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Everything posted by Smooth613

  1. Yet another person who has no concept of what a BETA release is...
  2. Window 7 Related problems, etc... Are you using Windows 7 or Vista? Did you install Oblivion to the default directory of Program Files? If you answered yes to to both then you are likely experiencing, or will experience problems due to UAC, Windows security. Windows doesn't like it when an application, program, or even the user, attempts to alter files in a protected directory. UAC sees this a potential security threat and treats it as a malicious attack and blocks the action from happening. To prevent this you need to install Oblivion outside the jurisdiction of UAC, to an unprotected directory. A popular and suitable location is <drive letter>:\Games\Oblivion. For information on proper installation I suggest you follow Bben's Reinstall Procedure. If that's not the case then you have either improperly installed the mods, therefor needing to completely uninstall and reinstall the mods properly according to the ReadMe, or you need to activate, or update, Archive Invalidation. You might also want to read the section about Pink or Missing Textures Section. Another great resource is Tomlong's site, TESIV:POSItive. She has included information on nearly every aspect of Oblivion you might need help or just be curious about. It has information to suite anyone from beginner to advanced. I urge everyone to bookmark this site and soak up as much information as you possibly can.
  3. Excellent, another user converted. :laugh: And soon you'll be able to do away with installing OBSE plugins via OBMM, since BAIN now allows installation of .dll files in the OBSE\Plugins directory. Wrye Bash v291 includes this feature and should be released before too much longer. It's been in BETA for a while now and working very well. Only a few more quirks to work out it seems. I've been using the BETAs with no problems. So as I've said before I only keep OBMM around for handling BSA extraction. Well and extracting OMODs when authors only offer an OMOD file. Those folks are few and far between luckily and hopefully will get out of the stone age eventually. There is even discussion now for implementing BSA handling via BAIN. When, I don't see it not happening it's only a matter of time, this happens Wrye Bash will truly be the ultimate utility for modding Oblivion and I'll be able to rid myself of OBMM completely. I'm glad you got every thing worked out and you're learning your way around Wrye Bash. Follow the information out there and read the Official Threads @ BethSoft occasionally to stay ahead of the crowd. As time goes on you'll learn the intricacies of Wrye Bash and wonder how you got by without it. Enjoy. EDIT**: About your issue in the screenshot I've only ever seen that happen when using the mod No More Annoying Messages, so I'm not entirely convinced it's DarNified UI. I could be wrong though. To get rid of messages, such as "Loading Area" and other immersion breaking messages I suggest you use Message Remover Pack. It has many options available and you can pick and choose which ones you wish to use. Or, if you're like me and want all of them gone you can merge all ten of the ESPs into one single ESP that removes all of them. I used, and recommend, TES4Gecko to merge them all. It's an extremely simple process.
  4. Update OBGE to the latest version. This fix has been around for months. The issue is also mentioned in the ReadMe.
  5. The thing is if I just tell you all I'd be doing is quoting from the ReadMe or other readily available sources of information that you've already been pointed to. So this serves no purpose. I'm trying to help you by pointing you in the right direction and informing you of what's required to successfully mod Oblivion. Like I said before, until you start reading the information you have available and learn about the utilities you want to use you'll see no results. It requires you to put in effort. It's not going to happen, in a day, or matter of hours like you seem to think. The intricacies of modding, and even some of the simpler aspects, take many hours and months to learn. So kick back, grab a coke, a snack, and start reading about what you wish to achieve. There is no avoiding reading documentation, perhaps lots of it, when working with mods, utilities, and incompatibilities. Good luck.
  6. Rename the BSA to match that of one of your active ESPs. Naming it after a Shezrie town would make the most sense but any will work. Example: Oblivion - ShezT.BSA will work just fine since the prefix of the BSA name exactly matches an active ESP/ESM.
