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Nexus Mods Profile

About zombieslayer002

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion, Fallout 3, Borderlands, Fable 3, Morrowind, [Prototype], Star Wars: KotOR 1 & 2, Resident Evil 5
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Fallout 3, Borderlands, [Prototype], Fable 3, Resident Evil 5, etc.
  1. Sorry I missed you - was playing Bloodlines ;D
  2. "What was that? I'm Sorry I couldn't hear you over the sound of your arm breaking." - Salvador ~ Borderlands 2
    1. Jleone


      borderlands 2 <3
    2. Deleted54170User


      "Oh! The agony!" he said as he looked at his zombie arm on the ground. "Do you know how much it cost to get those? And the extra charges for super glue?" ;- )
  3. To the Angry midget pounding away with the jackhammer inside my skull, cease and desist immediately and vacate the premises, and take the rest of my cold with you. thank you..... -_-
    1. VesemirTheWitcher


      they never listen... >:(
  4. *poke, poke, poke*
  5. Okay i'm of the opinion that the "nexus-mod-author-donation-and-premium-system" is a bit unethical considering that it means that an author can now possibly profit from using resources that are not originally his/hers. and doesn't that go against the conditions for which companies like bethesda released their various utilities for us to use? that we can't profit from our work given how we're using their resources to do it? in my opinion that kind of practice is shameful andany author that asks for donations for their work is a disgrace. cause essentially all these modders are doing is "stealing" from bethesda cause bethesda sure isn't seeing a cut of these profits and if they were to hear of this it would most likly mean the end of the nexus.
  6. need help with some animations, when i used your replacers (which are awesome by the way:) ) for some strange reason my 2 handed handled weapons like miniguns, flamers etc. seem to tilt downward when i walk or run in any direction while they're drawn and i'm standing, but will reposition themselves when i fire them but then go back to tilting as soon as i start moving again, any way to fix this?
  7. need help with some animations, when i used your replacers (which are awesome by the way:) ) for some strange reason my 2 handed handled weapons like miniguns, flamers etc. seem to tilt downward when i walk or run in any direction while they're drawn and i'm standing, but will reposition themselves when i fire them but then go back to tilting as soon as i start moving again, any way to fix this?
  8. "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeeded be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." ~ Albert Einstein
    1. Jleone


      poke poke poke*
  9. love your profile pic :3
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