bad spelling/grammar. i'm not very good with requesting this sort of thing :$
  11. I was Wondering if someone could make Daft Punk Helmets, Business Suits, Leather Jackets with Daft Punk Logo on the back, Daft Punk Radio Stations. As you can tell, I'm a Daft Punk Fan [/OBVIOUS], and would be Very happy if someone made these.
  12. I Voted F03, It was a REALLY hard Choice once i saw Valve had games up there, GO BETHESDA GO!
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