  7. I've already answered this and pointed you in the right direction in your original thread. There is no need for another, identical, thread. Like I mentioned before, start reading the information you have available and learn about the utilities you want to use. This stuff doesn't just magically happen, you have to put effort into it, and clearly you're not. No one can just hand you this stuff on a silver platter. If it were that easy do you think we'd even need a forum to discuss this type of stuff? Of course not, there is no "easy button". So put some effort in and then, and only then, you will see results.
  8. Yes, OBMM and all other utilities work just fine with STEAM. Tips for installing mods with STEAM: Read the documentation for the mod and follow it. The STEAM version is in no way different from the disc version in regards to modding.
  9. Yes, BAIN is Wrye BAsh's INstaller. All the information you need is included in the ReadMe that's in the archive you download, or in the Official Page on BethSoft. There is also a pictorial guide linked from the description page. Plenty of information is available. It's easier than it ever has been to get Wrye Bash up and running. This next bit is going to sound harsh but here it is anyway... If it's beyond your abilities to click on a few .EXE installers, copy/paste some files, and double click a shortcut then you may want to reconsider modding Oblivion.
  10. You install "that Wrye Bash thing" by reading the documentation that comes in the archive that you downloaded. The description page also links you directly to other sources of information that are useful, namely the Official Thread and The Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide for Newbies would be a good starting place. There is plenty of information available on how to install and use Wrye Bash. You just need to use the resources available to you. It takes time and a lot of reading if you want to get into Oblivion modding. If you're not up for that I suggest you just stick with very simple mods or play vanilla Oblivion. If you're having trouble with Wrye Bash go ahead and scratch the second option I mentioned about TES4Edit. Otherwise you're likely to annihilate your installation.
  11. You need to use the fixed, as in updated many months ago, OBGEv2.dll. The ReadMe makes mention of this issue and so does many of the Official OBGE Threads linked from the TESNexus description page.
  12. And the worthlessness of OBMM begins to show, even to the untrained eye. I'm not sure why people swear by OBMM. Anyway, this is a prime example of why you, and everyone else, should be using BAIN to install mods. It would show you these conflicts, you would have options to alter them, and rearrange which mod is "winning" without uninstalling and reinstalling everything. You could simply shuffle your Installation Order around and anneal the packages. Problem identified and solved in a matter of minutes.
  13. I can't find the thread, but in the past week or so I've seen this exact same issue at the BethSoft forums. The only difference was the user had DarkUI DarN instead of regular DarN. Either way the only difference is the look, otherwise the two are exactly the same. I remember the user had posted a screenshot identical to yours except the UI was red. Enough rambling, the point is, the issue was resolved by properly installing the mod(s), as Hickory has already pointed out. I use all three of the mods you've listed, plus more that alter aspects of the UI such as Display Stats and Quest Log Manager, and they ALL work just fine together if you read the documentation and properly install them. You may even need to manually alter some .xml files but this is mentioned in the ReadMe if it's necessary.
  14. You linked the same mod twice. However you have a couple of options for how to achieve what you want. --The first, and probably the simplest, option is to use Wrye Bash to import certain aspects of each mod into your Bashed Patch. i.e. Use the Import Graphics tag on the mod for looks, and the Import Stats tag on the other mod for stats. --The second, slightly more complicated, option is to merge the two mods with TES4Edit. With TES4Edit you can drag the changes of the stats from Mod A into Mod B ESP. Or vice verse. This has the benefit of removing one ESP completely freeing up space. Take care when using TES4Edit since a few wrong clicks could destroy your entire install and force you to completely reinstall. Always keep backups of the original files. EDIT*: There's no reason to bump a thread less than an hour after you originally posted....
  15. You likely still haven't installed all of the Better Cities resources. There are two resource archives and a third archive that contains the ESP files. This is all covered by the Better Cities ReadMe and the description on the Nexus download page. Since you, admittedly, didn't read the documentation and just slopped your Load Order together I suggest you rip everything out and start fresh. It'll pay off in the long run. Or you can try to patch things up, the choice is yours. You can use FormID Finder or RefScope to identify missing meshes, amongst other things.
