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About Rheyne

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    United States
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  1. I like it. You have a very unique writing style, very descriptive and...suspenseful. Good job! ^_^
  2. Ah what a sad memory. But I'm sure he's happy to still be with her instead of trapped away from her, right? ^_^
  3. Rheyne


    This one taps into another dimension of self... It is sort of strange isn't it? But I kind of like it..to me it represents a soldier or a warrior in some kind of battle slipping in and out of consciousness, trying to find the will to keep moving and not give in. Although poetry is supposed to be taken many ways right? Could be about a trip to Mcdonalds, you never know. ^_-
  4. Rheyne


    Oh EVERYTHING is about lasagna no? ^_^ "What else can I say Shakespeare, Poe and many more did not said on this matter of passing on to heaven, for the old Nick must be surely brought his place a level up." I must say I'm a little lost in translation as to what you mean with that. o_0 Hmm. I can't figure it out lol. Could you explain a little bit? Btw, epic poem about lasagna, it made me laugh! ^_^
  5. Rheyne


    As I went about my day, Death stalked behind me. Upon my waking walk in a stupor, Incantations sprung to mind. But no amount of blubber Dispersed the gloomy clutter! Retreating to a wall, Behind the church and full of Superstition, Alas! I heard the bells as they tolled! I watched from below, And the Earth faded from view. Adieu! Adieu!
  6. Wow. This is very descriptive writing and it draws me in. Wonderful introduction to a story I am already excited to delve into! ^_^ Great job!
  7. Rheyne


    Entrancing Depression, Oh how you feed me! A light was fading, but I look around and I look up and down.. Nothing. Nothing. Suppression, aggression.. Crawling through each crack. Stillness once ran through my mind. Stand! Stand! I will not, I will not Pacify Surrender Obliterate! There, beyond the sands, Stopped in the night! Camped for, waiting for nothing once, Twice, Can't feel my heartbeat! For lack of...that word that won't come... Sacrifice breeds sorrow! Stepping down the roads of shadow, Release the fates and let the dawn in. But this headache! Crippling doubt, crippling sorrow. Crippled bodies struggle through Those fire sandy dunes! The ocean...the sea... My plea for deliverance goes unheard and the comfort...the standstill... Drops of solace trickle cold Dancing through my veins.. The crystal pain of NUMB! NUMB! WHY CAN'T I FEEL? It procreates, the spider of obsession. Stops me from living, Breathing, Sight. I am insane! I am mother Earth... Sister Death You are no solution.
  8. Haha! Lured by gold, aren't we all? I want about...56 more chapters k? Really, it's awesome stuff. You write very well and include suspense, mystery and humor. It's great. More please!!
  9. Very touching. This is the heart of a poet. ::blush:: Thank you very much. I'm so glad it gave you a nice response. This poem was written in Ommwriter, it's this program that I think is still in beta..anyway. There are really relaxing sounds against a simple background with a calming scene. Makes it very easy to be inspired, as I am one of those people that thinks a blank page is sad until filled with thoughts or stories or pictures. ^_^
  10. Rheyne

    Hello World

    NOM NOM!! Ah. Good meal. ^_-
  11. Rheyne

    Hello World

    I've been known to bite back. ^_-
  12. Rheyne


    I definitely tend to be my own worst critic, sometimes crippling myself before I even get started. I've improved, however, and now I can accept compliments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism well. If someone just says "Your work is sub par and you have no future," I feel it pretty hard. Still working on that. ^_^ Thank you for the good advice, my friend.
  13. Rheyne


    Why do you say that?? I appreciate your words and understand what you meant...it was to be a compliment and I took it as such. Don't be sad! :/
  14. Rheyne


    Thanks very much! :) I have an emotional attachment to any art I make...which can be good and horrible, haha!
  15. Rheyne


    Not sure...I just kind of opened up a post and let it flow you know? I'm feeling a bit down, not sure why. Figured writing it out would help. I do feel a bit better now..thank you for your kind compliment! *^_^*
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