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About capitalG386

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    hrmm hard to say atm i tend to be playing Halo Reach and Mass Effect 2 more then anything

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  1. there's also probably party the steam sale of fallout games hey fo3 goty is/was only like $12 usd - i say it like this cause im not certain its still going anyhow that possibly has something to do with it too, good games cheap why not lol - just checked its over but still for that weekend it was $12 - youd have paid like 20 in store and most other places so yea it was cheap lol
  2. seriously thanx for the setups, on a side note this is just something to get me rolling again come tax time ill probably have around another 500+ i can to use to build off this with and upgrade, but yea i know like i said 500 is a small starter budget just how things are going atm but im not stopping at that ill be using these as a base to start and build off of like a house you build the main structure first, well thats the idea start small and build up from that still thanks for the help and advice any other is still welcome, as always the help is appreciated :D
  3. hey probably on the forums somewhere already but figured id ask as i couldnt find anything. does anyone have any suggestions for a decent pc that can handle games as well as other tasks for around $500. thats kinda the budget im at currently :( i know not so great but gotta make due with what you can, also this includes if anyone knows of any builds where i can get the parts myself and make one for around that amount aswell. been looking around but nothing really seems to jump out at me so was wondering if anyone had any info that i may have simply not come across, as always anything is appreaciated and no im not looking to do bleeding edge graphix or anything of that nature just tired of consoles so figured id see what i can pull off without breaking my bank or back lol
  4. so main focus for whut to spend on and whut to try and restrain myself on would likely be motherboard/processor/ processor's,hard drive, some basic quantity of RAM 6-9 GB ot to be plenty,7-800 watt power should be fine,graphix like you all said something mid range will do and ive had the 5770 recomended to me by others ive known for a while now too so that seems like a solid choice, drives meh a standard DVD-R/RW should do fine,other then that shrug idk still getting some details worked out lol, any advice on a decent case and whut kind of cooling i should consider for effective long term use, never really looked into the whole liquid cooling bit so anyone got the info on airflow cooling versus liquid? itll probably help narrow my choice of cases idk tbh as i said never really looked at it before. been out of touch for a few years and wasnt one to keep in touch with the latest with cooling advances as long as my PC is kept good im happy lol whut more can i really ask for :happy: . anyway thanx to everyone for the help so far and in advance thanks for any help. again any info is appreciated.
  5. lots of sound advice thanks for the input and it has helped its given me some food for thought so to speak and i atleast have an idea whut im looking at rite now, thanks to the help from you all. im still just looking at parts as i said im gonna wait till taxes so i have all the budget i plan for and can get most if the parts i plan to get readily untill then im just keeping informed of whuts out there and making decisions on whut im gonna get but this has deffinetly helped a lot so again yea yea i know repetitious lol thank you all for the ideas and advice. :turned: if all goes well when i do finally get going on this it will come out pretty well till then keep playing/moding and always try to have fun cause lifes just too short not to lol :)
  6. good advice i was looking it over and some of it did seem a little high end even for high end lol quality doesnt need to mean overkill rite lol but thanks for providing those alternatives im just gonna keep looking atm as im in the process of getting the budget together lol tax time is a life saver too bad its about 7 months away on the up side most of those things will prolly settle down in the price department a little making it a little easier to manage lol still thanks for the help :)
  7. thanks for the info like i said i have been slacking on keeping up with tech for the past few years so u know how easy it is to get out of the loop with computer tech and the like u have atleast given me a direction to look at so thank you very mutch. P.S. expensive is the 4k alienware would want u to throw at them for some of this stuff no offence but they have become a lot like apple great product but they are asking too mutch for the sake of their name thats just my oppinion and i dont expect every1 to agree with it but atleast its honest lol.
  8. i am looking into a new desktop as rite now all i have is my laptop and well those can be rather limmited for gaming so i plan on a budget of around $2,000. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I havent been keeping up with tech for a couple years now so thats why im doing this, to get an idea of whut to start looking at. thank you very mutch to any and everyone who posts in advance. P.S. yes i know this is a topic with a lot of things depending on preferances but i would appreciate any feedback non the less.
  9. cool good to know and thank you for the info wound up just going with 7 zip seems really common on here and easy to use so made sense. :)
  10. capitalG386


    ya i know seems like im jumping rite in with both feet lol thanks for the welcome and ya im totally new to the whole forum scene and well mods/modding in general too so that said thank you for the info major help there kept getting some other site that keeps showing as not able to find lol ya im green haha. thank you to bben46 for the info aswell sorry just sorta rushing this b4 work lol nice to meet both of ya...well online anyhow lol see ya on the forums.
  11. ahh kk thanks i was just wondering wich one because i wasnt rly sure..totally new to this whole scene and mods/modding so sorry if i seem a little wet behind the ears i am lol
  12. ahh thanks searched for it about a dozen times and got tired of banging my head against the wall with no results. lol and ya i searched that site but it never turned up maybe i just wasnt searching the right query.
  13. well to be blunt does it matter witch one i get? or are they pretty mutch interchangable? its just that im considering wich one to get but dont want to get one that iv barely heard of b4 winrar maybe familiar to some/most of u all but im way more familiar with winzip hence this post im just trying to make sure i make the right choice is all and normally id say stick with the ones u know but in this instance it might be better to go with the one thats new to me. :wallbash: :unsure:
  14. Not sure if anyone else out there has posted this yet but can anyone tell me where i can download OBMM from or atleast something that will work just as well? it would be mutch appreciated and thanks in advance.
  15. capitalG386


    can anyone please tell me where i can download it from? aswell as any other downloads that would help. any help is greatly appreciated.
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