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Posts posted by Rheyne

  1. If there is something in it or all you want to use species5478 you have my allowance. It would be nice to know, when and where, I have to look if you bring this up. So I'm asking in return to PM me, if your story goes public. That would be nice.


    Well, this is in regards to the newest tale I have posted. (Riseof the Horde) There's a riddle that involves a poem in the later chapters. However, I lack a poetic spirit so when I came across your piece, it seemed a perfect match. I may forgo the poem section all together though, because I've never used another's work in my writing. In any case, I'll PM you ahead of time if I decide to use it. If so, your name and poem title will be placed in the story description, as recognition.

    That is O.K. for me. I'm looking onward to read your story and I feel honored because I like your writing style. 


    @ Rheyne, Nice portal poem!


    Thank ye kindly! I was feeling a bit cheeky.. >:}

  2. Rheyne, love your poem and you are indeed a poet.


    A poet is simply a person who writes poems. You need not prove yourself to yourself or others to be a poet.


    I will reread your poem more than once and enjoy doing so.


    Interesting and well written poem, Keanumoreira.


    Greetings, ranokoa!!! Pleased to meet you.


    Haha! You raise a valid point sir, I bow to your logic. :-)

  3. Very good. :thumbsup:


    Do you have a taste for poetry?


    Thank you very much!! I dabble sometimes but by no means consider myself a poet. I do like to read others' poetry though! :D


    Really? What do you think of this one?




    Hell is a realm of fire that from the sky it fell,

    Within its very gut a true monster must dwell.

    It is hollow, and weak, yet frightful, and gory,

    It's black heartened walls dare not tell the story.


    It is the harbinger of evil, temptation, and despair,

    It's residents are tortured, and beatened without care.

    The cries from within are wretched with sorrow,

    To them there is no difference from today or tomorrow.


    Its bloody cauldron will overflow with stench and black,

    The overdue souls will collapse as they crack.

    There is no escape from within the damn of its bell,

    Beware of its jaws, the realm known as hell.


    Keanumoreira - Hell 8/8/10


    Do you even KNOW how badly I want to narrate this over an epic intro?? SO BAD!!! Now someone create an epic game just so I can! ;)

  4. I like this a lot. Wish it was longer! :)


    A writers creativity can only take him so far... :dry:


    Well if you ever get some more inspiration for it in the future I'm going to jump on it and read!! :D

  5. I agree, it is good. But I.M.O. it had further potential. EDIT: I think punctuation would have fitted this well to insinuate pause on some lines. Still, it's good.


    Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



    Thanks for your honest critique. Perhaps I'll take it into account and make some changes or add a bit! :)

  6. The day.


    Sleeping.. in her arms,

    Catch your breath. Stop.


    Night air.

    Frozen to the bone, chilled

    Stand alone and find...



    Open all your fears, to face

    Soft and latent regret.


    First glance.

    She is solid,

    Eyes blue pools.


    Sleeping.. in your arms

  7. There is a depthless sadness in me today, yesterday and perhaps tomorrow

    which into I sink but never fully

    ever floating supended

    unable to reach firm solid ground

    of relief

    of gladness

    of bliss

    but despite this

    there will come a time

    when I will

    walk upon

    solid ground



    Days of Depression



    This was beautiful and truly moving. This is the kind of poetry that I love reading. :-)

  8. Thanks guys :) I'm glad to join such a warm and welcoming community. I definitely want to get involved, whether that be with voice acting or storytelling or posting my poetry (you guys might not see that for a bit as I'm shy about it) so all suggestions/networking/friends opportunities are a wonderful thing to me!
  9. I was trying to play L4D2 the other day and Steam kept crashing for no reason, I never saw it resolved until a few days later. I also couldn't find any servers even though I had no internet connection issues. But hey, it's free. :P
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