  16. If the record is in your Bashed Patch then one of your current mods is putting it there, simple as that. It's impossible for a record to just show up in the Bashed Patch without it being in a mod that's currently in your LO. The Bashed Patch just doesn't pull records out of thin air, it pulls them from your current mods, and only if you tell it to. (i.e. Import X) You need to look harder at your LO in TES4Edit, since obviously one of your mods is altering that record to change it back to default. Remember this record could be coming from a fully merged mod (+) and that's why you're having trouble tracking it down. Since when you load up TES4Edit your fully merged mods are not loaded (unchecked) and therefor the record only shows in the Bashed Patch. You should use the select all function to load all mods. Just be sure to deselect filter type mods (+) or (**) that require masters that you might not have. (i.e. Cobl Filters, and All Natural's Weather Filter) Otherwise TES4Edit will crash, and inform you that you're missing masters.
  17. This is called, installing a mod and not reading the documentation. That's the only problem here. Read the documentation supplied with OBGE and decide which shaders you want to use and adjust them accordingly. You should always read the documentation surrounding the mods you install, otherwise you'll run into many of these so-called "problems".
  18. As has been said many times before... Yes the STEAM version works just fine with all mods and utilities. The only difference between the Retail and the STEAM version is one has a disc and the other doesn't. Folks that claim incompatibilities with STEAM and mods are doing something wrong, simple as that. Valve even worked with/alongside the OBSE team to ensure compatibility. This is why you can launch Oblivion directly from the STEAM library and OBSE functions automatically hook in. I've used both versions extensively and never once had an issue that was related to the version I was using.
  19. TES4Edit will show you the information you need to know. If something in your Bashed Patch was overwriting the changes then you are importing those changes from a mod, or failing to import the proper changes from the mod you wish, x117. Load up TES4Edit with your full LO and look at the Bashed Patch and/or the x117 race information and see where the override is coming from. TES4Edit has all the information you need for this type of stuff, and then some.
  20. No, do not use that loader. Here's why. --It's only useful if you want to launch the Construction Set with OBSE enabled functions. Otherwise the obse_steam_loader.dll handles all in-game OBSE functions. --Next that archive hasn't been updated since 2009. The version of that loader is for OBSE v17.2. It's outdated. We're up to v20.3 right now and v20.4 is just around the corner. So use the latest obse_loader.exe supplied in the most recent OBSE archives. A quote from the OBSE ReadMe... As far as the Steam In-Game Community having high overhead, I've never noticed it with any STEAM game. I have around 40 STEAM games. STEAM is very efficient for what it does. Most systems will not suffer any performance drain from having it running in the background. Even if you did suffer some decrease in performance disabling one single feature of STEAM is not likely to change that, since STEAM still has to run in order for the games to work.
  21. Disable your controller. Does the problem still exist? That would be the first place to start.
  22. The only version you should avoid is Direct 2 Drive versions. They are not compatible with OBSE. This will limit your modding capabilities severely. STEAM and any Retail disc version is fine and work exactly the same with all mods and utilities.
  23. Well, now we know who not to get advice from around here. Thanks for clearing that up. Let's get the thread back on track to keep it useful for new users.
  24. Not true. There are compatibility patches galore for Unique Landscapes. The authors have been very careful to maintain compatibility amongst other mods. Otherwise UL would be totally useless, which it clearly isn't. Unique Landscapes can safely be used with hundreds upon hundreds of mods without conflict. People do this every day. Just look around at some LO's and you'll see folks with 300+ mods running UL without a hitch. UL is a somewhat resource hungry mod due to all of the additions made in relatively small areas. If you're experiencing CTDs, and they cease when you remove UL, you're likely running out of resources. This is not a fault of the mod but more of a hardware limitation of that particular setup.
  25. You either; A) Haven't properly and fully installed the mod, or B) Haven't renamed the BSA so the ESP recognizes the files existence. This is covered by the documentation surrounding the mod. Check it out.
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